Logs for crackatinnie 

Took Mum on her first find. Heaps of muggles around.

L: Moose Tracks TB 
Found with Mum's first geocache find

L: Moose Tracks TB 
Easy Find.

No sight of the USA 2004 Geocoin, but found and took the TB......"The GPS-guided Moose" and will pass him onto another cache shortly.

Left "Ian the Snowman" TB after a long visit to our house due to illnesses, family, kids etc etc.

Cheers for the nice walk and great cache.

***** Please note that cache is quite full.***** 
Camped over the weekend. Lovely walk around the lake.

GPS Unit seemed to "wander" a bit around this cache.

We took a reading of S31 51.173 E116 14.865 +-5m, which is still pretty close to the posted co-ords.

Thanks for a great cache

Camped over the weekend. Great walk around the lake.

T: Ian the Snowman TB
L: Denarius II GC

Inner bag has been holed and contains some moisture. Cleaned it up best we could 
Camped over the weekend. Lovely walk around the lake to find the 2nd of 3 caches.

L: Pepper_C's Licence Geocoin 2008-4-5

T: N 
Great spot. Plenty of people around 4wding and motorbike riding. Had to bypass the military range a few times.

Co-ords spot-on.

Stunning..... It was fantastic to walk through the area and check out the old footings and bits and pieces left from the shack era. We could just imagine what it would have been like to stay there in it's hay day.

Will forward some photos via PM shortly.

T: Jurien Bay Football Club Stubby Cooler
L: The Mighty Shark Geocoin

Excellent cache

Co-ords from Nissan spot on 
Forgot to log the Coin 
Absolutely brilliant. The drive through the Pinnacles was a sight that we will remember for a long time.

T: The Mighty Shark Geocoin
The Denarious II


This is the first coins that we have found since starting Geo-caching.

Cache does need some maintenance. Box broken. 
Nice n easy. Pity someone took a visit behind the log.

T: N
L: N 
Found. Good little walk