Logs for oso13579 
It was a nice easy find the hard bit was getting. Hoka13579's Mum actually found it while walking down. Another great cache. Thanks Mincka.
Nice easy find with Hoka13579. The clue gave it away really fast. Another great cache. Thanks Mincka.
Another great cache by Mincka. The view was gorgeous from GZ. The bush wasn't as prickly as it looks (luckily!) I dropped off Subluxation and put it back.
Hoka13579 found the cache open and in the open. So we just put near GZ. Might need a bit of maintenance (put it back in its right place.) Thank you Mincka
At first Me and Hoka13579 got the cowards slightly wrong. So it took us awhile to realize that but when we did it didn't do much help. We all started walk around and that's when Hoka13579's mum stepped down where the cache was and almost broke her ankle. It was very well hidden but a bit wet and soggy. luckily the log book didn't get wet.
Great cache thx Oso13579
Great cache thx Oso13579
Nice easy find but the string really does make it stand out. Thanks Mincka .
First cache of the day with Hoka13579 and it was a good one. We looked in all the wrong places (of course) but eventually found it. The title was very smart ! Thanks Mincka.
I found this cach with hoka13579. This cach was good but we couldn't get it out. We found it but couldn't a sign the log book. This cach NEEDS mantince as the cache is put of reach on all angles even with sticks.
This was the easiest cache yet it was REALLY obvious I could see it 40 meters away. I found it with hoka13579. There was only a rewined pen and a small peice of ripped paper.
Thanks oso13579
Thanks oso13579
Went out with Hoka13579 for a great day of caching, he was showing me some of the caches around the area that he has found. Nice easy find, not in the hardest spot.
Thanks Oso13579
Thanks Oso13579
Found this cache with Hoka13579. At first we went in the totally the wrong direction (the GPS wasn't working) but soon found an easy cache.
Thanks Oso13579
Thanks Oso13579
Firstly I was in the completely wrong direction so Hoka13579 helped out. It took a while to find and when I did, I got a bit of a fright. As we didn't have a pen with us I didn't log it.
Thanks Oso13579
Thanks Oso13579
Found with Hoka13579 on a geocaching spree.
Thanks for the cache, Oso13579
Thanks for the cache, Oso13579