Gallery of log for It's Elementary

Hi 2ys Tassies
Trying to log this on my phone
Claiming "Fl" which I think stands for Flerovium or something like that?
I'm at Taranna, Tasmania and the car and number plate is right outside Anne's place.
Will try to fulfil requirements now. If not will make suitable adjustments tomorrow when I get back to my computer.
As promised, now attaching photographs to this log.
Chemistry was never one of my stronger suits at school, but had a lot of fun in the classes; especially with Fe and H2So4 - the school never smelt the same after. Also remember getting the cane (remember those days) for twiddling my thumbs in one of Mr. Jone's classes.
The iron sulphide got another work out just after that episode!
Cheers OldSaint
Rated: for Overall Experience.