Logs for BFredericks88 

Lacknothing and I are homeward bound to Wisconsin from a whirlwind spontaneous trip filled with new counties, Jasmer squares, oldies, and anything else that piqued our interest!
This was one of the caches at the top of our 'to do' list because it was a helpful cache for both of our Jasmers, a fill for me and a loop for Marie. We parked of of Old Mill Road and walked the .4 miles to ground zero. It's a brisk morning, but nothing us Wiesonsinites aren't used to. Simple walk to the cache except for the steep incline to actually get to the cache! Love finding a nice ammo can in the woods! I tried to sit down on a log so that I could put pen to paper but realized that it was balancing pretty precariously!
This fills Jasmer square number two of the day for me! Happy to be getting that grid one cache closer to full! I also get one cache closer on a Y2K challenge which is always exciting! Love finding those oldies!
Thanks for keeping this one alive! 
Tag-team with dlbenton! Let's make something happen!!