Logs for Dutchgirl55 

SL There were five of us making our way back to Canada via the long way to get as many States as possible. Today we drove from Mississippi and tomorrow we go to Missouri. This is a world wind trip to go to Geowoodstock and get some oldies and states that each of us need. This is a great oldie cache and easy to find. We even saw some of our fellow Ontario caching friends.
SL individually cause it was Mingo. Day 6 of Dutchgirl55 and 1Igg Geowoodstock adventure. Meet up with Chris Baker, K-Pom and Scoldsteven to form the DICKS acronym who flew into Kansas City, Missouri last night. Our goal was Mingo and other oldies across several states. The weather was very cold and rainy but we were able to grab the caches in between showers. We met up with the other Peelers that drove down, and low and behold we meet a car full of girls from Ontario.TFTF 
Sorry but will have to withdraw my will attend as my plans have changed for this weekend.