Logs for Jimpix 
It used to be magnetised to the bottom of the power box but now its hidden in the corner.
I know for sure that this cache isn't here. I found it one time then went back to the exact spot and it wasn't there.
On a nice day of geocaching we made our way to this geocache but after drinking heaps of coke we all needed to... relieve our bladders. So we all lined up along the wire fence. I was in the corner of the fence and Liam and Ollie were lined up next to me. When we were all finished doing our business, Liam read the hint for the cache and we all started looking. The hint said it was in the corner exactly where I had just did my business. This was a perfect place to put a geocache. But no one worry, I washed it off with water and the hand sanitiser i had in my bag. Great hiding spot.
Great cache. Was surprised to find a fowl smelling, rotting kangaroo corps.
It was sort of hard to get out. There was also a lady beetle eraser in there but I couldn't get it out to put something back.