Logs for SunnyCoastClerics 
A great and cute hiding spot. I took the climbing a little too seriously and was searching the blades for the cache. 100% accessible from the ground ~ Sir Hatton of the Sunny Coast Clerics
The logbook is soaked so unable to sign but otherwise fun reaching into the depths with the spiders around. Sunny Coast clerics.
Got coordinates but wasn't able to find the cache. Might be lost to time.
Fun one to stealth and find. Felt like a spy looking for it and grabbing it while blending in. Even had a point where I thought my cover was blown but just someone asking for directions. ~ Sir Hat
Went back a second time and still it alludes me. DEMS4 found it the day I first took this challenge. Seeing their accomplishment lit the fire for me to go back but at last it still is invisible to my eyes. The day I find it, will be the greatest day of my life.
Beautiful morning in Brisbane today for one of the Clerics. Awesome cache, fun to stealth this one with the cafe nearby.
Was a lot smaller then expected but left a swappable for the next person.
After falling to find a another geochache I was determined to find at least one today. This is that one, the walk there felt like an adventure. ~ Sir Hat
Could easily be lost due to the floods otherwise sticking to the path it didn't seem to be in sight.