Logs for TechFinder 

I was very disappointed that I didn't find this cache because it was the only one of size to accept a TB in the area. I checked four times and the first three were crowded with muggles and the fourth was in the early morning when the lawn mower guy was out but it didn't wake up the person sleeping in one of the slides. When I found him I didn't stick around. I got a different reading of coords every time I went. I guess I will have to leave my TB here in the States to go to Australia when I wanted just the opposite. 
What a great city. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Just wish I had more time to cache. Email and pictures to follow. TFTC 
I chose Kipling as my writer who wrote Gunga Din. What a beautiful harbour walk. One of the few Australian caches I had time to find. TFTC. Picture to follow when I have time to download all my pictures. 
Thanks for taking us to a beautiful place. Left a TB and was afraid I wouldn't find another larger cache so really stuffed a TB in the container. Sorry. You might need tweezers. TFTH 
My first cache in New Zealand. TFTC Left a TB to find it's way home to the States. 
Expecting a little cafe and was pleasantly surprised. My second cache in NZ. TFTC 
Thanks for putting this cache out. It's a nice diversion from the long drive from the North and a great place to stop. Grabbed the TB.