Logs for Tincanrider 

#3739. I DNF'd on this in May 2008; however, it wasn't my fault (for a change), the cache was missing. Thank you. Tincanrider. 
As I was skirting the port-a-potty a bright green snake raced by me and up into the tree. Thank you. Tincanrider. 
Visiting Little Rock for my daughter's wedding. Had time for a few caches today. Thank you. Tincanrider. 
Thank you. Accompanied by my wife & Little Bear. 
Mural on outside wall of window treatment shop in Lewisville, TX. on Mill St. 
Barber shop on Main Street in Lewisville, TX. 
Location is unimpressive. However, where ever the US Flag is flown/displayed it represents everything that I believe in. Tincanrider. 
Water tower in Lewisville, TX. with high school Fighting Farmers logo. 
My first Locationless (Reverse) cache. Very interesting background and info on GPS. Thank you. Tincanrider.