Logs for UVT_ROM 
Eu nu apreciaza vilificatie. La persoana care a scris abuziva e-mail, du-te dracu tine insuti. Acesta este acum mort.
I do not think insulting email is necessary. The cache is archived.
I do not think insulting email is necessary. The cache is archived.
Stimate Doamne, Dumnezeule!
Aceasta a fost primul meu plasament si s-a vrut sa fie memorabila si s-a intors la dezastru. Imi pare foarte rau. Aceasta nu este un rezultat bun pentru Romania albastru munti.[B)][B)]
Imi pare rau.
I visited the cache site this afternoon and there is many more debris and rubbish than when the cache was placed here. The cache is now temporarily disabled and has been removed pending a hunt for a new location. This cache was magnetic and I will try to hide it nearby soon. Maybe it is the end of this cache and it is dead. [xx(] I feel very much embarassed.
Sorry. [8)]
Sorry. [8)]
Tuesday 3 February 2009
Aceasta a fost primul meu plasament si s-a vrut sa fie memorabila si s-a intors la dezastru. Imi pare foarte rau. Aceasta nu este un rezultat bun pentru Romania albastru munti.[B)][B)]
Imi pare rau.
I visited the cache site this afternoon and there is many more debris and rubbish than when the cache was placed here. The cache is now temporarily disabled and has been removed pending a hunt for a new location. This cache was magnetic and I will try to hide it nearby soon. Maybe it is the end of this cache and it is dead. [xx(] I feel very much embarassed.
Sorry. [8)]
Sorry. [8)]
Tuesday 3 February 2009
Foarte abil enigma Very clever hiding place which had me scratching my head until I took a closer look. Multumesc pentru Depozitele. (MPD).
A lovely place to watch the planes come and go. TFTC
O foarte abil enigma. M-am bucurat nespus de mult. Multimesc. I like this puzzle. Very good [8]
[This entry was edited by UVT_ROM on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 6:11:03 PM.]
[This entry was edited by UVT_ROM on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 6:11:03 PM.]
Cum dr & agut! Frumoasa, mai ales pentru copii! Ce o intr-adevar frumoasa geocache. S-a gandit luand monede dar a decis impotriva. So cute! So Pretty! Excellent! Thank you. [7] Did I sign the book after all that? I hope so.
Avea o foarte buna de cautare in zona, dar ma tem ca am venit aici fara o victorie. Cred ca este nevoie de un mai bun loc pentru a o ascunde si o mai buna idee! Searched for a long time. Maybe needs better clue and better place to hide it!
Nu exista nici un pericol aici. Ii aluneca in si pe furis. camuflaj are nevoie sa fie aproape cred. Perhaps the container, it needs more paint. Very obvious but fun. Multumesc [6]
Si ce despre Romanii? Ei merita un parc de bine! De fapt, sint din Crisana si Banat care este foarte aproape sa Transilvania mult unde Maghiarii traiesc! Poate ca ma va gasi un parc pentru Romanii din Wellington! Multumesc! Thank you. I see this cache and decide absolut it must be the first. I say perhaps I will find a space for Romanian park too. [1]
Nu sint sigur de la sensul numele acestui geoache dar era amuzant sa gaseasca oricum! Very nice afternoon by the waterfront. Thank you. [5]
Prea multi oameni din jurul parcului sa smulga aceasta una. Ma voi intoarce. The people they are too much. I come again.
La punctul de vedere de la virful Muntele Victoriei sunt in mod similar uimitoare. Aceasta este o astfel de frumosul oras. Am putea sa stea aici de ore. Very Beautiful. Thank you! [2]
Au petrecut dupa-amiaza la muzeul din Noua Zeelanda, Te Papa, si apoi o foarte frumos depozitele de la apa e marginea. Very nice. [4]
In oras si adaposti arata ca o carte! Uluitor! fantastic! Minunat! Intr-adevar, aceasta este Dumnezeu! Again, another beauty one. [3]