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Logs for
Cache Attractor #2 (Coromandel)
Finally got it. TFTC
Cap'ns log (Netherton)
Quite the obvious. TFTC
Danger! Bridges! (Waikato)
Nice one. TFTC
I'm Ruined!! (Coromandel)
Nice hide. TFTC
Kiwi Zone (Coromandel)
Nice hole. TFTC
Mercury Bay Vista (Coromandel)
Second time round found it. TFTC
Reflections (Turua)
Took a while. TFTC
Thames Welcomes You! (Coromandel)
Cool one. TFTC
The Magic Tree (Coromandal)
What a huge tree. TFTC
WHITIANGA enjoy (Coromandel)
Nice little spot. TFTC
You Are Here (Coromandel)
Good little spot. TFTC
Buffalo Grill (Waikato)
Found it. TFTC
Byrne Park (Waikato)
Nice one. TFTC
Chariots Of Fire (Waikato)
Quite the obvious one. TFTC
Howell Park (Waikato)
Unusual hint. TFTC
Squeekybobo's Waterworks (Waikato)
Nice spot. TFTC
Turbine (Waikato)
Nice one. TFTC
City Stream (Waikato)
Nice little spot. TFTC
River Views 3 (Waikato)
Bit muddy today. TFTC
The Humpbacked Monster (Waikato)
A bit loose. TFTC
Waiwherowhero Park (Waikato)
Nice little spot. TFTC
swimming lessons (waikato)
Nice one. TFTC
Bridge over Waipa River (Waikato)
G-dad found this one. TFTC
Dog gone it! (Waikato)
Another easy find for the day. TFTC
Edinburgh Park (Waikato)
found a while back.TFTC
Fill-er-up at the Triangle (Waikato)
Nice and easy one. TFTC
It's only Natural - Tribute (Waikato)
nice litle cratle. TFTC
Musical Interlude (Waikato)
Nice hide. TFTC
Ngaruawahia River Walk (Waikato)
Nano mutch. TFTC
Puke-i-aahua Pa (Waikato)
Nice litle pocket. TFTC
Pukete Boat Ramp (Waikato)
Could not see it but found in the end.TFTC
Rocky Horror (Hamilton, Waikato)
Love the container. TFTC
Rotund – As… in Ngaruawahia (Waikato)
Nice view. TFTC
Send your mind somewhere (Waikato)
Nice camo but still caught my eyes. TFTC
The Cache With No Name (Waikato)
Help help, TFTC
Third Time's A Charm (Waikato)
Found a while back. TFTC
Welcome to Hamiltron (Waikato)
Ni key ring thing, out green man. TFTC
A bright Spark (Waikato)
A bit hard to get out. TFTC
A cracked nut (Waikato)
Yum Yum. TFTC
Alphred has landed (Waikato)
Easy find. TFTC
Explore Hakanoa (Waikato)
Boo, I see you.TFTC
Gone But Not Forgotten
Big Bee hive near. TFTC
Green Catherdal (Waikato)
Bigish Rock but found it.TFTC
Motorcycle Madness (Waikato)
Easy find. TFTC
Muggle's, Micro's, and Te-Awa (Waikato)
Bit hard to get out. TFTC
Stumped in Huntly #3 (Waikato)
Could not log. Log book soaked, but found it. TFTC
Te Wananga o Aotearoa (Waikato)
The Base (Waikato)
Easy find. TFTC
The End of the Road (Waikato)
Nice and tucked in.TFTC
Welcome to the Global Gardens - Pacific Rim (Waik)
Nice little hide. TFTC
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