Logs for beehere 

I am the owner of the station and old cheeses factory
Please don't look in the garden or go up drive on the right side of the factory
Warning we are beekeeper so there is a change that there are bees flying around 
good hide found it with the family in tow just sign the log 
easy as when you know where to look
in two good battery out dinoa saw

easy as to find it less than one minute to find
find it ok under log .the walk a bit cold on feet in cell phones wrist strap and out sweet they were nice then it started to rain as we got back to car 
found it took a little bit of looking as gps does not work under big tree
took soilder out put all black fig in 
find as easy as
look at it when walk out the gate
put 20 pesos in took ozz 20c