Logs for cachncousin 

with Trudi and family as below 
with Trudi and family as below 
with Trudi and family as below 
with Trudi and family as below 
with Trudi and family as below 
with Trudi and family as below 
with Trudi and family as below 
4th with Trudi as below no travel bug bummer

WOW my first ever cache with T.trudi and the first of 10 today!

3rd with trudi as below 
5th for the day I'm loving this as below with Trudi 
last one tonight with trudi as below

2nd for the day with Trudi

I'm hooked!

7th with trudi as below the view was fantasic thank you high rollers 
6th for the day and my first river crossing with trudi as below 
8th for the day with trudi first in the dark as below 
9th for the day with trudi. I've got the hang of it now even in the rain and dark.