Logs for debwilliamson 
Beautiful walk. The kids had a good scavenge around but DNF. It looks like a recent storm has come through, lots of fallen pine trees around cache location, and piles of debris washed into the paddocks. The cache has possibly been washed away.
Kids found easily. They did have to rummage a little once we noticed the small Kauri tree.
Master 11 and I had a good look and a poke by didn't find anything. Will try another day.
Unfortunately, master 11 and I DNF. Lake quite high, no real shore. Had fun wading around to the coordinates, be prepared to get your undies wet! Will try another day, next time may take the kayak.
Thank you for the cache! My son and I found it easily using the coordinates, log a little wet. Happy holidays.
Nothing like being on your knees scuffling around on the ground and being asked by a stranger if we had lost something. Fun to find.