Logs for hebeda 

Heute das berühmte Tor besucht und ein Foto geknipst, danke Gruss Hebeda 
Heute haben wir auch die Spanische Trepper mit allem Drumherum besucht, so auch das gestrandete Boot, tolle Idee, hat uns viel Spass gemacht, danke dafür und Grüsse Hebeda

Today we also visited "the Spanish Steps" with all the things arounds, so also the stranded boat, great idea, we had a lot of fun, thanks for that and greetings Hebeda 
Quick found during our stay in the most beautiful capital of the world, thanks and greetings Hebeda 
Trotz der vielen Muggels problemlos gefunden, danke Gruss Hebeda 
Gleich nebenan gab es tolle Schuhe zu kaufen, da interessierten sich die Muggels eher dafür, danke Gruss Hebeda 
Nach dem Besuch der Spanischen Treppe erlaufen, danke dafür und Grüsse Hebeda 
Found during our stay at Gozo island, thanks and greetings hebeda 
Found it interesting place during this stay in London, thanks and greetings Hebeda 
quick stop over for the news travel bug, just enough time to pick up the "Thai Day" Newspaper.
Thanks hebeda (Germany)
Our first night cache, just to help some little guys to a long journey to Europe. Sorry for logging late, we have been travelling...
Out:News Travel Bug, Tribbs Devil #1
hebeda and inzi (Germany)
Though the coordinates were just a little bit off and the log was rather slippery, we found this cache easily thanks to the good description. Great location for a cache,that is in good condition.
Come an visit us in Germany!
hebeda and inzi (Germany) 
Found this cache in good condition in real hot Australian weather with thousands of flies following our search.
Thanks for the cache.
hebeda and inzi (Germany) 
On our journey up north we found this cache easily with a beautiful view over Red Bluffs, great location. Thanks for this Cache. Come and visit some caches in Germany!
hebeda and inzi (Germany)
We came all the way from Germany to find this very nice located cache at the very last after a long search, just because it was located more than 2 meters of the tree. Anyway this was our first cache in Australia and we are proud to find it here.
In: Calendar from Germany
Out: Dinosaur
hebeda and inzi