Logs for momochanpwnu 

Had trouble finding and muggles everywhere. Played in the fountain area afterwards Smile TFTC 
a lot of tourists but relatively easy find. TFTC 
very noticeable piece of art..... and easy find. TFTC! 
Very nice breeze from the sea on this sunny day. good resting spot. TFTC! 
easy find but was hard putting it back. TFTC. 
found it while running with a geocaching friend. TFTC! 
A lot of muggles from the bus station so pretended to admire flowers. TFTC. 
Easy cache. TFTC! 
Smart place to hide a cache! TFTC! 
Went with Poshepocket. Very interesting cave (deeper than it looks). Although we had trouble measuring the cache without a tape measure, it was an awesome first earth cache for me. TFTC! 
Very interesting spot in the city TFTC! 
Had trouble finding the cache in the dark without a proper torch but found it! TFTC 
Easy find but muggles walking around in the car park nearby so had to wait a little. TFTC! 
Was very cold! Searching with Poshepocket but no cache was found T.T. 
Was dark plus working muggles loading stuff into the truck. TFTC! 
TFTC! Shrine was awesome too. 
My first ever find!! TFTC 
TFTC! Loved the giraffe 
Cute cache! Didn't find the dead hedgehog. TFTC