Logs for mrxenocrates 

Haha! My GPS was out a little today, it had me searching some interesting little tracks around the base of the bluff. VERY slippery =P I was quite wet and muddy after sliding my way back down to the beach, then I headed back up the hill for a search on top. Easy find then =) if only i'd printed out the comments beforehand (have lots of caches marked as POIs, cant make notes on my GPS unfortunately)
Gorgeous view!! Took drill chuck, left FCS key (surfboard fin key).

This one took quite a while to find, I hunted and hunted and found lots of great hidey holes =P I was about to give up, and on my way back to the path I noticed a lid laying in the open. Then I found the contents scattered through the undergrowth. Luckily nothing was too wet, I let the logbook dry out and made an entry. Right next to one of the ziplock bags I saw a chemist bag with what I assume is a needle disposal container. Mindless fools =/ its quite irritating that not only do they want to wreck their lives and leave their filthy needles in a public park, but they try to wreck our fun as well.

I found a slightly better hiding spot within a metre or two of what I assume was the original spot (new coordinates posted, probably not necessary anyways).

Still, a very nice area Smile I used to frequent this track on my way into town from school! Took spotty ring, left FCS Key (for surfboards).

Woo! I searched for a few caches today and kept coming up empty handed, decided to give it one more go and came across this little beauty Smile easy find! Nice view, I eat my lunch up there quite a bit. Never thought there would be a cache so close lol.
Took playdough, left learn ukulele dvd!

I went for a look here today, pretty sure I found the spot where it SHOULD be Smile stuck my arm down a few holes and came up empty handed. There has been quite a lot of construction around here in the past couple of months. Would somebody mind checking if this cache is still hiding there? 
Almost gave up Smile GPS was playing up something shocking so had to search and search. Was about to head home and BAM! Lightbulb Smile very well placed! Had a great time, found some penguins (which I thought was odd at this time of year) thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Testing my new GPS on the way home I almost gave up on this one. There was no mentioned blackberries around and there was a constant stream of muggles on their after-work commute. The GPS kept saying I was right on top of it...and then i realised i WAS right on top of it Smile great cache.
Took the lil lost bear holding a compass (any idea why directions are N E S O?)
Left 'insight' and a bulleit stubby holder Smile also found a notepad in my geomobile and a new pen to leave. Very popular spot, old logbook was chocka-block!