Logs for nirgal_au 

The plan had been to take the newly purchased cachemobile south for a promised repair, then cache my way back home. So much for that; the parts hadn't arrived... oh well, more time for caching.

It's been a nice long day, and I'm expected home for dinner, but there should be enough time for another short walk.

Any hide that honours Oppy is fine by me. The cache was easier to locate than it might have been, as the container and plastic bag were sitting side by side on the ground. Easily fixed.

It's interesting to do one of these virtual caches on a nice, quiet street.

So, this is where it started, eh? Not a big surprise that the house itself was torn down, it's more a miracle that it lasted as long as it did.

On this hot summer day, I managed to get as far as meeting the Red King, and enjoying the challenge, before it really was too warm (over 40° by this point) to continue. I'll be back.

One thing that the first wherigo near the city reminded me was the old maxim "Save early, save often". Today's experience certainly reinforced that in at least one instance. 
Joint FTF with 80degrees.
Full log to follow.

Late September is not when I'd expect to be wearing winter longs and a wool jersey, but hey, it's Melbourne; what can I say?

With the girls off visiting relatives, I rode out to dodge the icy showers and tackle a couple of the CCT multis.

With no joy on the Willy Trail cache, but having stumbled upon another unexpected find, I tackled this multi from the southern end. Following the trail of clues, I found myself back at the city's edge and, after some simple arithmetic, it was only a short jaunt back along the trail to GZ and a quick find just after dusk.

Just enough time remained for one more attempt before heading home for the school run, so I pulled off the new road onto the remains of the old, pulling up close to the barrier rocks. Making sure I had everything I needed, I opened the car door, looking in the mirror to discover a divvy van pulling in at a safe distance behind me.

The two members of the local constabulary just wanted to know if I was OK, so when I told them that I was just going to check out the old bridge (true, in a way), they were happily on their way, leaving me to my fun.

A nice short walk, a photo of the creek and a quick find later, I was also happily on my way. Cheers.

No muggles here at this time on a weekday, so I headed straight across the squelchy grass to the historic site, where the GPSr placed me where it would be very difficult to hide a cache. The clue then gave me a far more likely place to look... and there it was. Cheers.

Back where I started, having picked up the two nearby caches, the few people that were here earlier had cleared out, so I was able to grab and sign before the next interruption. Cheers.

Thankfully, the coast cleared just as I arrived, so I was able to make a quick grab and continue my walk. Cheers.
