Logs for terrymeadows 

Looked a few times, moved fallen branches. No luck. 
Geokid was the first to find, TSLS, TFTC! 
Knew where it should have been but didn't find. 
Nice little area in the town we live in. Took flower left Pokemon card. TFTC! 
Smile We just learned about geocaching and this was our first find. Close to home and geokids loved it! 
We drive by this church all the time. First cache that we didn't find today. Looked at all the hints that others posted to no avail. Sad geokids. 
Found where it might be but our geokid began crying from inchmen bite attracted muggles who thought we were hurting/kidnapping our geokid so we left. Also saw huntsman, jack jumpers and a giant beetle looking thing.