Sticky notes art collection Locationless, Locationless, Locationless
By Team MavEtJu on 25-Aug-16. Waypoint GA8431

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Show us your sticky notes art collection!

In the beginning, the sticky notes aka Post-it® notes, had only one colour: Yellow. However, overtime more colours came out like pink, green and blue. And suddenly a new form of art was invention: Sticky note art!

With pixels the size of a small child's fist, to have the image recognizable you will need something iconic. And what works better than the sprites of the computer games of the eight bit era, which are often limited to 16 by 16 pixels and four colours!

To log this cache you will have to make some form of sticky notes art and a photo with yourself or your GPS in it. Don't forget the coordinates. Enjoy!


Created a sticky note artwork, approximate coordinates near home.

Logging for the Cacheopoly Game.
A collection of sticky note art at the office, 505 Little Collins Street, Melbourne.
During the COVID-19 pandemic. people have been encourages to place bears in windows to provide things for others to find as they go for their daily walk. Mrs y'stassie combined that idea and this locationless and created a bear from sticky notes on one of the front windows. The required photo, including Mrs y'stassie behind the window, has been included in the Gallery. Thanks Team MavEtJu for the cache.
I had been planning to do a post it art for this cache but still hadnt done it. I found some colourful small post-its, that had no use so decided to tackle it today.
Sadly these must have been sitting around for a long time as they had lost most of their stick, and being a hot day they were dropping almost as fast as I was putting them up.

My idea was a colourful peacock (appropriate for a birder).

MrT went around to the outside of the window and held cardboard behind so it stood out. Looking at the photo I noticed a "feather" was falling out!

Then I realised I forgotten to include the GPS. I looked again and sadly the peacock was moulting rapidly!!! Oh well.
Thanks for the fun caching activity!
Time for me to put together my locationless claims for September 2016. Indoors due to the fact that we are receiving some much needed rain and decided to have some fun. I really enjoyed doing this one. Inspired by the movie, " Pixels" and yes I remember and played a lot of the games those characters are from, in my younger years. Caught Mr. Pixel breaking into our house.
Thanks Team MavEtJu for the fun in making this character. Clan MinotaurVery HappyDancingClapping
Well it's not our best bit of art work on the wall... but it's different. Very Happy And it was a bit of fun creating it.
After lunch today we wondered what could be created with yellow sticky notes (as yellow is what we seem to have plenty of). A duck was the popular choice. Very Happy
So we set about creating this duck - harder than one might think.
Anyway, we did our best. Here it is. Dancing
Thanks Team MavEtJu. That sure is a different challenge.