Keilor Tip Keilor Downs, Victoria, Australia
By Mulga Bill on 04-Jan-12. Waypoint GC3AA0J

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I logged another cache nearby a couple of weeks ago, so detoured to check this site out (because it was there)... and got the impression that I might need a spade to retrieve it, if it was still tucked up by a rock.

Looking forward to the next evil hide you come up with for this area, Mulga Bill.
I finally got to this one today and as I expected, it has gone missing during the recent pipe laying around the GZ. I've decided to take it down altogether and replace it with another one in the same area.
Thanks to Nirgal for alerting me on this one. There are excavation works going on around GZ at the moment so I'm leaving it as temporarily unavailable until I can get to the cache to check its availability. As soon as possible I will re-activate it or archive it and replace it with something else.
I'm just disabling this one until I can find out what's happening at the site.
Pipe-laying work rendered GZ inaccessible. I got close, but a digger was dumping dirt extremely close by.
Found @ 17:15hrs.Last for the day as light fading.TFTC.
Found 13:15, after a brief search.

TNLN, CSI=2, thanks Mulga Bill.
Found it! With person below
Got IT! Dropped off 2 lightbulb shaped paperclips!
I'm disabling this one until I can go check the situation. As soon as I've had a look I'll work out what to do next.
Just went out and had a look at this one and it's fine. The locked gate is past the GZ, and though there's a little bit of rubbish around, I'm guessing it's been cleared up at some stage, as I've seen lots worse at other GZs I've been to. I'll keep an eye on it and if it becomes a problem I'll archive it and replace it with something nearer the more used areas that are a bit more frequented.
Came to find this one today but there was a great big gate closing off the road. Not sure if that is a normal thing but by the sounds of the previous logs you should be able to drive almost up to the cache. The gate stopped us around 1.5kms away.

Will try another day.
Our 10th for the day with Highrod and Kinkell1. A realitively easy find after Sandra from Highrod turned into a mountain goat. I think we need a CITO here as the rubbish was rather disgusting. Thanks for the day guys.
Needs a CITO!
Found by me!
With kinkell1 and the two wanderers
Last find for the day with The 2 Wanderers and highrod.
Sooo much rubbish here, it was disgusting, and not very healthy either. And it was most of the way in, had to swerve to miss some of it.
Great find on a cold evening out with [Gumby].. Few slips here & there, a few falls as well & cache was in our hands!!
Had fun while searching for this one! I kept slipping trying to climb the little ridge but the nasty weeds were slippery from dew, I even tried using a vine from the weeds to kind of absail down the small slope, but it snapped & I fell. The whole time !Go! laughed her head off at me. I lost my funky cool pen but then geokid found it for me. Honestly if only I could stand outside myself & watch us when we geocache I'm sure it'd be a hilarious site. I love geocaching!! Thanks for the fun night Mulga Bill!
5th for the night, nice easy drive up and get,,, SL TNLN T4TC
Found by The Empire @ 4:10pm
Find number 2 of 12 on this wonderful Autumn afternoon. This is a soccer mecca of the western suburbs, lucky the season hasn't started as it would be a lot harder to grab this one if there were games on! Thanks for the cache Mulga Bill.
- M
Was in the area picking up a few caches in the area.
Was pretty easy find in an all but desserted part of the sports grounds.
Headed out tonight for another great caching night with my caching buddies Blacklegend and Trailrunning. Trailrunning started his night a bit earlier so we decided to meet him in Bundoora before caching together. We had a great night caching and there were plenty of laughs and events that happened during the night that made it all the more memorable, including being bailed up by the local constabularly.

Trailrunning had found the cache previously so left Marshy and I to find the cache this time. After a short search I found the hide, but in a spot slightly different to where trailrunning had found it.

Thank for the hide.
Another legendary night caching run around the Melbourne area tonight with my good mates Adrian (Trailrunning) and Marty (Quasar3671), now puzzle solving crew extraordinaire....hehehe..... A funny sort of night that involved a "Police, don't move" challenge while caching in another area. Quite an anxious moment, but we sorted it out.

Another one that TR had already done, so me and Marty started the search, and Marty came up with the goods. TFTC.
Strange spot to park on a wet Satruday afternoon. Cache found eventually. We must be loosing our mojo.
The frog came up with the goods here. It was a bit of a yucky spot for a cache in the wet. There was a guy sitting in his car looking at a speed hump. And we though us cachers were a strange bunch!

Thanks to Mulga Bill and clear skies from TeamAstro.
Having lived nearby nearly 40 years ago, it was fascinating to see the changes and the development. This area was just open thistle infested basalt plains. The Golden Arches were too far away then for the rubbish we saw today. Thanks for bringing us back. Spot on co-ordinates too - well done.

TNLN . . SL . . Thanks for the hunt Mulga Bill.
A new road for me and an absolute driveby to boot. My GPS was reading less than 1m when I made the find.
Thanks Mulga Bill
Weird returning to this spot after many trips back in my youth taking rubbish in the old ute and hoping that I wouldn't get bogged and have to step in the interesting coloured and smelling 'mud'. Thanks for bringing me here.
Found with mallee girl while down in melbourne
Found 1.30pm
Great area with lots of sporting grounds, the cache was a bit too easy to find so we replaced it a bit more out of sight round the back.

Thanks Mulga Bill
Stayed in Keilor overnight and took the opportunity to do a little geocaching. After a quick search found it quite easily. Took the Christmas stamp (only thing in there) and replaced it with a few small trinkets.
05 February 2012 14:05:00

Not sure what I was doing here but was frustrated after a 15min search coming up with nothing.

I was looking back and forth but just could'nt find it.

I was about to PAF when I came up with the hide a little wider than my GZ was showing on the garmin.

TFTC Smile
Nice hide Smile
No sign of the tip now. The cache was found quickly thanks to the hint. The biggest problem may be changing vegetation, which can happen very quickly.
Not the most spectacular places I have visited but having the smilie is well worth it. thanks
*FTF* with Spladem. Turns out this was on our way home from Point Lonsdale. Lucky for us since we cannot miss a FTF and being past midnight we like to start the next calender day off with a FTF. TFTC
*FTF* with C@H, we were in Point Lonsdale having a few drinks and chatting a things caching with Joisey and DrJim7 (having just enjoyed a nice meal) when these published. Some 5 hours later on the way home they were still un logged so we thought we would try our luck.. A few muggle cars in the area required some careful torch work to distract whilst Covert put his hands on the cache.. Thanks Mulga Bill for your first cache hide.. Found at about 3am and the first of two *FTF*'s for the night, (on our way back home).. Dipped night caching coin and FTF trackable..find #2064
Found at 4.00pm this afternoon, after waiting for nearby muggles to depart. The last time I came along this road was with a trailer loaded with rubbish, but that was as a teenager a few decades ago, and dad was driving (to the tip). Quickly found, thanks to accurate coordinates. Not sure how long the post-it logbook will stay intact, and I'm also worried that the container won't be all that watertight, but it survived last night's downpour ok. Cheers!
Well done guys. Hope you did ok with the scratchie too.
Glad you found it too Ian.
Somehow I knew Spladem and C@H would be first in the log.
Good first hide.
There is a soccer group that plays here Sundays at 10:00!