Sharing, Solving, Planning Cardiff, New South Wales, Australia
By WRAACie on 20-Jun-24. Waypoint GCAR87Y

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Event over time to plan the next one
Thanks for organising a great event ??
I was here, lots of progress made on elusive puzzles. Thanks to all who helped and to the organisers of the event....brilliant!
#7836That was a fun event, a nice schnitzel and great company. And we didn't even cop a dart in the head!:)Thanks for organising this - we're looking forward to more....
A great night tonight. A lot of cachers moving from chair to chair using their brain matter solving puzzles. Thx for organising this event WRAACie
That was fun! Let's do it again! Great to see everyone and get the hints and help I needed. Now I can check out puzzles that seem really hard, because help will be at hand at the next gig.
many thanks for a fun night out, great to see some events starting to come out and great to catch up tonight
This is the first event I have attended. It was so nice to meet people and put faces to names I've seen. Mystery Caches are something I have avoided because they look so confusing to me. But I got some helpful hints about where to start and look forward to contributing next time. Thanks for organising.
#7836A fun event and nice to catchup with everyone again, and match some names to faces as well. Great dinner and nice to see some puzzles getting solved and maybe some climbing planned for me in the coming weeks WinkTFTE
This was a great night. So many enthusiastic people came out on a cold night. I will plan another for August. Thanks everyone
Attended met some new faces, and caught up with some familiar ones. Great to have this sort of event, Thanks For The Event WRAACie This makes a grand total of 4422 caches at 6:29PM on this Thursday the 20th of June in the Year 2024
Thanks for arranging this. A great night picking everyone's brains...and now for the solving!
Thanks for organising the event! It was great meeting even more of the local geocaching community and seeing others who I have met at other events. It was good working on some puzzles with others at the table together with a few hints from the CO. Hope we can do something like this again soon.
a great night. some puzzles now look solvable. i helped with some. met some new and old faces. thanks for organising the 1st SSP. Hopefully many more to come.
Find No: 9569. Always fun to catch up with friends and meet new ones, thanks for the event WRAACie, you're now in my "Rogues Gallery"!!
A fun night meeting old friends and new. Thanks for organising it.
I write this with great sadness, as I am no longer able to attend. I have the flu and feel absolutely terrible. Hopefully there will be another such event as I enjoy solving puzzles, however I do often need some considerable help
Hopefully I can get some help with a few mysteries. I'll be there.
I will attend - keen to learn how to go about solving mystery caches
Will attend
Will attend at this stage 2 off us
I thought I already put a Will Attend on this, obviously not. Ill certainly be there!
I shall be there!
Need all the help we can get. Well be there.
A new event cache here nice
Polkadot444444will come if I try to find it.
I'm not too good on the solving side but I can share. See you there
Hopefully I can attend! Thanks for clarifying the day of the week its on.
This is great idea - hoping to attend! Always in need of help Smile
Sounds like a great idea, we'll be there....
in the details you have it as Monday the 20th of June but the 20th is a Thursday ,
Hoping to attend if this is a Thursday