
Geocaches Found
Geocaches Owned


GCA Forum Profile: Ksix
GC Profile: Ksix
Member Since: 25-Nov-07
Last Forum Visit: 04-May-11
Last Site Visit: 06-Feb-11
Location: Brisbane
Occupation: IT Manager, Casual, 2 x students, 2 x prep
Interests: IT, camping, baseball, tennis
Ksix has 501 Finds on 501 unique Geocaches
Ksix has 501 Finds on 501 unique Geocaches
(495 Geocaches & 6 other caches)

Statistics generated on 13/07/2009

Cumulative Finds by Month

Cumulative Total
Annual Totals

Finds by Month

  2009       2008       2007       All  

Total finds 113
Days caching 19
Average finds per caching day 5.9
Overall finds per day 0.6
Average finds per week 4.1
Average finds per month 17.7
Month: JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec
Days caching:  531613     

Total finds 373
Days caching 70
Average finds per caching day 5.3
Overall finds per day 1.0
Average finds per week 7.2
Average finds per month 31.1
Month: JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec
Days caching: 61055571014611 


Milestone Date Interval Code Cache Name
1 28/08/2007 GA0773 Lunar Eclipse Virtual Event
25 5/01/2008 130 days GC10CTH Bayside Spelling Bee - E is Electric
50 27/01/2008 22 days GCXTMA Reedy Snack
75 8/02/2008 12 days GC112NR Little Miss Shop-A-Holic
100 22/03/2008 43 days GCWPF3 Banksia@Broadwater
125 18/05/2008 57 days GC1AR6J TX-RX 4
150 8/06/2008 21 days GCMF48 H.Q.
175 21/06/2008 13 days GCZC44 Tarradarrapin
200 29/06/2008 8 days GCQVWK Traffic Watch
225 13/07/2008 14 days GCXGYH Bloomin' Lyngbya
250 27/07/2008 14 days GC17ZZN Woodhill Pioneers
275 2/08/2008 6 days GC1CM3W Doggie Dilemma
300 9/08/2008 7 days GC12P2K Garden Of Eden
325 18/08/2008 9 days GC1490R Compass Rose
350 2/09/2008 15 days GC1EVNT Le Mans Big Balls
375 29/09/2008 27 days GCGWVM Tripod Lookout
400 5/02/2009 129 days GC1JZWZ What's That?
425 5/03/2009 28 days GC1K0XE Pencil Cache
450 1/05/2009 57 days GC1QGP2 Pole Position
475 31/05/2009 30 days GC1NYQE Bellbird Song
500 11/07/2009 41 days GC8E Queens land

Ksix should reach 600 finds in 132 days (17 Caching days) on 22/11/2009

1000 finds in 663 days (86 Caching days) on 7/05/2011

Finds by km from Home

  Number Percent  
< 10 160 31.9 %
10 - 20 133 26.5 %
20 - 30 70 13.9 %
30 - 40 52 10.3 %
40 - 50 34 6.78 %
50 - 100 32 6.38 %
100 - 200 20 3.99 %
200 - 500 0 0 %
500 - 1000 0 0 %
> 1000 0 0 %

Finds by Type

  Number Percent  
Traditional 424 84.6 %
Mystery 45 8.98 %
Multi 21 4.19 %
Event 5 0.99 %
Locationless 4 0.79 %
Virtual 2 0.39 %

Finds by Difficulty Rating

  Number Percent  
1 77 15.3 %
1.5 224 44.7 %
2 122 24.3 %
2.5 31 6.18 %
3 26 5.18 %
3.5 14 2.79 %
4 6 1.19 %
4.5 0 0 %
5 0 0 %

Finds by Terrain Rating

  Number Percent  
1 47 9.38 %
1.5 275 54.8 %
2 122 24.3 %
2.5 26 5.18 %
3 14 2.79 %
3.5 8 1.59 %
4 3 0.59 %
4.5 5 0.99 %
5 0 0 %

Difficulty / Terrain Chart

Difficulty 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
1 23 40 12 1 1 77
1.5 11 162 38 8 2 2 1 224
2 7 47 47 7 8 3 1 2 122
2.5 2 12 9 6 2 31
3 4 7 8 4 1 2 26
3.5 6 5 1 1 1 14
4 1 3 1 1 6
4.5 0
5 0
47 275 122 26 14 8 3 5 0

40 Diff/Terr combinations found, out of 81
68 (13.5%) finds were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater

Finds by Owner

  Number Percent  
1 - happyharries 53 10.5 %
2 - madmyers 44 8.78 %
3 - THENANKS 27 5.38 %
4 - Duck! 23 4.59 %
5 - angermanagement 18 3.59 %
6 - K8'n'Co. 16 3.19 %
7 - GraKez 13 2.59 %
8 - pirate63 11 2.19 %
9 - Crew 153 10 1.99 %
10 - culture50 8 1.59 %
  Number Percent  
11 - Nosugrefs 8 1.59 %
12 - ben... 7 1.39 %
13 - diesel48 7 1.39 %
14 - If 7 1.39 %
15 - Tigey Wigey & Piglet 7 1.39 %
16 - Australnaughts 6 1.19 %
17 - Freaky Geeky 6 1.19 %
18 - GeoScrubers 6 1.19 %
19 - GhostGums 6 1.19 %
20 - guddink 6 1.19 %
These didn't make it to the top:
Mystery Ink. (6) thefourbees (6)

Ksix has also found caches placed by 112 other people

Australia - 497 finds in 2 States

States cached in
States cached in
States cached in
States cached in
 Queensland:491,  New South Wales:6

World - 501 finds in 1 Country

Countries cached in
Image from World66

Finds by Weekday

  Number Percent  
Monday 23 4.59 %
Tuesday 15 2.99 %
Wednesday 16 3.19 %
Thursday 85 16.9 %
Friday 46 9.18 %
Saturday 86 17.1 %
Sunday 230 45.9 %

Finds by Container

  Number Percent  
Small 217 43.3 %
Regular 139 27.7 %
Micro 117 23.3 %
Large 13 2.59 %
Not chosen 7 1.39 %
Other 5 0.99 %
Virtual 3 0.59 %

Some Numbers

Overall Total Finds: 501 finds in 96 caching days over 684 total days (14.0 %)
Overall Averages: 5.22 finds per caching day, 0.73/day, 5.13/week, 22.30/month
Last 365 Days: 274 finds in 47 caching days over 365 total days (12.8 %)
Last 365 Days Averages: 5.83 finds per caching day, 0.75/day, 5.25/week, 22.85/month
Most consecutive days with finds: 4, from 1/02/2008 to 4/02/2008
Most consecutive days without a find: 95, from 29/08/2007 to 1/12/2007
Most finds in a day: 18 on 29/06/2008; 16 on 8/06/2008; 16 on 1/08/2008
Best weekend caching: 18 finds, on Saturday 28/06/2008 & Sunday 29/06/2008
Best week caching: 24 finds, from Monday 21/07/2008 to Sunday 27/07/2008
Most finds in a calendar month: 93, in Aug 2008
Most Cache Types in a day: 4 on 8/06/2008; 3 on 2/12/2007; 3 on 24/02/2008
Fastest 100 finds: 31 days from 25/07/2008 to 24/08/2008
Total cache-to-cache distance: 5247 km, Note: includes locationless caches.
0.13x Earth Circumnavigation,
0.014x Distance to the Moon
Maximum distance in a day: 87 km, on 27/07/2008 Note: includes locationless caches.
Nearest cache found: Lunar Eclipse Virtual Event GA0773
Furthest cache found: 180.52 km, Yvonne's View GCWN3Z
Most Northerly cache found: S 26° 28.578, Eumundi Market GCK6TG
Most Southerly cache found: S 29° 08.292, Yvonne's View GCWN3Z
Most Easterly cache found: E 153° 32.106, aaaargh! dead men don't tell tales! GCXWV7
Most Westerly cache found: E 151° 55.060, Lookout Leslie GC1G8K7
Cache centroid: S 27° 34.442 E 153° 05.871 Map
Youngest cache found: <