Logs for labnet 

Thanks dohertys for setting up a great hunt. We have seen parts of Brisbane we never would have seen if not for the looking series!
We were actually missing three codes, but thanks to your formulas, were able to work out the missing numbers.
The cache is in good nick. We took highlighters and post it notes. Left plato shears, superglue and cash! 
Sure wish we had noted dohertys comments. We found three velco tabs and no cache. We assumed it was missing. Sould have checked at a different elevation.... missing this one caused problems for us later in the day, as one cache is unaccesable and we wrote one code down wrong.... but writing a quick VB program we think we have solved it!!! 
Assuming only one entrance, there was a padlocked gate to the site at Saturday lunch time. 
Found it.. but lots of muggles about. Great spot!!! 
Our 5th of the day. Our child was sleeping in the car, so I ran 350m to this one, took a sample of the Eternity (it's way stronger than the fem. version), then when I got back promptly forgot the code!... my wife kindly volunteered to retrace my steps! 
Found OK with spare rubber bands. 
Well hidden...muggles about again.. near what must be one of the worst designed public seats I've come accross. 
Found the tape, but we couldn't find the cache either. 
Our first found cache! Cache is in good order with 2 pencils! Didn't know this place existed and we only live 1.5km away from it! Hint: you don't need to bush bash to get to the cache.