Logs for ruffyncj 

TFTC Krys will keep an eye on it with his magnetic personality 
TFTC. Damaged, wet paper, could not write. 
Dnf. Too difficult terrain for a couple of bad knees & backs 
TFTC. 1st for the day. I was only a drink away. 
TFTC. Nice spot 
TFTC. Bisons needs wash ...haha 
TFTC. You had us stumped at first. 
TFTC. The Beach Boys would have been proud. 
TFTC. Very natural & small. 
Yayyy...easy one for our 2nd 
Yaayyy number 5 
TFTC our 3rd 
Yayy number 4 
TFTC. Found our 5th 
Lucky no. 10 for ruffyncj 
Thanks...great spot. Ruffyncj from tweed 
Found but not recoded because of dead animal....puke...and slippery slope 
Yaaayy number 7 
TFTC 1st for us....yay 
From Tweed Heads Eli, thanks 4 the cache. 
TFTC...easy find. Veejat just barked