GCA Bling Locationless, Locationless, Locationless
By SpatialRiq on 21-Jan-18. Waypoint GA11859

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Show us your bling

On your GCA profile page you'll find icons/souvenirs of past games, dragon zone rank, etc.

To qualify for this locationless tell me how many you have and also post a pic of yours.


You'll find them here ... http://geocaching.com.au/cacher/SpatialRiq



In line with amendments made to requirements for listing and finding a Locationess geocache, this geocache has been reviewed and found not be in line with the listing requirements.

Armchair style Locationless caches where the finder is not required to explore the real world, identify a location and accompany the "Find" with photographic evidence are no longer accepted.
A Locationless cache listing must require the finder to locate an object or perform a task in the real world, collect the co-ordinates and log the find with accompanying photographic evidence.

The geocaching community would like to thank you for listing this Locationess geocache and congratulations to all that found this locationless geocache.

As the geocache no longer meets the requirements we will archive the cache listing.
DancingDancingDancing Absolutely Brilliant DancingDancingDancing


This is what I currently have as I have only discovered GA caching about 10 months ago.
We currently have 10 pieces of bling. Most of them for GCA finds but recently obtained one for GCA hides, something we hadn't done until COVID hit.
We have always supported the GCA site with finds but only recently published 4 GCA hides and 7 GCA locationless caches.
I currently have a dozen bits of GCA Bling.
My favourite is the "States Of The Nation Participant"
Thanks for the Bling cache SpatialRiq.
Looks like I've picked up 12 months of unloved here too. Cool
Clan PhoenixClan Phoenix
I currently have 4 blings on my cache page,
I am working towards more, will take time to gather up more.
TFTC Clan Cerberus
At the moment, I've got six shiny things for GCA finds, GCA hides, being a Peasant of Cerebus Clan, participating in the Summer Scavenger Series, participating in the States of the Nation Game and participating in the Journey or Destination Game.

Thanks for placing this locationless!
I currently have 9 in my bling!
GCA 2,376. Another quick and easy Locationless cache.

I've got a reasonable amount of 'bling' which I hope to keep growing - Lol ! 12-ish at the moment.

We have some bling - not a lot and we have no idea what some of it means, but it looks colorful! TFTC
I haven't got a whole lot of CGA bling .... so I made my picture twice as big Very Happy

I note that the gem icons appear to have recently been made more blingier too Very Happy
We love collecting these Geocaching Australia bling. Another one soon to be added is the dinosaur race. TFTC
All my bling. Currently happy with the mayoral bling. Dont want to lose that one
At home on a cold, wet winter's day in northern Tasmania. Bored, thought I'd have a look thru locationless. My meagre GCA bling, x5 for 100, 500 finds, geocacher, gadget and scavenger.. thanks..!!
five as of today. TFTC
It looks like I have 15 bits of bling - though similar to the "souvenirs" on the other site I don't actually go out to actively chase them. I just cache as I feel like it and if they come along so be it. Thanks for the opportunity for another smilie, without a car for a while getting out and finding physical things is proving a little harder the last period of time.
Oh my goodness!!! We are the Mayor of Sheldon!!! Very HappyDancingClappingVery Happy
We were scrolling through the Locationless and wondered what this cache meant. Can't say we take much notice of our 'bling' and have never noticed the 'crown' before. We wonder how long we'll hold this position? Very HappyLaughing
We have 7 pieces 'bling' today. Very Happy
Thanks for the cache SpatialRiq
Just discovered this locationless when looking for my 15 minimum for April 2008.
Bling. I have 21 icons at the moment. TFTL SPATIALRIQ Clan MinotaurI'm a Gnome, duh!Ribbit
I have 13 to date. Very Happy
Logging a find
We have a few - not as many as we would like. We did have a Mayoralty (of Dubbo) but lost it several months ago.
Have been awarded a bit of bling over the years. Lucky 13 at this stage....

Thanks for the locationless Spatialriq...
Recently returned to GCA, only coming late in the State of the Nation Game. That said, I have managed to acquire 5 bits of Bling to day. Whistle
I have a little bit of bling.

A total of 15 to be prescise.

Sadly I should have 16 but broke my collarbone and ribs just before Xmas.

Kept me out of the latest "States of the Nation"

Oh well there is always next year.

TFTC Very Happy
An interesting locationless. I counted up my current bling and I have 19 icons. TFTL
We have been fortunate to collect 22 pieces of bling after our name. the required screen dump has been added to the Gallery. thanks spatialRiq for the chance to reflect.
I have thirteen after my name after getting my first GCA cache on 15/6/2015 and a total of 1024 finds and ten hides and 16 different cache types. I am in the Phoenix clan and have participated in several games - Christmas in July, GeGnome][ Electric Boogaloo, Winter is Coming, Summer Scavenger Series and the latest game of States of the Nation.

17. Had to use a snipping tool so see what happens. Thanks.
I have 3 at this stage.
Unfortunately my bling is looking very sparse, but I consider myself fortunate to have achieved these four, as this cache is only my 150th GA claim.
I am really enjoying the opportunities this game offers, and the versatility of what is available to participate in. I love it that new caches are added fairly regularly, although because I've only been playing since the States of the Nation competition began, maybe that has caused a surge in the amount of hides.
It is with great anticipation that I'm looking forward to the next competition that is run.
By then it is hoped I may have accumulated more bling!
Thanks for the Locationless that I can do from my armchair, and not have to venture out in the heat Very Happy
Hi SpatialRiq
I think I've got seven
Sainted at 2152 hours
TFTC and cheers
Well it's 16 for me DancingClan Minotaur
Seems I have 7
Looks like I've got 9.
Not too many here only 2 - will have to work on it.
got a few Clapping
I've got a few worthless pixels on my GCA profile but the total number is completely irrelevant.
What really matters is all the fun in getting those pixels Very Happy
Not too many... yet Smile

8 so far, I won't be far off 9!
Looks like only 6 for me ... haven't been too active with GCA caches for a few years Surprised
Plenty to do list I'm a Laaaaaaaady, duh!Clan Griffin
Thanks SpatialRiq
11 for me
Just 6 for me, many more on the ToDo list.
I think I need to work on my bling I only have 2. Rolling EyesShockedLaughing
Ready to go Clan Minotaur