Even When I Can’t Get There - WAGB 2021 Locationless, Western Australia, Australia
By pood on 05-Jun-21. Waypoint GA22020

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Even When I Can’t Get There - WAGB 2021
Western Australia has had some great WAGB Events over the years.

Unfortunately, we are unable to attend the awesome looking one this year in Albany this weekend.

Here is our way of wishing all the attendees a great time with plenty of fun and laughter around the caching circuit and campfires.

Hopefully you can join us virtually for this WAGB 2021 Event with your location, hopefully we'll be able to virtually attend from all the Australian States and Territories today.






Iveghnyyl gurer.


Event over and needs archiving.
Hello from Bunbury Smile
Hi there everyone from a very very water logged & flooded wind damaged gippsland Victoria TFTVE Mr. GreenMr. Green
Big Hello yelled from the Apple Isle
Hi from down in Tassie
Cheers OldSaint
Greetings from Bundaberg Qld hoping your event is a great sucsess
Best wishes to all in WA, hope the event is a huge success. We're on an escaping the bathroom reno weekend doing some caching in the north of Tassie. Thanks Pood for this virtual event
Thanks to a super friend reminding me, I would like to log an attendance for this event. Still locked down here in Victoria.
The weather is good but not Covid.
Thanks POOD ClappingClapping
Visiting from the Central Coast of NSW ... best wishes to all in the west! As our daughter has moved to WA this year, we're hoping to be able to visit here and, at the same time, get to WAGB in 2022 or 2023.

Wishing i was able to attend in person but this Covid thing is still stopping us.
hi from NSW
thanks for another virtual event. Hope everyone celebrated well. Cheers
Another fun event to attend and claim as attended. TFTE Very Happy
Thank you for hosting this virtual event. I attended from Bargara Queensland. Many thanks to the friend who alerted me to this event. TFTVE. Clan MinotaurClan MinotaurClan Minotaur
We would love to attend one but being on the other side of the country it is not so easy. A couple of years ago we were over in North Yunderup visiting family and visited the site near Pinjarra, Fairbridge Village. It looked like a great site to hold an event.
Was told I was having major surgery end of June so wouldn’t be able to come down in case got sick, then find out late March it’s a no go for surgery. With it not being Mr dimor’s weekend off work sealed the deal of staying home.
We will enjoy Albany and caches one day when it’s warmer
TFTE from here in Bunbury Smile
LAte fly in.

Sorry got my times mixed up.

Nice to attend another event.

TFTE Very Happy
I am glad that I just made it in time for this event. Greetings from Launceston, Tasmania. Thanks for this virtual visit pood. Doh
We hope to get to WA in the next two years but covid will be the determinant of this aim. In the meantime, thanks pood for this virtual event. All the best to those in the West. We are currently in Canberra and will be making a dash for the Spirit of Tasmania on Tuesday to get home. We plan to leave Albury and get to Port Melbourne without stopping. The Tasmanian Government is allowing people to transit through Victoria but not stop for any reason. We were hoping to call in and visit Cybergran V but if we do, we will have two weeks quarantine.
Logging this cache from Echuca in Victoria.
Thanks POOD
Little Squirell Smile
logging my virtual attendance from the Hawkesbury region NSW. Thanks for allowing the visit
Up until Easter I was planning to come across but decided best to wait till next year. Have been to 3 WAGB events and I've thoroughly enjoyed them all.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and safe travels back home.

Thanks for the virtual event pood.
Haven't actually made it to a WAGB, yet! Virtually there right now and hoping to be there for real, real soon. TFTC pood Very HappyClan Cerberus
Have not been to one until now virtually
We managed to get to 2018 event but that has changed so much in the last months. Tnx Pood
A shame I cannot be there I have fond memories of my time at Albany and surrounds a decade ago.
Cheers pood.

Our thanks, pood, for allowing us to, covid-free, visit WA. Although I've never been there, the Wench lived there for a short time in her younger days.
We've been to a few east coast Mega's and hope to be allowed to travel unhindered to future events over this side. Who knows, maybe we'll get over the west for a future event, too.
We escaped Victoria and have been in Queensland for the past two months, so we are saying hello from Coominya SEQ.
Thanks POOD for this virtual event, we have such happy memories of our time in Albany and the surrounding areas from a trip three years ago.
Looking forward to getting back there one day but until then a virtual gathering is as good as it gets for us at the moment.
Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!
Love WA but as we are in the middle of a lockdown here in Melbourne, I can only attend Virtually.

Thanks so much for the event. Appreciate your efforts Clapping
Having been to a previous WAGB event five years ago, I know what we are missing.
The standard of the whole event was so high I’ve never seen better.
Wish we there this time to enjoy it.
Calling in virtually from Shepparton.
Thanks for the event pood, and the wonderful memories
Virtually attending from Melbourne.
Hope you're all having a blast in Albany, wish we were there.
Cheers pood.
Hopefully some great Geocaching Stories with happen around the campfires.