moovin groovin gnome Parkville, Victoria, Australia
By Malikaal on 01-Dec-10. Waypoint GA2866

Cache Details

Type: Moveable
Container: Regular
Coordinates: S37° 47.374' E144° 56.768' (WGS 84)
  55H 319152E 5815545N (UTM)
Elevation: 22 m
Local Government Area: Melbourne


Watched (1)
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A groovin gnome on the move with friends.

Moovin Groovin GeGnome

You have the chance to meet Moovin Groovin Gnome, a garden gnome who is part of the Gegnome project. This game, run over December and January will see hundreds of Geocaching Gnomes racing for fun and entertainment around the world, vying for rewards and prizes as they move from location to location.

Moovin Groovin originated in the Strzelecki ranges of Gippsland, known for its lyrebirds, (gnomes), misty treeferned gullies and tall mountain ash. He has descended from these damp hills looking for some adventure with squirrell so beginning the race in Metropolitan Melbourne. Having a very flexible waist (for a gnome) enables Moovin Groovin some maneouvrability during his travels. This grooving gnome hopes to keep moovin as often and far as possible with your help.


  • You cannot find and move your own cache during the game period
  • Caches must be found and hidden by the same cacher
  • There is no limit to the number of times other cachers can find / move the cache provided there are at least two other finds / moves inbetween.
  • If a cacher moves your cache overseas and it remains unfound overseas for one week or more, the cache mover may move your cache back to the country of origin without breaking the "2 moves" rule
  • There is no limit to the distance other cachers can move the cache
  • other cachers in the game may find / move your cache, but they must move it on within 2 days.

Moovin Groovin's progress can be  watched at


Thankyou for participating in the GeGnome Project.


Arrq n sbex hc uvtu?



It's been over 90 days since the cache was disabled, so we are archiving it to remove it from the cache lists.

The owner can re-activate it once maintained by placing an Unarchived log on the cache
This cache appears to have been MIA for some 3 months or so, so to avoid it turning up in cache searches, we'll disable it.
If the owner can confirm it is in place or decides to replace it, this listing can be reactived by placing an enabled log against it.
Thanks everyone for assisting Moovin groovin to shift around and the photos. I'm still hoping he is hiding somewhere and will turn up! Will hopefully be heading up to Melbourne to check in the near future. SadCrying or Very sad
Sounds like it's gone. Crying or Very sad Sorry! I haven't had a chance to check, but if 2 people couldn't find it, then either it got washed away in the rains or was muggled... or both! It was a pretty good hide, so it for it be muggled, it was either extremely bad luck on my side or the rain that followed after the hide dislodged it and moved it some so it was more in sight. It was too big for a possum to take. I feel really bad now. Embarassed
We couldn't find it either, despite a thorough late night effort! Sad
Couldn't find hide nor hair of this gnome either up the tree or down on this side of the road or the other or anywhere within about 60m radius Sad
Moved 29.98km
Will move north tomorrow.
Moved 23.99km
Time to groove on to the next adventure.

This guy really does move and groove.

Good to see some xmas spirit.

Will move on soon.

Very Happy
Moved 13.38km
Moved by The Empire \m/
Found by The Empire + TLR
I have something funny planned, will move on soonish.
- M
Moved 41.83km
Dropped off this morning along with some others close by.
Picked up on a run around the Macedon Ranges, will drop off soon.
Spent the day travelling with 5 gnomes in the back seat with me - this fella was left near the bottom of a steep walk up a hill. With me
Moved 44.28km
I huffed and puffed to the top of this trail for some nice views (and caught my breath back!!) and thought I should've brought moovin groovin gnome up with me.

Lucky for the next finder I forgot, he's within reach of the road, no need for climbing!
Grabbed this morning on a gnome run!
Moved 13.78km
Found and taken at 6.00pm. There's a gnome invasion at Essendon to attend!
Moved 20.85km
King Jnr placed this little guy as I went off to a nearby christmas party. Thanks for the quick visit.
~11:00 This is a grooooovy gnome booped along to the music in the car after my queen and I picked him up... now in our hands
Moved 13.12km
We had a neice's party to go to last night so no time to move MG on then, so tonight in between the rain showers we jumped in the car and took him for a little drive and he is now waiting to be found Smile

He has been fun to play with and he is very tired from all his groovy dancing!

We wish him happy travels!!!

Well, we thought someone must have grabbed this gnome days ago and not logged it yet but seeing MMelb had a Dentist appointment in Ringwood at 4.30pm, afterwards we thought we would continue on and see if he was still "standing still rather than moving" in Mooroolbark ........and there he was looking very cute! Actually MMelb walked straight past him lol
So we will move him on tomorrow to a hopefully more popular spot so he can get a few moves under his belt
Love the modification you have made!
Happy Mooving, Moovin Groovin!
Melbourne (C) - dragonZone
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