Princess Wharf Battery Point, Tasmania, Australia
By Guripper and DGT on 17-Feb-11. Waypoint GA3103

Cache Details

Type: Webcam
Container: Virtual
Coordinates: S42° 53.163' E147° 19.954' (WGS 84)
  55G 527157E 5251785N (UTM)
Elevation: 3 m
Local Government Area: Hobart


Watched (1)
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Wharf Webcam

I found these webcams and I hope that they work!

Same as other webcam caches:

Post a screenshot of the webcam image containing you and your GPS.


This is our first webcam one so let us know if there are any problems



This cache has been temporary disabled for over 90 days, so we will be archiving it to de-clutter the database.

When the cache is ready to be activated again the owner can place a 'published' log and it will go live
Camera link is no longer there...will hunt around for another link
I'd suggest just waiting a bit yet. For quite a while (like about two months) the Salamanca webcam link wasn't there on the mercury website but the other two (or is it three) webcams were, so I was able to get those webcam caches and wondered if the Salamanca one should be disabled. Now that one's up and running and this one is not. So I'd wonder if it may come back at some point.
Webcam link is no longer available on the Mercury website (as far as I can tell).
I will say that it needs to be maintained and will check on its status next week, if its still down I will disable
Webcam is down again, or someone hasn't paid the bill???
Can I be slightly embarrassed and really pleased with myself at the same time? Perhaps I'm a bit technologically challenged, lugging my big ol' laptop out in to the public space and sitting myself down to tap tap tap to get my picture! Nevertheless, it is great having the mobile wifi, which is fairly new to me, even though nowadays the smartyphones are more de rigeur. I'm clearly there in the picture, sitting on the ground in front of my laptop, the only one around(thank goodness)! Thanks for the webcam cache, Guripper and DGT. I only did my first two days ago, and this is my third! I'm whittling down some of my closest to home unfounds that until now, have been stumbling blocks for me.
Webcam is down. Sad
There is still a fence right around this area where the camera is while they are doing more building and renovations to Princess Wharf Shed No. 1. If you look really hard you can see the female half of Kaatka between the two signs in about the middle of the picture. The female half was jumping around trying to be spotted while the male half sat in the cachemobile trying to get a shot. This is the best we could get with the fence in the way.
With the area fenced off because of the construction work at Princess Wharf 1, we had to settle for us standing at the fence - we are there in the distance, towards the middle and to the right of the large light pole. TFTC
One half of Tassie Trekkers Me in the photo while geo hubby took care of the photo - isn't technology great Exclamation
(This was as close as we could get as area fenced off)
A bit hard to get in closer as fenced off. I am standing at the side in the rain.
I thought I'd have a little wander around the waterfront, nabbing the webcam caches, cince I didn't have the car or the bike, which meant the only two physicals left in reach were Sitting Duck (too muggly at this time of day) and Tennis Anyone? (I've had a few tries, and I'm still psyching myself up for the next one).
It turned out Mrs RC wasn't in her office, but out to lunch, but I discovered to my joy that I could get the webcams on the iPhone and snapshot myself!
Very different being able to claim a cache in the middle of a crowd without anyone having a clue what you're up to - or even that you're up to anything!
Me by the pole.
Are you sure that's you red tag?????
Found with a coordinated effort by Mrs on the way home from Taiko and Mr driving the mac. A short sequence of Mrs red tag parking, walking over to the pole and turning into a bug eyed monster ! Very HappyCoolVery Happy
Thanks for the cache/webcam Guripper and DGT !