Webcam at Ryde Ryde, New South Wales, Australia
By blossom* on 04-Dec-16. Waypoint GA8803

Cache Details

Type: Webcam
Container: Other
Coordinates: S33° 49.303' E151° 5.831' (WGS 84)
  56H 323900E 6255983N (UTM)
Elevation: 13 m
Local Government Area: Ryde


Whodunit Difficulty
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A webcam cache in Ryde

At the posted coordinates you will see an RTA Live Traffic webcam located in Church Street where it crosses Ryde Bridge looking up the hill, north towards Top Ryde.

You should be able to safely position yourself for the photo on the corner of Well St beside the beautiful sandstone pillars.

In order to log this webcam:

  1. Visit this link to access the RTA Live Traffic webcam feed
  2. If you are not on it, refresh in 60 seconds.
  3. When you see yourself, save the picture with you in (or a phone-a-friend who has access to the live feed and can save your picture for you)
  4. Post the saved image along with your log



I've updated the link to the webcam so it's current
After a bit of standing around in the rain I got myself on the image. Looks like the URL has changed, it is now
Drove past here afew times, but today finally took the time to do a selfie! Yes it is me in the top left corner!
TFTC Wilbert67
It's pretty fuzzy and kinda tiny, but that blob of blue in the circle is me! I come by this way monthly and turn exactly at this spot each time. As I'd done a few of these before I knew the drill and when I arrived at GZ I did my best to position myself in such a way that I could actually be seen, First attempt had a turning vehicle in it so I waited a few minutes to grab a few camera cycles. And a FTF!
Published for any Scavengers out there playing the summer games