Autumn - Time for change Locationless, Locationless, Locationless
By youngoldfella on 21-Jan-17. Waypoint GA9610

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Autumn is about transition

Published for the 2016/2017 Summer Scavenger Series Games and thank goodness we are in the second lastweek as I have published enough locationless for quite awhile just so I can participate in the fun.

Autumn is the time of the year between Summer and Winter in Australia and it is all about Change or transition. Well I have a change for Autumn.

To claim this one you have to fullfill the requirements in order or one by one.

First claimer uses the A. Must be a photo of an Animal. Dog for example. There are many breeds and colours of dogs so we may finish up with 50 photos of different colours or sizes of dogs.

The second claimer utilises the U

and the Third claimer utilises the T 

and so on till we use A U T U M N

Then we start again but you can not use previous like images. i.e. Differennt animals and  Different unberella's and it may just be the colour you need to change etc.

You can claim this one to a maximum of 6 times as long as you do not use a letter that you have claimed before. Six claims ( one claim for each letter) per geocacher only and no GPSr  required in the photo but no Internet images please.

Please supply a description and where the photo was taken for this interpretation of Autumn transition:-

A    Animal

U   Umbrella

T  Tree

U  Under Foot

M   Many Hands (at least 4 in the Photo)

N   Nails  (More than 4)

I hope you have fun with this one. Remember the letters of AUTUMN must be used in order.




Genafvgvba jvgu sha naq vzntvangvba.


Changes to Locationless coming so time to go as it looks like any publisher will only be allowed to have 7 active locationless at any given time. . Clan Minotaur
Many Hands!!
Time to get this one moving again so when we were at our son's for tea last night I took the required photo.
Four lots of hands includes those of our 2 year old granddaughter, 10 year old grandson, Mr Beetle and our daughter in law.
There were others there but they were too busy to join our photo fun.
Mu upholstered recliner that I live in, is perfect for this cache, even though it is now winter, it doesn’t feel like it, with our new ducted heating.
Thanks for the cache youngoldfella, I need this oldie for another challenge.
This conifer tree is outside our villa. It was supposed to be a miniature conifer but after 2 years it now has grown to touch the guttering on the roof. We love this tree. It is decorated at Christmas time. Recently doves nested in it and were successful in raising 2 chicks. TFTC Clan MinotaurClan Minotaur
U Umbrella, down fishing not long ago, as the sun was setting, the rain was starting to come across the Bay out popped the umbrella, cos I wasn’t giving up on my fishing yet Smile)
A couple of herring for our tea that night - very happy fishing
A is for Animal, and I needed an A in February so I will tell you a tale about a little donkey.
We were driving home from Echuca on a very hot day last weekend and were not taking much notice of our surroundings when son dalerious suddenly pulled up, did a u turn and said “Mum, you’ve got to see this!”
We drove back to where there was this very lifelike donkey standing in a paddock with its head over a fence, and a statue of a life sized echidna on the fence post beside it.
Knowing I could use the sight for a GA locationless I took coordinates. Luckily I did. We had accidentally turned off the road home, and were heading to Kotupna. If we hadn’t seen the donkey dalerious would have been late for work.
So there you are the donkey did us two favours.
Thanks for the locationless Youngoldfella
N Nails
Enlisted the help from Muso Son and the Unicorn. His guitar, her nails. Looks pretty impressive. TFTC
Whilst our granddaughter was visiting, she decided to make us all a Friendship rainbow band which we all were very happy to receive wen she’d finished all of them we celebrated with this group photo. Thanks for this fun Locationless Youngoldfella, I wonder who will take up the next part of the challenge?
U Under Foot

I spotted this pretty beetle under foot. TFTC youngoldfella.
T is for Tree
My second attempt to log this one. My first try was of us all beneath a tree at yesterday's event, but it clashed with the proximity rule, another thing discovered in the steep learning curve I am trying to ascend.
This lovely tree was photographed from the Kerisdale railway line, between Seymour and Yea. If you ever get the opportunity to ride this privately owned train, I recommend you do so.
The scenery and history here is a photographer's delight, and the train driver is a font of amazing knowledge, stoppping at a few stops along the way to share his information with you.
I had to go and buy a new umbrella today. The storms in Canberra last week wrecked the last one. So I quickly snapped this pic of the whole stand of them at Target in Morriset, NSW. TFTC Clan MinotaurClan Minotaur
If I have followed this correctly we are up to A again. I have attached a picture of our geodog Jack - our fat, lazy but cute Beagle, who is very good at eating and sleeping, and unfortunately not much else (although he does accompany me geocaching occasionally when he can be bothered). I should mention also that we all love, pamper, and adore him!
Had a bit fun with this one. We are up to N, and N is for nails. Well, thinking about it, the back panel of our bedside tables are held in place by.....nails of course.

Photos attached.

Thanks back to A for the next one.
M. Many hands. The photo was taken in our garage on the car with 3 adults, two children and one baby. I thought it would be difficult to take the photo including the babies hands but as it turned out one of the adults keeping their hands in the frame for the photo. A little blurry but thee are more than 4 hands in the photo.
My second claim and now I have used N and M.
Next letter is N.
youngoldfella thank you for the cache.

"U" Under foot on Saturday I stepped over these fungi while going on for a walk in a very steep thick dark forest.
Mycena vinacea is an Australian wood-rotting fungus found singly and scattered groups on forest litter. It's greyish-wine-mauve and broken tissue gives a radish-like odour. Cap to 40 mm, smooth, striate, becoming flattened to upturned at the rim, leaving an umbo; cap grey-lilac, lighter at centre and rim. Gills grey-lilac, close; spore print white. Stem deep greyish-purple.

I hope this is ok for to log.

anyway some thing different.

T - Tree - An impressively solitary Norfolk Pine on a small headland at Rosevears in Northern Tasmania.. thanks..!!
Location: Home

U for Umbrella! My big Carbon fibre Umbrella. Doesn't get a lot of use... prefer to ride rather than walk in bad weather!
A for animal-I had just watched this monarch hatch having seen the caterpillar, chrysalis etc.It is good to see they are coming back in NZ
Hi youngoldfella
My Autumn - time for a change is:

"N" for nest

Generally nests are for bringing new life, but in Autumn the swans use them to rest and recover from their Spring and Summer activity
Sainted at 1112hrs
These photos were taken at Lake Dulverton, Oatlands, Tasmania
Always enjoy walking here in the Autumn as the changing colours of the season are very impressive
TFTC and cheers

M many hands
me and my family
Hands in
Something that drives me crazy.
Our dog is UNDERFOOT in the middle of the night.
Her favourite place to sleep is in the bathroom doorway.
GRRRRR Brick Wall
TFTC YoungOldFella
T for tree. one of many camphor laurel trees lining the street of Toowoomba
U for cafe umbrella
A pretty spot in the garden cafe with a pond and bridge, fountain, gardens and big shady trees......and an alluring smell from the kitchen. Mmmm........
TFTC youngoldfella
Owning a toy shop makes it quite easy to find animals. We've got a whole shelf full of collectable ones Dancing

Thanks Youngold fella.

Its now up to U for Umbrella
The next step - a box of NAILS. Photo is attached. The sequence is now back to "A". Thanks youngoldfella.
M - More than 4 hands. At least 6 and could have been more. I found these cute trolls in the grandkid's toys (they were mine, still are). Thanks for the excuse to play with them again. I love them nearly as much as pathtags and frogs. A fun locationless. TFTL go Clan Minotaur
U ... up to the letter U, so I am going to add a 'UGLY UNCLE' to the gallery. This is a different kind of locationless and it's fun. Thanks for the cache.
Tree...this my big Illawara Flame Tree I grew from seed i collected from trees near my work 20 years ago.
I planted out in the easement near the footy club car park for some privacy. TFT Autumn cache. I got an easy
U for umbrella. Not the time for umbrellas in Tasmania but nearly school time - this is a golf umbrella in school colours which is great for winter sport spectating.
We are back to A - Animal so I have added a Blue-tongue Lizard to the gallery. I had to wait for it to cross the road while I was out geocaching.
One Hand has five nails usually so here is my left hand and 5 finger nails. Use your imagination with this locationless. Clan Minotaur
Hard to set up the phone and get Many Hands when there's only 2 of us lol

Many hands, Sunday morning, in our living room.
Its late I'm tired.

After 1am should be in bed.

Whats Under Foot.

Well carpet at the moment.

I'm at home logging some caches.

TFTL Very Happy
A Tree in a neighbouring paddock. Bananas too, so semi-tropical.
Here's an UMBRELLA ClappingVery Happy
TFTL Youngoldfella.
Sorry the description was unclear, we thought that Animal was an example of what you could use, not what you must use, so here is a dog. Photo was taken on the way to a off leash dog area in Pymble.
Sorry. I can not allow the first claim for A as A has to be an Animal. Dog cat lion etc.
Published Clan Minotaur