Washed Ashore Blackmans Bay, Tasmania, Australia
By Cheesy pigs on 25-Feb-07. Waypoint GC114A3

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Time to go
Nice spot
The other find during the After Lunch Guilt Walk. Thought for a while that history might repeat itself as an ultra-light plane at low altitude made heavy weather up the river into a strong N-Westerly that had just arrived Surprised
Co-ords spot on and found easily after waiting for a group of teen muggles to disappear around the point ahead.
Logged TB Desperado in and out and then enjoyed meeting a number of canine muggles on the way back.
TFTC another top CP effort [^]
Just logging a GeoCard (new form of TB) through the cache
Followed the road maps and found a cliff, so attacked it from the bottom and an easy find it was. TFTC
Blindly following my GPS I ended up in a spot similar to others. I ventured back to the parking area and enjoyed a nice stroll to GZ. Found it at 1050hrs.

After doind what IF did a few logs b4 we headed back down to the parking area near the beach
We unloaded the mini cacher and off we headed for the short walk to GZ........


thnx for this one we needed the stretch
Darn it! Forgot my pen! Fun to find. Love the bottle.
Great idea for a cache container and a great find on a sunny afternoon.
My brilliant idea of parking the geomobile on the street just a few metres from GZ soon proved to be washed up as well Red Face
Who put that cliff there Big Grin
I did have a nice cliff top stroll and then a nice shore line stroll to get to the cache Smile
Top, er, I mean, bottom cache [^]
Found with eldest daughter and her boyfriend and youngest daughter, after a long day of house hunting and open homes. A few people on the beach and rocks but all seemed busy doing their own thing. So we found the cache and wrote a quick log. Decided to walk out further to the point and only then noticed the group of teens on the cliff top, not sure if we were pinged or not. Loved the cache and on the way back there was a four o'clock valentines day wedding on the beach. TFTC.
A nice find for a new geocacher! Introducing friends to the world of geocaching. Must watch that overhanging log next time!! The cache is unsealed though. TFTC
Had a nice hop along the rocks na dfound this cache while we were there, however after reading that we need a pen we still turned up without one Red Face, so being a good GeoWife that she is I waited with the kids and played on the rocks while she walked back to the car to find a pen. Luckily she returned with pen in hand and we were able to log our find. We noted GIN51E visit on the sheet and removed his business card from the cache. TFLC
Visited with Autumn Dame (Canadians) and our Tassy friends who didn't know they had a geocache nearly in their back yard.

PS - the paper is getting a bit tattered
Visited with Silver summer
Coins just passing through...
Headed out to have a look at my old cache container but didn't read the description until we were in the car and on our way out, bugger a pen is required, looked all through the car but couldn't find anything that could be used as a writing implement.

Found the cache without any trouble as old caching memories flooded back. and enjoyed the view and the clarity of the water.

As i still couldn't find a pen i just left my business card in the cache for confirmation so perhaps the next cacher along could kindly sign the log on my behalf and then remove the business card.

Thanks for the cache. good to see its up and running.

and may all cachers have a happy new year.
oops forgot pen - couldn't sign log. left travel bug Cody.
After a great day and event the day before we started the day off with a couple of good easy coastal walk caches. I the pleasure of been with Team FIREBOY and 3BlindEyes.
We noticed that the water here is very clear and that the views are something that one can only really understand by visiting these areas them selfs.
Here today with Jabs, Jabs Kid1 and 3BlindEyes. Quick find, nice little container. Dipped coin for miles. TFTC Liz! TNLNSL Jodi
Quick found. Nice area, great view. SL. Thanks
A year has passed since I wrote my not, I should have known it right from the start....Great song, great concept, great cache. TFTC
Found after a little searching! Thanks Smile
Another great cache Cheesy Pigs. I *ahem* walked straight past this, but Roehm spotted it. This cache didn't have the "mandatory prickles" but it did have the mandatory "steep walk" but well worth it! TFTC
Logged from my phone using the Geocache Navigator by Trimble

Thanks Cheese, a nice walk from home o the beach with the dogs!
Found this with Penelope88 and dad, so proud when we found it, sad he was the one that spotted it first Very Happy
Found this one today with my sister and my dad, good spot to hide it, we were quite excited when we found it
Coin/TB dip
Went to mothers today, so decided to grab a couple of caches while waiting for her to get home. Easy walk, tide was low. Loved the container, and was first to sign the new blank message log. Thanks CPs
This one now has a new 'log book' Big Grin

Putting some miles on a couple of TB's
1 of 3 for this afternoon. Nice easy find. Log is looking a bit tatty but perhaps that makes it just that bit more authentic Razz. Not a lot of room left either on the log. Haven't been down here for ages. TFTH.
Nice area, the rocks are quite striking here.

Sat and took a break while signing the log, not many muggles today. Log is suffering the elements a little, might be time to look at salvaging what's there and replacing the page.

TFTC, liked the container! I've often found plenty of these while caching and thought it'd be a novel way to place one...
This cache reminded us of a song by The Police. TFTC Cheesy pigs.
Nice cache.
The log was sticking out of the end of the container - not sure if that's the way it was supposed to be.
Some nice rock formations around GZ.
Many thanks.
Another top spot and another top cache. There was no closing device for the container and as it's pointing down I hope no water gets in.
TFTC Cheers
Coin drop

Well, well, well now, isn’t it just that some of the simplest placements can be the most effective! We were most impressed! Thanks
found without too much drama...
awesome cache and a nice location for it!
Cache number 2 found! Another CheeseyPigs. What would the world be without Cheeseypigs?
thanks Cheesy Pigs, this one was fun, I liked the sheet of paper you put in for the log, it looked very authentic. We teamed up with Sparklellama and family. Both groups found it independently of each other though, so we can both claim a find.
Managed to find a way down there ok and once at gz the excellent little hide was soon found. Nice to see something different! Thanks to Cheesy Pigs for a really good fun cache.
Wonderful find on a wonderful sunny day!

Yayyy! This one made me happy Smile

Thanks for the cache Chees Smile
Log 6 of 20.Dodged around shoreline with sirius(4 paws) in tow...ducking under trees..but not long enough...almost knocked myself out on protruding branch...so was quite dazed and bleary eyed on filling out log.An excellent hide and a very nice cache.Use to go diving just around from here...lovely spot.Many thanks CP's..Cheers.
Our very first find. Took a little while; searched high and low, but we are very pleased with ourselves. A lovely walk. Very cute cache. TNLNSL.
Staying nearby, on a visit from Sydney. Great wander along the beach. Perfect weather and low tide! Approaching GZ, saw the cache well before arriving, it was totally exposed.This is one lucky cache that it had not been muggled! Cute container, nice theme! No swaps. Removal of the log was tricky. Tried to tighten it up, neads an elastic band.
No fisher muggles about. Re hid it properly, hopefully now it will stay hidden.
Great coffee in the little cafe up the road!
I found a little Turtle Geocoin washed ashore in a bottle. I'll have to take it home with me...
A stroll along the shore and arrived at GZ, looked chest height and there it was, "washed ashore". Thanks for the cache Cheesy Pigs. TNLN
Found it while waiting for a fisherman muggle to leave the area of GC146VG. Had a nice walk. Thanks
A little nosey muggle and his parent muggles had just found it. Told them the importance of it being left in the same spot but can't be sure the little muggle can be trusted.
nice scenic walk great veiw of water. found easy tnln s/l tftc
Very cool cache, simple and effective. It's that little extra bit of work that puts it a notch above the standard traditional and makes it more rewarding & memorable. Interestingly it's been found by young muggles who haven't felt the need to remove it. Love the log book, thanks CP's for finding the original in NSW and being good enough to replicate it down here.
I enjoyed the walk, and thought this was a very neat cache. Thanks Cheesy Pigs!
It was easy-peasy to find. I left a shell. Then we walked along the shore and climbed up onto a little island.
Cute cache container and log! Nice little walk on a clear winter's day - gotta make the most of them. TFTC.
Found quite easily after a nice walk along the tidal area. No one around which made it all the more pleasant. Loved the container.
Thanks for the cache Cheesy Pigs.
First find in Tasmania. Fresh off the plane from Oregon USA. Kookaburra clan. SL. Took a shell, left an Oregon coast agate. Explored the area and brought home some shells. judy 8 casey 6.judy and casey first find.
Twentieth of thirty-one finds in company with Snuva's female slave. It took us two goes to find the way down to this cache, and when we got there, there were three muggles within 5m of GZ. Sad In fact, we could have retrieved the cache without their being any the wiser, but fortuitously, they decided to leave at that point. We found it at 1535. I loved the container and the log! I picked up the RACV TB in some cache or other today, but I can't remember where. It was actually logged into "WOOD CARVING WONDERS"! [?] So, I'm using this cache as the pickup point. (Just in case anyone's paying attention. Smile) Other than trackables, I made no exchange. Thanks to Cheesy pigs for the cache. Cheers, dak.

IN: Nothing
OUT: RACV TB and From Texas to the World Geocoin
3:33 pm One of Snuva's few finds on a day of lunacy spent with dak's Emu Mob (minus the Emu Mob!). We were both impressed with the container and 'feel' of the cache, so thank you GIN51E for creating it and the Cheesy Pigs for transporting it to Tassie and placing it in this lovely spot.

There were muggles on site, however the terrain meant our activities were easily hidden and our purpose mistaken for mere appreciation of the local.

Left Texas micro coin (which dak immediately swapped out). Thank you for the cache!
Second visit to the cache. This time I took a pencil!
Cache in good order.

[This entry was edited by 47tuc on Wednesday, April 04, 2007 at 3:31:13 AM.]
Sending of Mississippi Geocoin from this cache
After looking in the wrong place because the GPSr was indicating another 14m to go - vertically, I found the cache fairly easily.
Loved the container and the log. TNLNSL.
Thanks Cheesy's. Swampy
gave the 6 & 10 Year old kids the GPS and told em to go find it! they did and had a ball trying not to keep dry!!

No wonder u need to take your own pen! Good Hide great spot!
Nice quiet walk around the shore. Neat container and log scroll. Thanks Cheesy Pigs for another good one.
My first GeoCache find. Nice little spot for a cache.
Unfortunately I didn't have a pen with me.

[This entry was edited by 47tuc on Saturday, March 03, 2007 at 1:04:33 AM.]
We're not FTF junkies, we're not! We can give up any time we want, so there! So what if we got one yesterday too, that doesn't mean anything! It's not as though we just drop everything and go anywhere for any newly listed cache....


My name is Sog n Paulus.
And I'm a FTFaholic....
AAARGH!!!! I see a new cache within 1.5 kms of my house, I grab my bike and ride there for a FTF, and guess what? Sog n Paulus. Oh well, there'll be another first ever ftf...Sad

A nice idea for the cache guys, loved the charred remains in the bottle! Had to redo the knot, so apalogies if it doesn't work!
