Love em or Hate em - Something Different. Fisher, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
By Sol de lune on 24-Jun-12. Waypoint GC3P5KR

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Just clearing the needs maintenance icon....
Disappointing to see how many of the inner containers have been taken. Makes the theme of the cache rather time to clear the area for some one else to have a go.

Thanks to all who found it and did the right thing. That's 2 of the 3 in the area now gone...oh well.
Found after a 10 min search of the area. Very well hidden. I was not able to find the logbook. After sending a message to the owner and taking a "Proof of Visit" photo. I took the TB that was there also. I love the idea behind this geocache. Very cool, thanks Sol de lune.
#4823 @1250
After orienteering nearby, I needed to find a cache for the day. This one looked interesting. Cache soon located after a short stroll, but unfortunately there was no log in the cache(s) to sign. Left TB.
Logged with permission of the CO - log really was missing as I reported at the time. Thanks Sol for contacting me.
Well, I didn't find the log but I found everything else!! I agree with 'imgettingannoyed' ..... log is probably the only thing that isn't there 'cos I checked all the other options and even looked for extra hiding spots where a log could be Sad.
As per the previous post, the actual container and its contents were hidden as would be expected from the log.
Now I wish I'd taken a photo Sad
Another good find
Found the cache sitting out in the open lid was on the box but contents were strewn around the place. Picked up all the contents that I could find and put them back in the box.

Unfortunately I couldn't find the log book so can only assume it's been pinched. Sad
See my previous log.
The log is need to find it and sign it before you can claim a find....
Nice one quick grab
Boi gound
I remember these!!!! Smile Great day for a caching hike! TFTC Smile
Found at 1800. I found a way to check for the correct container that didn't involve opening them all, but still didn't have the log in hand until the penultimate one - don't think I'll buy a Lotto ticket anytime soon... I suspect these containers will get harder to replace over time, so hopefully people respect the concept and don't souvenir them. I swapped a pair of dice for the casino coin then stashed everything away again. Thanks for the cache Sol.
A nice afternoon for a bit of caching. It took quite a while to find the big container, but to make up for that we got 3rd time lucky in finding the actual container! Our thanks to SDL.
found this one at the end of the day when it was pretty much dark.. was a bit spooky being there alone, but there was caches to be had, so no time for fretting.. thanks!
Easy park n' grab. TFTC
Took 1, left wishing stone. Tftc
Took one replaced with wishing stone! Thankyou for the awesome cache!
nice one - thanks
Another nice hide for our 3rd tonight.
Was not as hard as 'Another One' but still presented a challenge.
nice trek to here. Left the bicycle behind. Never been to this part of a very nice parkland.
Another quick find. Tftc
Fourth film! ... ta.
Another good one - but an easier find of the right container. It's a nice day as well. Thanks.
A lot easier to solve than the one just to the south of here in the same series.
Quick container find at GZ and, miraculously, the first check revealed the log. Love these hides which we've seen many of back home in Canada. Signed log: TNGD. TFTC and the fun, Sol de lune!
Weather was planned for an overcast day with slight drizzle now and then. Well that's just perfect for a bushwalk Big Grin Plans were made during the week to kick off with the FurfacesLL ladies and specimenX to target the NRL series. specimenX had already completed this series but decided to join us for another trek around the area. Personally, I don't blame her as the company is awesome lol.

We had completed the caches on Narrabundah Hill (NRL Series and a couple other caches). We had eaten some lunch and now it was time to continue our travels as it was still rather early.

FurfacesLL ladies had already done this one so it was down to me and specimenX. I grabbed a couple and so did specimenX and fortunately, I grabbed the right one, as the second one I opened had the log. Woot Woot. Log signed, returned and off we went Smile

Thanks for the cache Sol de lune and the giggle Smile
Nice cool weather forecast for the weekend meant plans were put in place for a geomission Big Grin. So the geoteam of Rapidlywild, the ladies of FurfacesLL and myself were off down to south Canberra for a great day of caching and laughsBig Grin[:O)]

Next one to either love or hate was his one. The ladies of the FurfacesLL had already found this one so it was up to RW and I to 'sort things out'. Luckily RW came up with the goods really quickly! Signed log and replaced and off we went for more.

Thanks for another one Sol Smile Luckily I love these sorts of hides! Big Grin
Not as frustrating as the nearby one and picked the correct one relatively quickly. TFTC SDL.
Very good - I can now cache on the way to church ... but what will I do next time? Found in 6, 6 and (thank goodness), 3. TFTC and TFTS.
The 11th (10th find) of 17 caches I planned to visit today. Was going to be hot but getting outside was preferable to ironing or even worse trying to unpack boxes and working out where the contents should go. Having found the carpark and an earlier cache in this series was looking forward to the challenge of this one. Again found the container fairly easily after a walk through the trees as it was getting pretty hot by now, and was disappointed to see that not all the lids had been replaced on the little darlings, so again had a quick find and was soon signing the log. Lids are now back on and cache has been replaced. TFTC Sol de lune
With The Rats trying to find #10,000 before July, steeba and I were easy to convince to come on a trip to Canberra to have a big day of raiding numbers. Despite the temperature hitting 37°C we still managed to find a lot of caches. Although it sure was testing in that heat.

Thankfully the log rattles. That made it easier.

Headed down to Canberra for a bit of caching with steeba and Hoojar. This was one of a few caches we found on a very hot day in Canberra.

With the temperature nudging 37deg the order of the day was plenty of water, shade with a bit of caching thrown in. I have a cache very similar in the Gong


Found on a quick overnight trip down to Canberra with The Rats and Hoojar.

Quite like this series- didn't take too long for this one. TFTC!
Went out and check the problem here. Plenty of room still left on it........more than happy for people to use both sides of the log!!
Nice spot
Shake, need to open...

Found on our visit to Canberra from Whyalla. Great place to go running in the mornings.

Thanks Sol de lune from IlludiumPU36
After doing 'Another One' first and then reading the description for this I was a bit scared, but was pleasantly surprised when I opened the cache, still it took me to almost the last one before I found it. TFTC!
I think I love em ...
6 of 10 on a Sunday afternoon ride with Shadow! Loving these ones! Bring on 100 nanos Smile TFTC
a fun grab out on a lazy ride with Liv81. Cool idea...bit of fun. TFTC

This entry was edited by Shadow! on Sunday, 05 January 2014 at 12:04:41 UTC.
Caches Found: 4.
This was the second one I found on my evening search. I signed the last empty space on the logbook, so a new one might be needed. TFTC!
Found with geokids. TFTC
I can certainly recall seeing many of these little cache containers. TFTC
I found this geocache using the Geocaching Intro App. TFTC!
Today was just a day of mainly simple caches around Canberra, hoping for some quick finds. The cache was found easily, but I was surprised by what I found inside. However, locating the correct container with the log was easy because it contained a pencil.

My thanks to Sol de lune for the cache.
Sent the kids over the fence for this one
We couldn't resist coming back for another one of these fun caches so we parked again at the listed coordinates and set off. We ventured from the track and the long wet grass was soaking our shoes but we knew the prize was worth it. Another easy find and a fun systematic process of finding the log. Mr Stormcatcher had the lucky touch scoring a hit after only a few misses. Thanks SDL, we are having too much fun with this series we just had to push on and grab the next one - A bonus cache to celebrate day #999 of our cache a day streak!
Lets just say that if 100 nanos are ebayed, be prepared to be dropped off somewhere, along way from the nearest bus stop. I think this is the easiest of the series and I do appreciate that you supplied a suitable sitting spot that was a bit more ant free than the one I did 10 minutes earlier.
whoo!!!! Look cool cache... I love it... hide well... thank
This cache was a quick find. As I was signing logbook, something was rustling in the bushes nearby. I quickly replaced the cache and got out of there quick smart. Thanks SDL.
More fence jumping, why does Canberra have so many barbed wire fences?
Another nice variation on the theme. A nice walk and a quick find.

Dropped some TBs with Just a cacher.

Thanks for another cache Sol de lune.
A quick park and grab while dropping the Bunny off at work today.

Thanks for the cache Sol de lune.
TFTC. Smile
Found after showing off the Love 'em or Hate 'em revisited to C-chord. Thanks Sol, very entertaining.
Photo canisters. So many photo canisters. Once the GPS started to straighten up, the container showed itself. Opened it up and … TWENTY PHOTO CANISTERS WERE INSIDE!!! It doesn't help when you're trying to find the log against the clock. I found it in the end. TFTC SdL!
Well Sol I enjoyed the hunt and when I found GZ that's when the hunt took on an interesting dimension.

Yes Something Different and Sol you have a wicked sense of humour. I love it. Gets a favourite from me.
Found the largish container only to discover many choices for the log sheet.
Was a bit lucky in the second spot, so signed accordingly and moved on.Found Sat at 2.50 pm .
Many thanks to sol de lune for the challenge.
Ahh the old days flood back to real old school photography. Like the extra hind so to speak TFTC
I found, then I found. This was a first for me. It was getting late but the cache was found in the twilight.
Found it!
Found lots of things. Tftc
I see, I'm not the only prankster!
Found it!
Found it!
Quick second find by the novice in our group. Smile needs a log.
Wondered what the twist on this one was...... until we opened it! Very inspiring, and the shake test surely doesn't work in retrieving the log. Of course you have to go though them all, just in case there are other surprises. Picked up TB. TFTC Sol de lune.
This was the fifteenth find on a nice day spent caching. Got to GZ and uncovered the cache quickly. Having found the previous carnation, I had an idea of what was needed. Found on the sixth one tested. TFTC Sol de Lune!
Yes, that is something different, but only just. TFTC
3 pairs of hands made for a quick find. TFTC Dropped TB.
Able to find the cache without GPS, but finding the log was another story, thought it was going to be the last one. But it wasnt, it was the second last one.. TFTC
First cache with Geo-pup. She didn't seem to fussed by the ordeal. Cache was an easy find although took a bit longer to sign the log. TFTC.
A cache within a cache:-) Cool.
TFTC and advice Sol de lune

This entry was edited by katenne on Monday, 10 June 2013 at 08:06:22 UTC.
I like these a lot TFTC
I've visited the BMX track numerous times with the kids and driven past hundreds of times, yet I've never walked in this area. Sighthound was nervous around this area, and for some reason I felt uneasy here too, so we left pretty quickly. SL and took the Granny TB
I had to open a few, but found reasonably quickly. Thanks.
Another cache in the Love 'em or Hate 'em series. Very funny! Big Grin I hoped to find the log just by comparing the weights of the containers. But they all felt equal light. So I looked in every container. It was fun. Left Grannie 'Culley TB. TFTC SdL!
I love these ones they are so much fun!!
Out with my geoson loving it wahoo another TFTC
I was beginning to think it wasn't in any of them. None of them passed the 'shake test', and it was in one of the last that I opened. TFTC.
Another top effort. Found on my good friday run.
Had to head this way to meet up with a client so we decided to collect a couple of caches whilst we were here....a quick grab once the GPS sorted itself out and give us the right direction to head..found the hide and opened the cache...brought back memories as we had seen alot of these types of containers on the E.T. Highway and around Las Vegas....TFTC Sol de lune
I would have thought that these ones would be hard to come by these days.

100 nanos would be a cruel and unusual punishment Smile

Vombatus2 and I were wondering what it was going to be, after walking from the other love em or hate em. Berocca tubes? Sismesta containers?
I'd love to see 100 nanos... Twisted

Lots of rubbish discarded around the place, which is quite a shame.
Also me and dad both managed to give ourself minor geocaching-related injuries, he scratched himself on something, and i managed to tread on a pointy stick which went through my shoe and into my foot!! :S
I wandered over from a DNF at 'Love 'em or Hate 'em Revisited' and happily found this cache. I dropped off the TB 'Holey spoon'. TFTC.
Gee, I haven't seen a film canister for a while. And look at all them.

I think I need to add a new item to my caching kit. A protection device to save me scrapes and scratchs from the barbed wire. Any suggestions?

Thanks for the odd find.
TFTC a quick couple of hours in the burbs delivered a cache of caches
Rippin lids off all over the place - took a while to find them all especially the last one. So infuriatingly fun! TFTC
OMG I had the same idea as this!!!! I had a great big laugh, Sol de lune I like how your mind works! Fun, Fun, Fun! TFTC!
'2013: 29 Days In A Row' - After hunting for the nearby cache and having no luck we took a break to come and find this one. Found it straight away! Smile Fraggles had fun signing the log with 4 left. TFTC, and now to go back to the other one and try again! Smile
Cool cache, log found on fifth attempt. Had been very disappointed not to find previous cache at revisited
Fun cache, found with gracelessme.
Left a little gift in one canister.

Found with thomfish. Totally scared of snakes but otherwise a good walk. Tftc.