Canterbury Tales (Canterbury) Linwood, South Island, New Zealand
By BaldEd on 11-May-02. Waypoint GC5699

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Due to the damage to some of the waypoints caused by the Canterbury Earthquake and that the central city area is now contained within a 'no go' cordon that is expected to last for months I have sadly come to the conclusion that this cache should now be archived.
Took a long bike ride out to get the final of this one,
after completing the WP's in town over many days.
Very rewarding to find the final first time, exactly where
I thought it might be. Cheers TNLNSL. TFTC.
#2000 Completed over a couple of trips to Christchurch. Having been born and raised in the city I had a lot of fun collecting all the required information, some of which I was aware of and some of which I wasn't. Had an idea where GZ might be and solution confirmed this - certainly a very apprpriate spot and I even recall learning about the history and coming here for a school trip. I also note that despite being the most recent logger there appear to be a lot of other non-logged finders, including what looked like a classroom of foreign students - cool! Thanks for setting up a great cache - I kept this one especially for find 2000. (Am also enjoying completing the multi's, of which Christchurch has many good ones!)
Took a couple of days before we had time to go to the final cache but logged it on the 10th......but forgot the write my name in stupid can I be! But it is the only one written in red and the first one since a long time...

Nice walk around town, nice view from final cache location! Thnx
We enjoyed the walk around town and found another few caches along the way. Braved the drive to the final cache and well worth the view.
Enjoyed going to all the waypoints and gathering the information needed. So often we just rush past these things and never give them a second look. A very pleasant night saw us out at the cache site enjoying another of Christchurchs beautiful spots! TFTC
Was lucky enough to be with Team HotPJ for the final cache who had done all the hard yards with the WP and clues already. Spectacular views of paraponters / paragliders across the valley and perfect spot to stop for soup and a sandwich.
- Book Crossing Book: Banner in the Sky
+ Webstock trading card
+ fridge magnet
Had the WPs done some time ago, finally found ourselves in the area and completed the cache. Team Hot PJ Super Seeker went straight for it like a magnet!
Another fascinating trail courtesy of Bald Ed. Thanx again.
Covered some interesting territory for this cache! Happy to get a happy ending to this saga. Thanks. (#471, 2/6)
one of many found before i leave this beautiful country! TFTC
My caching partners daughter expressed an interest in caching and came along today.
This was a great cache for introduce a newby to the experience.
Very enjoyable.
Had the final coordinates for this a couple of months ago. Decided to walk up today from Lytelton in 30+ degrees. Glad the cache was an easy find. It was worth the views and the decent was rather quick. TFTC
Very nice multi! This was one of the many multis I started in the city 10 days ago on foot, and which I've now been able to finish. The calculated coordinates were further away from the city than I had expected, but a quick email to the owner verified that I had indeed found the correct coordinates. Quick find today. TFTC
I'd had this one on the go for a while. I've been paranoid about losing my notes with the clues on this one so I decided tonight was the night to find it. Cache is in great condition in a great spot. TFTC
We were quite puzzled as we figured out, that the general GC coordinates were laying just 20 m beside our beds. Anyway, we used this cache to discover christchurch and it did quite a good job. Finally a ratherer chilly southerly nearly blowed us away. Thanks anyway for guiding us through chch.

LOG: 10:20
OUT: -
IN: -
Had a lovely time finding the waypoints and finding out about the places we had passed so many times without noticing them. Then the relief to find that our calculations were right and lead us straight (in a crooked way) to the cache site. Left a key ring TN TFTC
#335 (5/7 on a Port Hills traverse). Found with Troodles. This one had been on the go for the last few months. Finally in the area. Easy find. TFTC.
An oldy, but goody. Lots of people out and about on a lovely spring day, but nice and secluded at GZ. TFTC.
I started this on last winter, but never got very far with it. Last night we were in town with our bikes so we nipped around and grabbed a few of these waypoints and all of the town part of Victouria that we hadnt already got.(These two caches go very well together[^]). Last night I did the maths and realised I had missed a couple of waypoints.Surprised
Oops! A careful review of a cache I had previously found that had a photo of an object of interest proved to beless than helpful. but a wee bit of trial and error on Freshmap yielded two likely answers. (One of those was very close to canterbury st, Hmmmmm.)
This morning I walked up from the Chrischurch side and was at the cache site in 30min, not bad for lugging a 16kg pack upTwisted (another big tramp comming up.)For being one of the lodest caches in the south island it is in very good condition, GZ was bang on. I then went accross and down to the mission steps cache and back via the Bridal Path. Thanks Eddie, Unfound caches on the port hills are few and far between these days.
Allow pleanty of time for this one. What a great cache. The garden city was at its beautiful best so it was the perfect day for it. A great walk through the central city taking us to spots that we would never normally go to. Merry Wheeler and Buzzing Buzz came along for a bit of practice with their Gps's. When we finally got the co-ords for the actual cache we navigated to within a km, realised where it was, but none of us were up for the walk, so we took the soft option and drove round! TFTC. + R3 Racing TB, - Here I Come GC.
Enjoyed the stroll around ChCh with Cock of the Rock. Long day in the end, but lots of fun. TNLN. TFTC.

[This entry was edited by Merry Wheeler on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 at 2:55:06 AM.]
Did the waypoints about a week ago so it was about time I made the effort to pick up the cache.
Bit of a foul day at the final but not enough to slow me down! A very enjoyable cache, thanks.
- Tools of the Trade Geocoin
+ Ready or Not Geocoin
I have had the co-ordinates for ages and finally was in the area to find the cache.It was very windy and I got grit in my eye and then I managed to lose two of the tramping party.Left a book in the cache and I took a soft toy squirrel?
Went around a few months ago and collected all the information. Put the co-ords into GE but it just didn't seem to look right. Went back around a few of the co-ords and realised one of them was out. Tried a few other variables for that one and the likely spot was revealed. Went out today to find the cache and it turned out to be an easy find. Was a nice view from the spot today.

Left Geocoin
A good multi for a middle of town one. I much prefer to do my caching in terrain like where the cache is. I would have done this one sooner if I had read the hints for the cache at the start. I had a good run from work up to the cache and back. The cache is well hidden in a nice spot and is still dry inside. A large mob of muggles were just far enough away.
Hey this was a very interesting cache to do with lots of wondering around and so much to learn and see,,very good, I much enjoyed this one,,cheers
Got it! I collected the waypoints over a year ago, so was very glad to finish it just on dusk today. TNLN
Dad (Linleye) did this one last year, but dragged me up there to finish it myself. Wow it was steep and my legs hurt. Great view from the top and of course two other's nearby to do when my legs had a rest. TFTC, good fun.
Did all the hard work for this last year, but the final turned out to be a little out of my reach. Glad to tick this one off.
Cheers BaldEd - M@
Found this while visiting some friends - great location for the actual cache and fantastic views. Bit of a long cache though!!!
I had jogged around the WP's one morning last year whilst Mrs Moose went to a Ballantynes sale, however the final was a bit far away Smile Finally was coming this way today and stopped to get it. Unfortunatly, I couldn't figure out the J wp, so took a bit longer to find it. However, got it in the end. Great spot to finish it up, out of the wind and fairly comfortable place to fill in a log book. TNLN. Thanks BaldEd for this tour of some history of Christchurch.
Have been working on this one for a long time. Miscalculated my first effort and had to redo a waypoint. Easy find with the right coordinates. Lovely morning up here today lots of people out on the hills. Took a butterfly and left a fireman
Station C was difficult for my english,and station J I didn`t understand.But I found the cache.ge0rg
After a long ramble through Christchurch we finally made it up to the height to enjoy the great views and find the cache.

went in search of the pig travel bug.
as i thought it had been up there way to long.
but somebdoy beat me to getting it.
but i left another travel bug up there.

took my brother with me, so so him what it was about.

i notice there had been a couple of new logs in the notebook.

Great cache. We had a family ramble through the city on a lovely spring afternoon to score the waypoints. The daffodils are looking great. I bounded up the track from the city side today to get the final, as I needed some exercise. Brisk clear day with views for miles. Took Pip the Pig TB as he/she had been languishing there since March.
Great way to explore Christchurch. Enjoyed it very much! Dropped Pip the Pig and hope he will enjoy the rest of his journey.
Found the clues over 6 months ago and finally got round to finding the cache today. Walked up from Lyttleton side of Bridal track. Co-ords spot on. No swaps. Cheers BaldEd.
Did the walk around town on 25th together with Victouria and City and coast. Found out that C&C GZ had been cremated so went for the Canterbury Tales finale! Enjoyed the walks in the hills to other nearby caches. TNLN TFTC
Completed all the city bits during the week and went for a long cycle today and finished this off along the way. I picked up the travel bug and left an old Irish coin. Great views.
Number 300 found, yipee.

Did this cache over a month in 3 seperate visits to the city to pick up waypoints. Then this afternoon in the rain the trip to the cache was made. Yes we cheated and drove to the cache site, no getting soaked today. This cache was at the top of the nearest unfound list and is such a great multi that it seemed approiate to be the 300th find.+TB Compass, -ball bearing skill game ( that game is hard). Nice one BaldEd, Ridders76.
Dyl and I went on major gecocacheing exercise looking for Victouria, City and Coast, & Canterbury Tales - took most of the afternoon - Found this one after a bit of searching and stopped to admire the view before pressing on
good view at the final cache location, very nice day for it
I walked, I noted, I found and I logged. Actually, I did a grand tour, picking up all the waypoints for three multis in the Central City area in 2 hr 30min. What else was there to do on a dreary misty morning???? But I'm afraid the view at the final (which I know well from many previous visits) was today just a whiteout of mist. Oh well, at least it keeps muggles away!! Nice hiding spot, though. TNLN
Nice amble around the city, learnt a bit more about familiar haunts. The cache location is a classic, great to get here. We took the cheats way (by car rather than walk from the bottom).
+ ball puzzle game
- crayons (selected by mini-smurf).
Cheers BaldEd.
Thanks Ed, a fine challenge, and yes I also thought this spot was begging for a cache. Armed with the final co-ordinates I set out to see if it was possible to get from work to the cache and back again in under an hour, and the answer was... no! Red Face Still a lovely drive on a nice sunny day. I'd like to know where Mr and Mrs KiwiLegend live if they call this close to home?
Took turtle ball
Left whistle.
Liz, works in town, so did most of the waypoint exploring at lunchtimes. Then last night, around midnight we quickly sneaked in the last two - including an illicit after-hours raid on the Botanic gardens, only to come away with nothing Wink
The interesting thing then was to find how close the actual cache was to home - so Liz went out for a walk with the dog before breakfast to snaffle it.
+turtle ball, -smiley pad. Thanks!
Ah, good to finish. Had a few different LTB trips through town knocking off the waypoints - including a 55km ride yesterday. Finally had enough to piece things together and went out and hunted the final resting spot today. Lovely spot, and good protection from the wind. Great cache Ed! No exchange made. Cheers Gav [217]
Found it this time.
Its surprising ghow much easier it is if you co-ordinates aren't 250M out.
Took two other cachers, wjbwc and alorria up with me.

No exchange.
Nice morning, went along with Alorria and Moneydork as a nice break while in chch attending a funeral. Thanks for the opportunity to breath a bit of fresh air and enjoy the scenery. No swaps
Sunny day, fantastic view - nice mother-daughter moment Smile
+ 1 bouncy ball
found it today thx for putting us back on track
Little ferret legs feal better Big Grin
Have been working on this one with Badger_Ferret.
Tried our calc of the final waypoint today, but no luck.
BF will be Emailing you sometime to see where we went wrong (I don't think we're miles out).

This was great fun to do took me about 3 hours walking to find my way around the town.. I was glad the GZ was spot on Smile, lot of waypoints to check if i got it wrong..

+ Pooh Bear Crayons
- Puzzles

Many thanks for the great walk Bitsprayer..

With grandchildren Georgina and Ben we made this a great two day event, and had a fun time aroound town as well. Good for our mapping skills as well! Mummy opted out of the chase but joined us for the finale.
Thanks BaldEd for this great series!
-smiley ball
+ butterfly
Rod M
Woohoo! Found all the clues and the answer led me straight to the final cache. Had a great time gathering all the clues, thanks for the great cache. Took insulation tape and left 3D puzzle.

- 0
+ 2 cents

[This entry was edited by Spike's Mum and Dad on Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at 9:53:31 AM.]
A pleasant wander around the city, with a couple of diversions to places we wouldn't've seen otherwise. "A" wasn't available, but there's really only one value for it, and now we know why there didn't seem to be a cache at this spot that surely deserved one!
Thanks for the tour, BaldEd!
(Haven't done this one yet, but there's coords in GPX format to save some button-pressing at )
Sweet. Did the start on Saturday until low blood sugar levels forced my partner to have a sense of humour failure and we had to have an emergency morale pizza. Finished it today. Stunning views - warm and still. Thanks BaldEd!! P.S. the post script added to the web page about the sign may be handy for others so thanks for that too!
+ 2AA batteries
- 3 Trimble coasters
Well, I finally made it to this cache. The ground work was done about five months ago when i was in christchurch for work. I didnt have a car on that trip and didnt fancy the long walk from my motel.
Walked straight to the cache as coords seemed bang on.
+ electrical tape
- cable ties

Thanks for the interesting cache
Thanks Bald Ed for a great cache hunt. We spent yesterday afternoon trailing around the streets of Christchurch, revisiting many interesting historical sites. Then this afternoon we headed up to the cache site and located the cache quite quickly. We really enjoyed this journey. Thank you.
-smiley magnetic clip
+ happy pad
Iris & Rodney.
Oh! Sorry barry5 about you trouble with C. It never occurred to me that the noticeboard would be moved for night storage. The impression I had was that it was attached to the building's wall, or am I thinking of something else?
Great way to spend a few hours... apart from the thunder, lightning, hail and rain that enhanced the tranquil afternoon Smile Spent the hail storm under a little 600mm roof that shields an info board near clue D. Had help from friends who had attempted this one a while back but had not found the cache.

I had started looking for a few of the clues earlier in the week but had a lot of trouble with C. I first went there after hours and (I discovered later) the answer had been put away for the night by the adjacent establishment.


[last edit: 10/31/2002 3:25:41 AM PST]
Wahoo! We found it Smile Started at noon and it took all afternoon to complete the series. Had brother Crispin and my little neice Arlia (2 years old - absolutely loves geocaching!) with us - Arlia did exceptionally well to visit all 10 virtual caches with us, although she didn't make it to the 11th - was past her bed time!

Thanks for such a great cache series BaldEd - you've outdone yourself! We really enjoyed taking in some history around the city - we learnt so much! We took the lady bug and left a set of 3 Trimble Coasters.

Vida, Tim, Crispin and Arlia.
For the record, the squishy globe was purchased from the souvenier shop at the Waiouru Army Museum just before our Christmas holiday trip to the South Island - seemed like a perfect item for geocaching. Just wish I'd got a few more. Will have to make a return trip sometime to restock. Smile

Hmmmmm... my son has just come in and he reckons it was from the Air Force museum in Christchurch!

Anyway, I've been watching happily as it bounces around the various Canterbury caches and hope that it continues life as an unofficial travel bug! We're looking forward to hearing where it goes next.

By the way, congrats to BaldEd on a great sounding cache!

[last edit: 5/11/2002 11:13:15 PM PST]
Now that was fun, what a great cache idea - I hope you are planning a series of caches in this style. Headed out first thing after planning our route, and had an enjoyable wander round town finding the answers, then driving to the actual cache location - glad the rain held off. Dragged Jane out on her first geocache experience as Bernadette was at a course, which she enjoyed (another convert!)
Nice to be the first, took the squishy globe (that guy gets round - look for him in one of my future caches) and added a smiley bouncy ball (from Canadian Connection) and smiley magnetic clip and a ladybird.
Nick and Jane.

[last edit: 11/24/2002 10:42:48 PM PST]