Trapped Tree Macarthur, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
By Tankengine on 04-Jul-15. Waypoint GC5YB31

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That poor little tree is going nowhere! Well worth the walk in though, plenty of pretty yellow flowers and a stack of noisy miners in full song. Very nice patch of south Canberra this.And I do believe thats 199 Tankengine caches! Wouldnt it be great to raise the bat later this weekthanks!
This was an unexpected find on our walk today. We had changed direction and found ourselves much lower on the side of the ridge and on the opposite side to where we had been just a short while earlier.I wonder why this Tree has been trapped?We found the Hide here, safe and with a new log sheet. Perhaps this is the location that we left our pen! Thanks Tankengine Domsky
Logsheet replaced. Old log attached!GOOD TO GO!!!
Bit of a walk from the other cache north of here but a great morning for it, tftc.
A nice quiet hike in here on a slightly drizzly afternoon. Nothing but kangaroos, birds and some frogs in low lying areas to disturb.
I’m sometimes amazed how you find these odd things, but nonetheless here it stands “trapped”.
Thanks for the hike and the cache.
fitzy_1965 and I decided to tackle Isaacs Ridge with weekend. After speading the news, we ended up being joined by FurfacesLL, Rapidlywild & Flintstones.

Although the weather had potential for a lot of rain, it was only drizzling lightly as we started and thankfully didn't get too much heavier for the whole walk.

All of us had different caches to find but signed all logs as MRF^3. We collected all the caches on our list with the exception of one which was a known DNF before we started.

Quick find at GZ. Now to get back up the hill!
The number of placements in this area were growing and tempting, so we teamed up with MinnieK, Rapidlywild, fitzy_65 and Flintstones to attack them on this drizzly day. We decided for the two (or in this case three) car approach, leaving one car at the designated meeting place and headed to the northern end to start our trek. The weather held off to showers for our trek over the ridge. The group decided to sign the logs MR F3 or MR FFF; some log books were a bit damp and mouldy, but we still managed to put our mark on it.

A quick find at GZ.

Thanks for the placement Tankengine
There have been a large number of puzzles released on Isaacs Ridge over time and as they came out, they were promptly solved and added to the "Solved/Unfound" pile. FFLL reached out and advised there was a group planning a walk along the ridge and asked if I wanted to come along. Yes please Big Grin

It had been organised that one car would be left at the southern end and we would begin our walk at the northern end, this saved any backtracking and worked out really well. Todays walking group consisted of both FFLL ladies, MinnieK, fitzy_1965, Flintstones and myself. As such, we decided to sign the logs as MRF^3 (some logs signed as MRFFF). The forecast was for rain today but luckily for us, it was more of a haze drizzle throughout our walk.

Nice to be able to ticket and TE cache off the unfound list. Thanks for the hide. Smile
A nice ramble around the reserve. A straightforward find - the name helps. Thank you!
Another weekend and another day of caching with GreyHams, Issacs Ridge was the focus of our days outing. Callum Brae and Symonston held a few smaller pockets of other yet to be found caches, puzzles solved since the last visits or just waiting for the time to get around to getting to them... which we did this day!

A slightly different approach this time with putting a car at each end of the ridge. A short detour up into Mount Mugga Mugga Nature reserve first, an area thought to have been cleared out but GH found a sneaky puzzle hiding in there. Our warm up walk before the assent onto Issacs, although the approach was good coming from a high point.

A good part of the morning spent walking along the ridge with the occasion shift downwards for the odd cache as we passed. It's been a lot of visits up here over many years for the caches as puzzles have been solved. Some came easily but others needed hints or time to see the in. No doubt there are others hidden still or yet to come!

Once off the ridge and back to the car a detour for some well earnt lunch and then back for a few of the little pockets in the area. Many thanks for your cache Tankengine which helped lead our way through the day, a lovely Autumn day perfect for walking and an enjoyable day out.

I have been putting this one off, was always just out of time, just a little too far when weather was too hot, The hill was too steep. Today was the day and it was so easy I should have stopped in long ago!
Another weekeend, another map cleanup trip with Aquilus1. After spending many months on puzzles the last few weeks has been all about collecting. My sixth trip up Issac's Ridge, please no one else put up more puzzles here....I met Aquilus1 at the top of Long Gully Road to pick her up and drove back to the other end of the ridge, in O'Malley..... once up on the ridge we only had to come down a few times for caches.

AFter the ridge it was lunch at Erindale, which makes 3 or 4 weekends in a row we have eaten down there.. such variety. Then back down Long Gully Road to Mugga Way to grab a bunch more along the road and in Cullum Brae.

Thanks for all the hides and the the CO's for placing and maintaining.... Noikmeister, Darksidedan, Rapidlywold, Tankengine, Tealby, BatGirl & Winterdragon. Quite a variety of puzzles and hides!


The cache definitely reminded me of something....
Good hidden
It was fun were it was hidden
Noticed a few of these ghosts around here.
Good spot to sit and take in the distant sounds of planes, cars, and tip graders!
Thanks TE
Stopped by with loci612to grab this cache today. Signed DSD. Its close to some of my Battleship caches LOL
Always been wondering what this "Trapped Tree" is all about, so when myself and DSD had some last bit of time up our sleeve this afternoon before an appointment, we decided it would be good to finish on as it was on the way back anyway!

Parked on the side of the highway and made the direct approach considering we had no other goals in this nature reserve today. Was glad to find out that it was relatively flat the entire way and no need to go up that pesky hill!

Soon found out why the tree was trapped, and confirmed it indeed is...! Strange the things you find out here!

Thanks Tankengine Smile
Nice flatish walk in from the road. Cache found quickly and all OK.

A nice quick find today. TFTC
Wasn't planning on caching, so didn't have a pen. Very peaceful up the hill, TFTC
Kick of House... Today full sunny and Feel great walk all the way to find few caches... Thanks
Quick find TFTC
Another day walking around these hills to get some exercise before our next big walk mid week. Interesting place - wonder if this was once an old dam? Thx p2p. TFTC Tankengine.
Seeing as the CO recently found my Twisted Tree, I thought it only fair that I find his Trapped Tree. I'll admit Mugga requires slightly less logistics and energy than something on top of Mt Clear, but at least my tree has leaves. TFTC TE
The Monday evening Omnia walk explored Callum Brae Nature Reserve today which gave me the opportunity to find 11 geocaches around Long Gully Road and Mugga Lane on the way there. I approached this cache from NT Nakara; fortunately a fallen tree across the fence facilitated access! This cache was a straightforward find, being on the coordinates, and I have no answer as to why the tree was trapped in this way. Thank you Tankengine for installing and maintaining this cache.
Decided to take a stroll this afternoon and have me a look at a trapped tree. Have seen similar things many times in suburban yards, but never in a bush setting like this. Bizarre.
When it came to signing the log, my pen opted to be highly uncooperative (on account of having no ink left), so I trudged back to the geo-ute to fetch anther pen and repeated the trip to make my mark. Hey - it was a nice afternoon for a walk anyways. Thanks for another cache Tankengine!
This is a well named cache. Thanks again to the wombats who make the entrance possible!
Another day of successful caching. Jumped the fence below and up I went. TNLNSL TFTC
#8101 @1345
A day of navigation: geocaching, orienteering at Red Hill, more geocaching, and then a 3hr night rogaine at Black Mountain. Close to 25 km walking and running all up. Another stroll and another quick find. TFTC. (I think I wrote the 30th in the log).
We headed out with The Woofer today for a quick cache run. The grass was long, the spiders plenty, and it took us longer to get the bindies and grass seeds out of Jazz's fur than the entire walk took!!! One DNF which was frustrating, but left something behind, where possible, in the ones we did find.

An easier walk than the previous cache locations today, but so many prickles!!! And what's with the spikey spiders? A nice quick find. Interesting tree! TFTC Tankengine! Smile
#1437 After parking on the side of the road, I made the walk to GZ. Cache was spotted and signed. Thanks Tankengine.
On the way home from mattress recycling, thought I'd have a look. Parking with trailer was ok but what are those signs, hmm roo cull do not enter penalty is $7500. But wait only closed between 5pm and 7am, so in I went, found the trap and the container signed the log and off home. Thanks TE
Was driving past (only because I had been at the earlier event, taken a detour to try for a first find on my way to next thing - missed out on both - someone beat me to the new cache and while I was there I got a message to say the thing I was on my way to was no longer on - lol) so ... I decided seeing I now had a spare afternoon ... well, I have things I should be doing, but poking around in the shop at the tip, and stopping for a few caches on my way home is much more fun Smile
I drive past another one first, parked at first safe spot I found, walked back and found that, walked back to car and noticed I was parked right where I needed to for this one as well Smile
TFTC - nice to put more smileys in different spots on the map, and an interesting and pretty area to come for a walk in (I have taken a few interesting dead tree photos already, and I am still here beside GZ typing on my phone, because it is so much nicer than sitting in the car and doing it - lol
F(H)ound it! 9:40am

So glad to be out for a proper walk after several days of rain. A chance to trial the Ridgeo-pup's new back pack that we got for Chrissy. Now she can carry her own water! I parked up Long Gully Rd a bit and walked very close past a wallaby on the side of the road. I think he was pretty old but he kept his cool and the Ridgeo-pup didn't even notice. She did however get to see lots of kangaroos as we followed the usual path to GZ. We stopped for a drink beside another tree that has been likewise cruelly treated. It was such a beautiful morning I decided to climb Wanniassa Hill before heading home (resisted grabbing any more caches for today). Thanks for the cache Tankengine

RP Pic attached:
Found with Boot65 and the geodog. TFTC
4472. Found with Relish64 and the geohound. A nice wander along the centenary trail from Macarthur and further along the power lines to this one. A nice quick find and we headed off in a South westerly direction.
Yep, it definitely is trapped.
Thanks TE for the cache and the fun.
After what seemed like a long week at work, it was time for a few caches before getting away for the weekend. When I found a stop to go from I walked up to this one in the long grass. I actually passed another trapped tree along the way. For once I found this TE cache without any mistakes.


20579.1 TNLN
Visited: World Traveling Gold GC A#6 & 2015 Sleepy Hollow A#326

[Teal][font=Comic Sans MS]Albida[font=Verdana][/Teal]
Late evening we decided we needed a cache, and this was one of the closest. We parked on Mugga Lane, slipped though the fence and made our way to GZ. The abundant yellow paper daises are budding and will soon be displaying their bright faces. The cache was quickly located and log signed. A short pleasant walk, cooler with the sun below the horizon. TFTC Tankengine.
When I got to GZ, the first thing I noticed was the 'trapped tree' and even before finding the cache I was wondering what the reason for it was? [?][?][?]
I doubt that it would be of any use to protect it from koala-bears or help possums! It could have been for protection from goats eating the bark or cattle rubbing the bark off.
An easy find and a pleasant walk . TFTC Tankengine. [^] [^] [^]

This entry was edited by Decrypter on Saturday, 17 October 2015 at 00:08:23 UTC.

This entry was edited by Decrypter on Saturday, 17 October 2015 at 00:11:59 UTC.
My daily commute runs just by here, so I've been planning to do this one for ages. After quite a few hours of caching (mostly found, but not all) this seemed a nice one to finish off the day (or night by this stage). After grabbing Hot Property up the road and Sting in the Tail over the road, I pulled up by the gate and was off.

Walking in by the powerlines was a bit longer than the more direct assault, but very easy to do in the dark, even with a pretty weak torch. GZ was easily found, but funnily enough in the dark a took a little while to make sense of the name. But it made sense soon enough and the cache was easily found and logged.

A similarly easy walk back to the car (which I guess is not surprising, given I went back the same way I came!). As I got to within a couple of hundred metres of the car I could have switched off the torch and just followed the smell of the two big, very dead roos just up from the gate. At the end of what had been a warm day, they were rather ripe (poor things). TFTC Smile I really like those containers by the way - very neat.
Nice took a couple of minutes to find this one. Didn't pay enough attention to the obvious. TFTC Smile
It is a girdle, she is trying to get back her twenties figure or maybe not. The Tip was very tippy today so the serenity factor was quite non-existant
TFTC! Nice walk through the scrub
Parked on Mugga Way and made my way to GZ. There was plenty of water in the paddock, luckily my shoes have goretex. Nice walk in a new paddock.

Thanks TE.
To nice a day to stay indoors. TFTC.
Trapped tree. I don't see any trapped. Oh. On closer inspection. TFTC Tankengine.
9754 + 1095 = 10849. A nice quick walk in and find today.

I followed previous finder leads and parked on Long Gully Road and followed the Poles in. Once at GZ a neat container was waiting to be found. Signed, returned and I headed back along the lines to the car.

Thanks Tankengine !


Found with my uncle (who is visiting from North America) on a cold afternoon. We parked the car down at Long Gully Road and followed the powerlines towards GZ. Most of the ground was marshy - probably from the recent rain. There were lots of kangaroos hopping down from the hill. We also spotted two clumps of spitfires on a bush and two eagles/hawks circling far above us.

We soon found ourselves at GZ and viewed the interesting tree. I found the cache fairly quickly - I'm starting to like these containers! I signed the logbook before walking back with my uncle to the car.

Our thanks to Tankengine! Smile
The fourth find of the day. After collecting the last cache, I jogged down the hill to this one. It was a fairly nice jog but I had to be careful as the ground was quite loose! Once I arrived at GZ, I began to search for a trap but in the end I found out what the title really meant! The cache was located shortly after arriving. Not quite the trap I was thinking of! Log signed and cache replaced. TFTC Tankengine, there are a few more of your's in my sights for today!
Took the walk in along the poles.....and what a neat day it was to be there. Bright sunshine and no wind....a good Canberra winters day.

Arrived at GZ and soon had the cache in hand. Seemed to be lots going on over at the refuse area. Log signed and then back out the same way.

Thanks for the walk TE.....
4/7 After enjoying dinner out in Civic with friends we were in desperate need of a walk and this cache fitted that plan perfectly Smile . A bright full moon lit the way to this trapped tree where we quickly spotted the cache hanging nicely from its pre installed hook. Surprised to see a blank log at 21:40 for a *FTF* with a nice bonus of a Tankengine 400 hide PT Smile. Maybe this tree had misbehaved and needed to be locked up! Thanks Tankengine for a nice frosty moonlit adventure tonight and the very cool PT .