Nanny Noela Broadbeach Waters, Queensland, Australia
By lathamj on 13-Jul-15. Waypoint GC5Z9MF

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No response from the owner within the last 28 Days and as per my original note this cache has been archived. If you wish to replace it please submit a new cache via [this link](
It appears the cache may have been muggled. Back online soon.
No luck
Thought this one would be a nice quick find but all we could find was lots of rubbish and a rather nasty pile of broken glass. May have to come back for another look with more time to spare
Live on Nanna Noela as you do in many hearts.
The family are up here for a few days to attend the Aerobics national competition so will have an opportunity to grab a few caches in between breaks.
On another quick break I ducked out of the convention centre since this was the closest cache nearby. Nice easy quick find thanks to the hint.
Thanks for the cache, the hunt and the fun.
At the conclusion of today's conference proceedings at Jupiters I took a walk over here not quite knowing where I was going as I was talking on the phone and didn't get a chance to look at the compass until I overshot GZ by 200m. Walking back I spotted the cache but a muggle was hanging around the fence and didn't look like going anywhere so I crossed the bridge thinking I wasn't going to get it today. On looking back he went into the house as a tradesman arrived so the coast was clear. A quick find, sign and replace.

Today was a BIG on the MTB. I was aiming to cycle from Tweed heads the The Spit and back, about 70km. Big Grin
I stopped nearby to start a multi and saw this cache nearby, a new cache. Smile
A quick detour and find.
Thanks for the cache.
Going by the previous photos, this spot looked pretty nice early in the morning so here I am. The sun hadn't completely broken through the buildings so it's very easy to see why Noela loved this spot. I watched the tide go out while I waited for a few people to go past then it was onto business. Thankfully no one went by while I used the railing to sign in. Good to see a nice sized container for a change.
Thanx for the new cache lathamj
Left something one can use after lunch!
2TF. Full log to follow.

This entry was edited by pannie&medusae on Sunday, 02 August 2015 at 09:59:27 UTC.
I had hoped to grab a FTF but nevertheless, in keeping with the idea of remembering a loved one, I would like to dedicate this find to my lovely mother who passed away two weeks ago. She used to live about a block away on the water in Havana Key so I had to come and get this one for her. Once at GZ, it was a quick and easy find thanks to the hint. TNLNSL. In my haste this morning, I forgot to bring my trackables bag!

Apologies to the CO for the late log but I was waiting for the FTF to log before I logged my find. Seeing as I was there just after sunrise and it is now long after dark, I figured I should go ahead and log it. I don't know how it works here but where I live (South Africa) it is considered extremely rude and inconsiderate not to log a First to Find as soon as possible.

Thanks for placing this cache for me to find, lathamj.
Found this afternoon as a short walk from the house we are staying in. Noticed this was only published a few days ago, 3TF I think. Dropped a trackable for the next person to move along. Took a photo with the kids on the bridge, great view. TFTC