Get on your skateboard Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
By Cherryslice88 on 09-Mar-19. Waypoint GC7ZN05

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Not able to get to this cache for a while so best to archive it.
Might be muggled
No luck I think it’s gone
We looked everywhere we could think of but came up empty handed
No luck for this little black duck today.
Did a thorough look.
Will come again soon
After extensive search no evidence of the cache. Lots of rubbish doesn't help either. TFTC
Not really hidden. TFTC
Once we were on the right side of the creek, the log book was found on the ground. We found the container nearby and it still had the lid on. Put it all back together and replaced where the container was found. Thanks for the cache.
Melbourne’s open and it’s a long weekend so time for another caching trail with OzHockeyChick and GT37 in our overlapping 25kms zone.

Arrived at GZ but unfortunately found the log book in pieces across the ground. Gathered it up and replaced it in the cache container. Unfortunately looks deliberate given the lid was on firmly.

Thanks Cherryslice88 for the cache.
Good find, not sure if its in the right spot
This was on my radar for a while and today a bike ride brought me close so I made the find.

Thanks to Cherryslice88 for the placement and fun.
Stuck in lockdown, so exciting to use our 1 hour exercise time to find our first geocache!
cool find
Found it
Thank you for your cache. My daughter and i are first time users and decided to look for yours first as it is close by. Forgot to take a pen but wil go back and sign.
Find number 8431 at 12:54:44 pm
Ducked out at lunchtime to make a delivery and coming past this way I thought it was time to make a quick grab. Well, it was once I worked out which side of the creek I needed to be.
Cache found quickly and in good condition.
Cache logged with sanitised hands.
**Thanks for placing this cache Cherryslice88**

Big things are continuing to happen in Victoria! *Are you joining in the fun?*
[**The Whittlesea Event 2020**](
*14th & 15th November 2020 - GC8EW40 - Whittlesea - Victoria*
Found with my dad! Easy to spot, rewarding find.
Nice easy find. Left a Lego minfig. Thanks heaps.
Easy find for Annie and Will
Thanks. Found it...after a search (and reading the hint)
Found it pretty easily, loved the little slug guarding it haha!
Great one! There was a leopard slug guarding it :p
Great hidey hole. My son found it.
TFTC..... unexpected
Nice little hole! Took my grandpa and I at least 5 minutes
The gps was all over the place so I floundered around hunting all over the place. I was just about to give up when I turned around and spotted the cache. Great little hidey hole.
After getting some essential items at the nearby Bunnngs store we stopped here on the way home to pick up this cache. It was Mr Pooky who was standing in the right position who made the find. TFTC and bringing us to this spot to check out more of the local area.
All quiet around. No soccer this month sadly.
It’s a good hiding spot! My hat off to you.
Found together with Ultraterse on a night caching run.
Also found a leopard-coloured slug serving as a cache guardian.
Practising social distancing, caching by myself while I can, armed with hand sanitiser etc. Nice to find one in a nice secluded spot. I feel like I could sit here and go for a sleep under the lovely trees in the lush grass. But onwards and upwards.. there are more treasures to be found. Tftc cherryslice88
Nice easy find on a lovely ‘social distancing’ Sunday afternoon.
Stopped by on my ride to work. A little out of the way, but not too bad. Quick find once at GZ. Saw a rat scurrying in and out of the bush nearby! TFTC Smile
With the skaters in the background you tend to keep looking over your shoulder a little. This was a good little hunt. TFTC
A tricky one to get to (or maybe we approached from the wrong direction).
Once there, we found it quickly enough.
Thanks Cherryslice88 for showing us this place.
A terrific day for a walk around the area.

As I approached this one from the along Middleborough Road I was feeling pretty dismayed. The skate park was teening (sic) with muggles and there would have been no way of searching for a cache near there without looking seriously creepy. I was relieved when I realised it was well away from there.

At GZ I began a search and was soon disturbed by a muggle who had wandered over not realising it was a dead end. He opted not to try my suggested route across a narrow branch high above the creek and wandered away again.

Left to my own devices I spent a few minutes looking in what seemed the obvious place, but clearly wasn't. I expanded the search and quickly enough spotted something worth investigating. It wasn't what I was expecting or where I was expecting it, but it was a geocache and that was all that mattered. TFTC Smile
TFTC. Found it!
Found it! Smile TFTC
Yay, school holiday play date means the whole mob comes out caching voluntarily or not. Lucky we found it quite quickly, Tftc!
Boxing Day, and the skateboard park was quite busy. We had walked here from some distance away and found the way to the right side of the creek. Fortunately the area we were in was deserted as it took us a lot longer than it should have to eventually find the cache. Signed log and tucked cache back into it's hideyhole. Thanks for the cache Cherryslice88
Found it on the ground. Not sure where to wedge it. Thanx anyway.
Quick find the day before Glas the. TFTC
Nice hide, took me 15 minutes to find it
TFTC! Good hide #70
Found today. Great school holiday activity!
Coords all good to find this one on the other side of the creek to perhaps where I was expecting. No skaters on a Monday morning. TFTC
Nice little verge of grassland on the far side of the creek. Solid hiding spot, which marked our first cache of the day. Thanks!
Picked up a couple of cache on the way home tonight, Nailed this one on the way through. A little soggy under foot. TFTC CherrySlice88
Out and about on this horrible, cold, wet and windy night - not ideal conditions for caching but still had a lot of fun! This took me quite some time to find but eventually checked something that looked suspicious from the start! TFTC!
Found today at 12:35pm. Thanks from D, HA, H & A B-A
Need 11 caches to finalise the Museum Mystery and with the deteriorating weather staying around I decided to try and grab a few whilst the rain was pouring to the North and South but absent in the middle. Parked further away than I had to as I discovered the skateboard carpark further up. With the wind cutting through every piece of clothing I continued to the GZ. I've always had faith in Cherryslice88's coords so I followed the GPS to the trigger point and quickly espied something out of place. Ends up it wasn't the actual cache but assisted the find. TFTC Cherryslice88. The walk back to the car was subject to small drops of that wet stuff. Brrrrrrrr
This is my second attempt - last time I was in a rush and couldn't find anything, but I didn't search too thoroughly as there were soccer people right nearby.
Back again - also at night, and this time I was determined not to leave empty handed. Luck was on my side tonight - it wasn't the type of hide I was expecting but I spotted something and then found it!
Thanks Cherryslice88
Find #4286. Found @ 18:57

Chasing a clue for the Mystery at the Museum activity and also a cache for the double calendar challenge brought me here. This was the closest to home and work of the type I needed. Just a bit of a pity that it was also raining at the time.

Oh well, we're hardy stock us geocache tragics. I parked in a suboptimal spot and trudged to GZ where I made the relatively quick find.

Took nothing, left nothing, signed log and visited some trackables.
Thanks for the cache Cherryslice88.
I was also after clues for the Mystery at the museum. I walked further than I needed to find this cache. I Gz there were muggles not too far away so I used the hint. The GPS was suggesting the cache was 6 or 7 m away. Fortunately there were not too many places the cache could be and so I soon had it. Thanks Cherryslice88
I've been saving this close-to-home cache up for special needs and wanting to get the clues for the second stage of Mystery at the Museum it was time to go collect it. Parking nearby I walked to GZ on this cold, wet, windy, miserable day - but that helped keep the muggles away and the cache was quickly found and logged. TFTC Smile
Tricky! My husband got this one.
Nice hide... Had us baffled for a bit
No ditches for me! Plenty of skaters but there they are focussed just on that. TFTC
After picking up Geoboy at school nearby we came here for a quick treasure find. We weren’t in quite the right area but when we changed our location we found it easily.
So fun we had to climb across drains
Neat little hiding place thanks
This was a pleasant little tucked away location with the creek just nearby. The coordinates were good and I quickly spied the container and happily added my name to the log. As I was signing I could hear the skateboarders in the distance, but with a well chosen GZ, was safely out of sight of any activity.
Thanks to Cherryslice88 for placing this cache.

Found on 11 Jun 2019 at 1:46 pm.
I had some time in lieu off work and since today was really good weather for winter I went out on a bike ride since I had been neglecting my 15km zone and a lot of new caches had popped up.
Luckily I took the correct way into this one and found it in the first place I looked. Could have turned out a lot worse with the fences everywhere.
Thanks Cherryslice88 for the cache, the adventure, the hunt and the fun.
5:17 pm #7415
Our GPSrs kept putting us on the other side of the fence, so with one on each side, it wasn’t too long before the cache was in hand.
Cheers Cherryslice88
Compass pointed “over that big fence” ooh look there’s a way around, so ducking and scrambling I went, whilst OHC remained and when I finally got there and rummaged around finding nothing , a call of “got it “.. back I go , scrambling again Smile

Thanks Cherryslice88 for Get on your skateboard

Was out doing Damselflies when I realized that I was a short walk from this one so took a diversion to find this.
Out on a ride today, I targeted this one and some others. Arriving at GZ, I was happy to find a secluded spot away from prying eyes. I soon spotted something and had the cache in hand. Reaching for my pen, I discovered it gone. I rode back to the other side and found it where I first checked my phone and there it was sitting on the grass. Returned and added my name.

Nicely done. Thanks for the cache, Cherryslice88.
The Corrigan Gang found this and also got to catch a few minutes of the game! Thanks to the cacher!!!
Nice, easy find. All in good condition. TFTC
Not an obvious hide. Well done Cherryslice88.
We dropped GeoboyB at the skate park and headed to get this but we were on the wrong side. Went and grabbed the 2 multis near here and came back on this one. We approached from the abandoned college oval. We never do things the easy way. A tight squeeze through the fence and we finally hit GZ.
A beautiful Easter Saturday morning and the perfect time to pick a plum. I’d seen this new fruit appear recently and today it was ripe for harvest!

I like this little hideaway reserve you’ve found Cherryslice88. And thanks for the approach advice as well - very helpful. As I arrived I disturbed a massive flock of Corellas on the ground. It looked like a bakery had dumped its old bread - not sure how I feel about that. It’s really littering or at the very least inappropriate feeding.

The cache was found in good condition and I proceeded to investigate the skate park.

Quite amazing! I’d only ever seen the park from the road before. Nice landscaping, good amenities and a positive vibe. It made me think of an indoor climbing centre given the huge range of options to choose from. It made me want to learn to skateboard too - but maybe that’s just my mid life crisis talking!

Thanks for this cache Cherryslice88 and the chance to learn a bit more about my local area. Indeed, local knowledge is why I love geocaching!
I haven't had much time for geocaching in recent times, and I decided I needed to go for a walk this afternoon to pick up a cache I hadn't noticed before.
Thanks for the cache Cherryslice88
Found at 11:39
I was out and about and had a little time to stop and have a look for this new cache. I parked nearby and walked down this little out of the way area. My phone couldn't decide where I should look but i found the spot after a few minutes.
Thanks Cherryslice88 for the cache.
Out for a short run as it was to good a day to be inside. Thought I was in trouble as there was so many people around but it was far enough away I did t the hard way (as usual). Took the wrong side of the creek and need to make the cross only t find the easy wade. Nicely hidden, thanks for all your work Cheeryslice88. Turned round to find others found themselves on the wrong side of the creek.
More good work by Cherryslice88 using the now familiar ‘plum sized’ container.
Struggled a little bit until I freed up both hands to investigate a likely looking location.
I decided to take a break from work and go for a walk in the gorgeous afternoon sun. Along the way I grabbed a few caches. A quick find. TNLN. TFTC.
Found this one today while catching up with my old mate omegaman1971 and we headed out to grab a few caches in the area. l have been to the nearby skate park several times each year for the past few years with my two young scooter mad sons and they seem to enjoy tearing around trying to burn up their endless energy that they possess. This one was located after heading off the main path and having a search about, still took a few minutes to spot it though, thanks Cherryslice88 for the hide.
4613 Finds
Out and about with Happy Pants putting some smiles on the map.
Lots of muggles around today enjoying the local facilities.
Cheers for the cache.
A nice quick and easy find on a beautiful afternoon walk around the area.
Not a cache I would recommend doing under the cover of darkness. Heaps junkies hiding in the riverbed.creeepppyy
On my way to visit my niece, I stopped to make the short walk to this well hidden cache. Thanks Cherryslice88
There I was checking my email - hmmm, new geocache... I glanced at the clock. Too late - it'll be gone. I read a few more emails. Then I glanced at the clock again... hang on, that cache isn't that old. I checked. 16 minutes old. My mummy brain clearly didn't really look at the clock the first time. 15 minutes drive away. No logs yet. There is a chance. I looked at geobub. Mismatched clothes, no socks, grot on face. I looked down at myself. Spit-up on pants, baggy-at-home jumper, hair not brushed. Bugger it, let's go. Shoes on and out the door. Colder than I thought. We'll manage. To the car. Car covered in fig seeds and digested fig seeds. What a sight we must be! Drive over no problems, I know this spot well. No need to look at the map. I'll park where suggested. Out of car and into pram. Check map. Should have parked at the other end! Aggghhh! We'll make it work. Bit cold. No warm hat! But I have a sun hat. Geobub now dons a woman's sunhat. It'll do. We rush over - should have parked closer. See GZ from the opposite side of the creek. No people around. That's a good sign. See the corellas. Take pictures. Scare corellas. Cross creek. No one ahead of me. Get closer. No one hiding in the bushes signing a log. Get to GZ. Spot cache immediately. Grab it. Is it blank? Yes! Can't believe my luck. Check every page. Blank. Check logs. Also blank. Finally accept I have [FTF] {FTF} status. Cheer! Realise I don't have a pen. Consider running into Spotlight for a pen. Empty bag on ground. Pen! Does it work? It does! Sign log. Take celebratory photos with geobub. Realise again what a disheveled mess we must appear. Return to car. Go home to lunch and a bit of a wash. Thank you Cherryslice88. We enjoyed the hunt!
When you get an email saying there’s a new cache not too far away it’s a certainty that it’ll be high on the priority list, dropping what you’re doing and go!
But when your nose down on a gym mat doing plank exercises and it’s a 15 minute drive away you know that a FTF is going to be near impossible.
So with reluctance I continued the exercises, had lunch, then took a leisurely drive to near GZ.
The corellas were in great abundance but the cache is safe from them. And, having found the prize I find I’m 2TF. Which I thought was reasonable given my activities today. Well placed, Cherryslice88.