Paradise Series - Currumbin Tugun, Queensland, Australia
By Crew 153 on 23-Dec-05. Waypoint GCRQ1Q

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At the first waypoint I found all but one of the numbers. I couldn't locate the survey marker and suspect that it was buried somewhere under all the sand that is now in the carpark due to the beachworks that are happening nearby. I took a guess at the most likely place for waypoint 2 and headed down the beach to have a look. When I arrived at my calculated spot there was no sign of a sign anywhere so I don't think I got that right. I took another guess and came up with a waypoint further inland. I tried to use google to help me find the 13 number but all the options I could think of placed the final in the sea. Eventually I ran out of time so I might have to get some help with the numbers and come back to this one another time. No cache today but still a lovely walk along the beach.
Thank you!
Found with goldielover this evening. Got the first half with no worries. The second half not so. The 1300 number at this gz is definitely not the one intended. You will end up very wet.All good at the final gz. Number gathered. Tftc
Visiting South East Queensland for a week from Port Macquarie. This morning we ventured out towards Springbrook before returning in the early afternoon to do a spot of caching around Robina and then raced over to Currumbin just in time for the afternoon Lorikeet feeding.Worked out all the numbers with a bit of trial and error thrown into the mix. Google definitely helped with one of the waypoints. Coords took us right to the cache neatly tucked away, noted down the code number but unsure if we'll manage to get to the bonus.Thanks for the cache
Down on the Gold Coast for work and with a free day of caching today weve headed out to make the most of it. We managed to score an awesome park at wp1 and sorted out the numbers. Loved the views from up on the lookout too. Headed to wp2 where Google came in handy and then headed to GZ. A car was parked nearby but I found a side way into the bush and was soon at GZ. Cache found and log signed. Thanks Crew 153Find #5881
Out on the caching trail again with alphag_25. Going for some caches today to fill a grid and also to pick up some older caches, love a good multi. Like others WP 2 put us in the ocean but with a bit of sleuthing, we managed to find the final. A bit out (28m) from our calculated location but reading through old logs and the hint managed to find it anyway. TFTC
Travelling around the waypoints and got some numbers. Was stuck at WP2 but at wp2 location a bit of google research found a 1300 number to assist. Dud the calcs and probable gz was calculated. At gz did a search and widening of the search area after reading previous logs, found the cache and signed the log. Grabbed the extra hint too for the mystery. Tftc sl On a caching holiday from Mackay. In the search of old caches and ones to fill DT grid spaces. Thanks for placing this cache for our enjoyment with mackay_geocaching. Have mostly had clear sunny days on our trip.*Found with [Geooh GO](*
I have traveled with 37 geocachers to Australia and New Zealand resulting in lots of opportunities for sightseeing and geocaching. The Teammembers are:gc, AndyausDu, AmoebeST, B@cker-1, Biggidag, Brummelbren, CacherReisen,CacheTaucher, cooljo, Fotopinguin, Freizeit-Tina, Gazelle5111, GEOKaren, GoanToni, HFo, hupsi-1, karrai *, keeiner, Leilah03, lenny love,Lupus54, Maxipimpf, muschel3, Ollilein, Opaundenkel, penalty96, Rheins,Simowl, sozioma, Sr. Elli, Team Zyanor, viko76, Webmasterrollerin,Whlhase, XenSuo.The logbooks were mostly signed under the teamname "Team DownUnder24" and answers were sent to owners for the group, as appropriate. This has been a great trip with a multifold of new impressions and experiences.During our stay in Australia we had also the opportunity to visit some caches. This cache was also among our finds today.Thanks for leading us here and showing and thanks for the cache.
Bei unserer Gruppenreise nach Australien und Neuseeland konnten wir neben den vielen interessanten Eindrcken auf unseren Ausflgen auch viele Caches besuchen. Wir loggten platzsparend mit Team DownUnder24.Danke an Crew 153 fr diesen Cache.
Unterwegs in Australien und Neuseeland mit der Cachergruppe Downunder24,konnte ich diesen schnen Cache signieren.Danke frs Anlegen und Herfhren!TFTC sagt der WhlhaseDie Cachergruppe Downunder24 hat die Teilnehmer:_gc_, AndyausDu, AmoebeST, B@cker-1, Biggidag, Brummelbren,CacheTaucher, cooljo, Fotopinguin, Freizeit-Tina, Gazelle5111, GEOKaren, GoanToni, HFo, hupsi-1, karrai *, Leilah03, lenny love,Lupus54, Maxipimpf, muschel3, Ollilein, Opaundenkel, penalty96, Rheins,Simowl, sozioma, Sr. Elli, Team Zyanor, viko76, Webmasterrollerin,Whlhase, XenSuo,Danke fr die Dose - Thanks for that Cache - Merci pour la Cache - Dzieki za Cache - Grazie per questo Cache - Takk for at Cache - Obrigado por isso Cache - Gracias por el Cache - Dky za ke - Aciu u ta talpykla - Paldies par o Cache - Aith selle eest Cache - Kiitos, ett Cache - Tack fr att Cache - Tak for denne Cache - Hvala cache - nbellek iin tesekkrler - Ksznjk, hogy a cache - Bedankt voor de cache - Graas para o cache - Dankon pro la kasmemoron
Together with 36 other geocachers, the KiSt team undertook a very long trip to Australia ???? and New Zealand ???? for three weeks. On both the outward and return journeys, there was a stopover in Doha, the capital of Qatar ????.We experienced a great deal on this trip and gained many very different impressions of the two countries, their nature and their culture. Of course, the main focus was on visiting as many caches of as many different types as possible and also all accessible old cans. However, we also made sure to visit many special places of interest and to gain as comprehensive an impression as possible of nature and its flora and fauna.To save the logbooks, we usually signed in with our team name **Downunder24**. For "special" cans, however, we have not missed the opportunity to leave our nickname as well.This beautiful cache is now also one of our finds.Due to the large number of caches visited, it is unfortunately not possible for us to write an individual log for each can, which is why we would like to apologize to the owners for this collective log.We also met other cachers at some of the events and were able to share our experiences. Many thanks to the event owners!Of course we would like to thank all the owners for showing us the great locations, the sometimes tricky puzzles, exciting multis and wherigos, as well as the interesting virtuals and earth caches - TFTC!!!---In der Besetzung KiSt unternahmen wir zusammen mit 36 weiteren Geocachern fr drei Wochen eine sehr weite Reise nach Australien ???? und Neuseeland ????. Auf der An- und Abreise stand dabei jeweils ein Zwischenstopp in Doha an, der Hauptstadt von Qatar ????.Wir haben auf dieser Reise sehr viel erlebt und viele sehr unterschiedliche Eindrcke von den beiden Lndern, deren Natur und deren Kultur mitgenommen. Natrlich lag ein Hauptaugenmerk darauf, mglichst viele Caches mglichst vieler unterschiedlicher Typen und auch alle erreichbaren alten Dosen zu besuchen. Darber haben wir es aber nicht versumt, vielen besonderen Sehenswrdigkeiten einen Besuch abzustatten und uns von der Natur und deren Flora und Fauna einen mglichst umfassenden Eindruck zu verschaffen.Um die Logbcher zu schonen, haben wir uns dort meist mit unserem Teamnamen **Downunder24** eingetragen. Bei "besonderen" Dosen haben wir es uns aber auch nicht nehmen lassen, zustzlich unseren Nicknamen zu hinterlassen.Auch dieser schne Cache zhlt jetzt zu unseren Funden.Aufgrund der groen Anzahl der besuchten Caches ist es uns leider nicht mglich, zu jeder Dose einen individuellen Log zu verfassen, weshalb wir uns bei den Ownern fr diesen Sammellog entschuldigen wollen.Auf einigen Events haben wir auch andere Cacher kennengelernt und konnten unsere Erfahrungen austauschen. Vielen Dank an die Event-Owner!Natrlich wollen wir uns bei allen Ownern fr das Zeigen der tollen Orte, die teils kniffligen Rtsel, spannenden Multis und Wherigos, sowie die interessanten Virtuals und Earthcaches bedanken - TFTC!!
We had a great time in Australia and looked at many sights. Today we made a quick stop on the Gold Coast before our flight to Auckland. That's how we came across this cache here too.?? I am also part of the large tour group from Germany, for reasons of space, we have entered the logbook as **DownUnder24**.Thank you for luring and hiding, says ollileinThe tour group includes: gc, AndyausDu, AmoebeST, B@cker-1, Biggidag, Brummelbren, CacheTaucher, cooljo, Fotopinguin, Freizeit-Tina, Gazelle5111, GEO Karen, GoanToni, HFo, hupsi-1, karrai *, Leilah03, lenny love, Lupus54, Maxipimpf, muschel3, Ollilein, Opaundenkel, penalty96, Rheins, Simowl, sozioma, Sr. Elli, Team Zyanor, viko76, Webmasterrollerin, Whlhase, XenSuo
Als Gruppe von 38 Geocacher*innen machten wir uns auf den Weg aus Deutschland, Dnemark und der Schweiz. Nach einem Zwischenstopp in Doha, Qatar, ging es nach Australien, wo wir in Sydney, Melbourne und Cairns Quartier nahmen. Dann ging es weiter nach Neuseeland ...In die gefundenen Logbcher haben wir als Team Downunder2024 eingetragen.Vielen Dank fr den CacheSimowlAs a group of 38 geocachers we set off from Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. After a stopover in Doha, Qatar, we went to Australia, where we stayed in Sydney, Melbourne and Cairns. Then we went on to New Zealand...As Team Downunder2024, we entered the logbooks we found.Thanks for the cacheSimowl
Together with my B@cker and a lot of crazy Cachers from Germany, Denmark and Luxembourg, we have an exciting Trip to Qatar, Australien and New Zealand. The name of the Group is easy Downunder24.The Team isAmoebeST, AndyausDu, B@cker-1, Biggidag, Brummelbren, CacheTaucher, cooljo, Fotopinguin, Freizeit-Tina, Gazelle5111, -GC-, GEOKaren, GoanToni, Hfi1, hupsi-1, karrai*, keeiner, Leilah03, lenny love, Lupus54, Maxipimpf, muschel3, Ollilein, OpaundEnkel, penalty96, Rheins, Simowl, sozioma, Sr.Elli, Team Zyanor, viko76, webmasterrollerin, Whlhase and XenSuo. Exhausting but beautyful. Thanks for the Cache. Best regards from Buxtehude ( Germany) ?? ?? ??
There was a lot to see and log on my trip through Australia and New Zealand, and this cache was one of them. We were a group of 38 and logged with "Team Downunder24" to save space in the logbook.Thanks says XenSuo
Das groe Abenteuer beginnt. Qatar Australien Neuseeland. Zusammen mit 37 anderen Cachern bereise ich diese Lnder. Wir haben uns den Gruppennamen Downunder 2024 gegeben.Das sind die Teilnehmer:gc, AndyausDu, AmoebeST, B@cker-1, Biggidag, Brummelbren, CacherReisen,CacheTaucher, cooljo, Fotopinguin, Freizeit-Tina, Gazelle5111, GEOKaren, GoanToni, HFo, hupsi-1, karrai *, keeiner, Leilah03, lenny love,Lupus54, Maxipimpf, muschel3, Ollilein, Opaundenkel, penalty96, Rheins,Simowl, sozioma, Sr. Elli, Team Zyanor, viko76, Webmasterrollerin,Whlhase, XenSuo.Wir haben uns nicht alle im Logbuch verewigt um den Ownern nicht gleich nach unserem Besuch zur Wartung zu rufen. Ab und an habe ich mich auch mal mit meinem Namen persnlich eingetragen. Vielen Dank an Crew 153 fr diesen Cache, liebe Gre aus Apensen von der webmasterrollerin Silvia 27. Februar 2024 14:00
Last day in Australia . This is my first visit to this extraordinary continent and the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream. In the past, it always failed due to the lack of a travel companion. Now I had the chance to join a large group of mainly German geocachers and I was delighted to take it. Stopover in Gold Coast and five hours layover. What do geocachers do? Make the most of the time and search for as many caches as possible. My favorite cache was this multi. I love multis and then from this date. At the start we were able to note down all the information we needed with a bit of searching, but at the second waypoint we were confused at first, but in the end the internet was able to help us. The final coordinates now looked plausible. Once there, we found what we were looking for in the extended search radius and were able to sign the logbook.Thank you for laying & taking care Smile.Letzter Tag in Australien . Fr mich ist es der erste Besuch dieses auergewhnlichen Kontinents und die Erfllung eines lang gehegten Traums. Es scheiterte in der Vergangenheit immer an einem fehlenden Reisebegleiter. Jetzt gab es die Chance mich einer groen Gruppe von berwiegend deutschen Geocachern anzuschlieen und ich ergriff sie mit Freuden. Zwischenlandung in Gold Coast und fnf Stunden Aufenthalt. Was machen Geocacher? Die Zeit nutzen und und so viele Caches suchen wie mglich. Mein Wunschcache war dieser Multi. Ich liebe Multis und dann noch aus diesem Legedatum. Am Start konnten wir mit ein bisschen suchen alle bentigten Informationen notieren, aber am zweiten Wegpunkt waren wir zuerst verwirrt, aber letztendlich konnte uns das Internet weiterhelfen. Jetzt sahen die ermittelten Finalkoordinaten plausibel aus. Dort angekommen wurden wir im erweiterten Suchradius fndig und konnten das Logbuch signieren. Danke fr das Legen & Pflegen Smile.
Australien und Neuseeland ,zwei fr mich bis dato unerreichbare Ziele die ich nun ,dank dem besten Hobby der Welt von meiner Lffelliste streichen kann.Wo findet man gleich 37 begeisterte Reiseteilnehmer mit dem gleichen Interesse?Genau, bei Cacher-Reisen.Und so sind wir hier und erkunden die Stdte, Landschaften und die Schne Natur. Als Gruppe tragen wir uns in den Logbchern mit Downunder2024 ein um Platz zu sparen oder auch den email Account nicht zu sprengen.Viele verschiedene Cachetypen stehennauf unserer Liste, die alten Dosen von 2000/2001 um die Jasmer zu fllen oder auch die letzten Lcken zu schlieen.Hier wird einem in beidem eine groe Vielfalt geboten.T4t$ sagt viko76 aus Berlin/ Deutschland Australia and New Zealand , two goals for me so far unattainable that I can now remove from my spoon list thanks to the best hobby in the world.Where can you find 37 enthusiastic travel participants with the same interest?Exactly, at Cacher-Reisen.And so we are here and explore the cities, landscapes and beautiful nature.As a group, we register in the logbooks with Downunder2024 to save space or not to blow up the email account.Many different cache types are on our list, the old cans from 2000/2001 to fill the Jasmer or even to close the last gaps.Here, a great variety is offered in both.T4t$ says viko76 from Berlin/ Germany
Together with 37 Cachers, we start a journey to Australia and New Zealand via Doha.In Qatar we spent one night and had almost one full day before heading to Sydney.In Australia we visit the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Cairns. In New Zealand will be Aukland, Rotorua, Wellington, Blenheim, Christchurch, Dunedin and Queenstown.To safe Logbook space, we signed the logbooks with our team-name "DownUnder24".Our Teammembers are:\_gc_, AmoebeST, AndyausDu, B@cker-1, Biggidag, Brummelbren, CacheTaucher, cooljo, Fotopinguin, Freizeit-Tina, Gazelle5111, GEO Karen, GoanToni, Hfi1, hupsi-1, karrai*, Leilah03, lenny love, Lupus54, Maxipimpf, muschel3, Ollilein, Opaundenkel, penalty96, Rheins, Simowl, sozioma, Sr. Elli, Team Zyanor, viko76, Webmasterrollerin, Whlhase, XenSuoThank you for the Cache.
Wir sind eine etwas grssere Geocachergruppe die von Frankfurt ber Doha nach Australien geflogen sind. Hier haben wir schon einiges an Sightseeing gemacht sowie drumrum Caches gertselt, gesucht und geloggt. Dieser hier war ein Teil von unseren Entdeckungen und Erlebnissen. Vielen Dank frs Hegen und Pflegen dieses Caches. Greetings from Germany/Luxembourg
Found this cache on a 21-day trip to Australia and New Zealand with a night of stopover in Qatar.In Qatar we have an evening and almost a full day of geocaching before we take the long flight to Downunder.In Australia we will visit the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, and Cairns. Our stays in New Zealand will be in Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington, Blenheim, Christchurch, Dunedin and Queenstown.We are a group of 38 Geocachers from Germany and Denmark - At geocaches that we visit as a group, we sign the logbooks with our team-name "Team DownUnder24" to safe the owners a lot of space in the logbooks.The following Geocachers are members of Team DownUnder24:gc, AmoebeST, AndyausDu, B@cker-1, Biggidag, Brummelbren, CacheTaucher, cooljo, Fotopinguin, Freizeit-TinaGazelle5111, GEO Karen, GoanToni, Hfi1, hupsi-1, karrai *, Leilah03, lenny love,Lupus54, Maxipimpf, muschel3, OllileinOpaundenkel, penalty96, Rheins,Simowl, sozioma,Sr. Elli, Team Zyanor, viko76, Webmasterrollerin, Whlhase, XenSuoTFTC, Team Zyanor
Mit 37 Geocachern, aus Deutschland, Dnemark, Luxemburg und der Schweiz, ging es auf groe Reise. Drei Wochen nach Australien und Neuseeland, beginnend mit einem Zwischenstopp in Doha in Katar. So lange und so weit weg von zu Hause war ich noch nie. Eine aufregende Zeit.Beim Geocaching lag der Focus auf viele unterschiedliche Cachetypen, aber auch besondere Wertungen, Challenges und besonders ein paar sehr alte Caches aus den Jahren 2000 und 2001. Aber auch natrlich ganz besonders die Geocaches, die zu Fu vom Hotel aus gut erreichbar waren.Natrlich wurde stand aber nicht nur das Geocaching im Mittelpunkt, sondern auch die Sehenswrdigkeiten der einzelnen Stationen, die wir besuchten, verdienten ihre Aufmerksamkeit.In die Logbcher trugen wir uns mit unserem Teamnamen "Downunder 2024" ein, Logbuchplatz sparend und effizient.Es war eine ganz besondere Reise im groen Team, das auch sehr viel Spa gemacht hat.Heute war wieder einmal Reisetag. Ganz frh ging es von Cairns nach Gold Coast und nach einem lngeren Aufenthalt dort, mit ein paar besonderen Geocaches, ging es am frhen Abend weiter nach Auckland in Neuseeland.Aufgrund der Vielzahl der Caches reicht es berwiegend nur zu einem Einheitslog, fr den ich mich bei den unterschiedlichen Ownern hiermit schon mal entschuldigen mchte.Danke fr diesen Geocache. Danke fr die Ausarbeitung. Danke frs Zeigen.Lieber Gru aus Duisburg / DeutschlandAndyDieser Logeintrag wird mit Hilfe von Google bersetzt.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________We set off on a long journey with 37 geocachers from Germany, Denmark, Luxembourg and Switzerland. Three weeks to Australia and New Zealand, starting with a stopover in Doha, Qatar. I have never been so long and so far away from home. An exciting time.When geocaching, the focus was on many different cache types, but also special ratings, challenges and especially a few very old caches from the years 2000 and 2001. But also, of course, especially the geocaches that were easily accessible on foot from the hotel.Of course, the focus wasn't just on geocaching; the sights of the individual stations we visited also deserved attention.We entered our team name Downunder 2024 in the logbooks, saving logbook space and efficiently.It was a very special trip in a large team, which was also a lot of fun.Today was travel day again. Very early we went from Cairns to Gold Coast and, after a longer stay there with a few special geocaches, we continued on to Auckland in New Zealand in the early evening.Due to the large number of caches, there is usually only one standard log, for which I would like to apologize to the different owners.Thanks for this geocache. Thanks for the elaboration. Thank you for showing me.Kind regards from Duisburg / GermanyAndyThis log entry is translated with the help of Google.
Dieser schne Multi fhrte uns ans Meer zu einem kleinen feinen Aussichtspunkt mit grandioser Sicht. Die verschiedenen Ziffern konnten wir allesamt gut finden. Nur die letzte Station bereitete uns zuerst etwas Kopfzerbrechen, da die Koords bei der offensichtlichen Nummer in den Ozean zeigten.. Schlielich wurden wir im Team doch noch fndig. We logged with our team name Downunder 2024. Thank you very much for the cache!
Geocachers on tour. We are a travel group with almost 40 people from Germany and we log with Downunder 2024 to save space. We visited this cache Paradise Series - Currumbin today and it is in the logbook. Thank you very much
38 cachers from , and made a tour with a stopover in and visiting and to get lot of impressions from Down Under.We log with Team DownUnder24 to save space in the logbooks.The following Geocachers are members of Team DownUnder24:_gc_AmoebeSTAndyausDuB@cker-1BiggidagBrummelbrenCacheTauchercooljoFotopinguinFreizeit-TinaGazelle5111GEO KarenGoanToniHfi1hupsi-1karrai *Leilah03lenny loveLupus54Maxipimpfmuschel3OllileinOpaundenkelpenalty96RheinsSimowlsoziomaSr. ElliTeam Zyanorviko76WebmasterrollerinWhlhaseXenSuoDay 11: Fly-Day from Cairns to Auckland with 5 hours stopover at the Gold Coast. Uber was happy about so many people going to several caches. TFTC from Bavaria
We are also part of the large tour group from Germany and passed this cache today. We are from Ismaning/Bavaria. We had a great time in Australia. For reasons of space, we have entered the logbook as **DownUnder 2024**.*Greetings from the sunny south of Germany.***Thanks to all owners for caring and caring.****IN: NOTHING****OUT: NOTHING****TFTC Leilah03***A game for all ages! Worldwide* **GEOCACHING*
Gefunden im Team DownUnder24. Danke fr den Cache
On my journey through Australia I passed many beautiful places. It is very impressive. Thank you very much. Greetings from Germany, muschel3
After arriving in Gold Coast for a short stop we discovered the surroundings by looking for some caches. "Paradise Series - Currumbin" was one of them. We could find the needed informations with the help of Google and at the end the final box too. All was in good condition. We were very pleased about this. Thanks Crew 153
I went back after I got some help from the CO with the numbers. Please note that you aren't looking for a small number on the door. Even though it starts the same way. The parking lot was still open but nobody was manning the station so I got in free as it was after business hours. Made the short hike back to GZ and got the find! Sweet. Thanks for the cache.
... found the required info at wp2 but the math puts me in the ocean ....
Down on the Goldy for a CITO and event this morning. Now I'm off to find a few more while I'm here.Had been here before for an extensive search and couldn't find it. Was confirming coordinates with a friend and walked straight up to it!Mozzies were friendly!TFTC
I started this old multi 2 years ago, visiting the first waypoint on my family Christmas break at Coolangatta. Unfortunately, most of the the crooked clan got a good dose of covid and I never managed to return to finish it off. On Christmas eve, I visited the first waypoint again to reconfirm my workings and then ambled off to the 2nd waypoint. Here, I searched for the clue. I did find a few numbers with the correct syntax, but the calculated final for these numbers put me about a kilometre our to sea from waypoint 1 ! So, I reached out to the CO with all my workings and he nicely provided me with what was needed. I can't usually find the milk in the fridge, so it is no surprise I couldn't find what was needed here. Today, on my way home from holidays, I diverted here, surprised to see the nearby parking empty and the establishment closed. The recent storms have certainly taken their toll. I managed to park very close and soon enough made the find. Everything was in good order here. Glad to tick off this oldie. Enjoyed this one. Many thanks for your help Crew123.Pete#7,547
Spending a couple of days down the Gold Coast with geo-friends and I need some old caches crossed off my list and this one is close to where we're staying.I think we chose the right time to visit it as we were able to park fairly close. Wandered around in circles at first then go serious and soon had the cache in hand. Log signed and cache replaced as found. TFTC
TFTC smile 17304 out and about on a lovely day having a great day with geofriend Thank you Crew 153 for placing this cache for our enjoyment
Well after we finally figured out where we could sneak a car park in we spotted almost immediately! All good here. I let MrGravel do the logging pleasures Wink TFTC
After a fantastic visit to the Wildlife Sanctuary we got started on this multi. The wind on top of the lookout was so strong it felt like we would blow away. Ended up coming back today to complete and made the find. TFTC!
We had the wrong coordinates for this one again on this tranquility series so we had to send over to double confirm. We thought we had the right phone number but maybe it was our math that failed us. The correct coordinates brought us exactly to the tree. Thanks!
This cache and I have some history. Most of it recent.

Amusing considering how long its been here.
I lived in kenmore, Brisbane back then. A lifetime ago.

So I had a good look for this before I left for NZ, visiting the epic waypoints showcasing the area. Got my scrub turkey on for a good while at the time, semi confident it wasn't about.

So when passing through town again on my way north I saw that this one was there for sure this time.
It was already evening on my return bus trip from up somewhere chasing old comets and I'd eaten din dins, I thought why not, and walked the km and a half odd to a gz I knew well.

Then proceeded to night cache to gz.
This took some time, as you can rightly imagine.
And then suddenly, there it was.. in all it's torchlit glory.
Code awkwardly photoed for future reference, log signed, replaced, then I hightailed it outta there back to another bus stop.
Thank you crew153 for a very memorable multi.
Mini milestone cache too, at 4200 !
Surely a Monday would be the best time to visit. The weekend crowds wouldn’t be around, there would be plenty of car parks and basically we would have the beach to ourselves. Wrong!!!

We could see the lookout looking lonely and thought we could grab the required information in peace. Even if I made a wrong turn and ended up in the pub things would have been looking up. With no one around we could even have a rest halfway up the steps to regale in our busted athleticism.

Then we could see a group following us and then another. It was clear they were all waiting for us and suddenly there wasn’t any room at the lookout. Thankfully we didn’t look out of place.

We drove around to keep the multi ticking along and we’re happy we didn’t have to walk far to grab the hide. If you want to pick the best time to grab a car park, it would be during the next apocalypse. tftc
This one caught me out when I went for it way back in 2016. It may have been a case of cache blindness but more likely I made a mistake with the calculations and since I no longer have those, I had to start from scratch again today.

After redoing the calculations, I ended up in much the same area I recall being in before ... but this time, I found the cache almost straight away ... so I'm guessing my calcs last time were just a little bit out. The important thing, though, is that the 7 year old blue frown on my geo-map is now gone.

Thanks for a nice multi that took me to some interesting locations twice.
A nice little multi here which was solved without too much issue. Off to GZ the container was found quickly in the obvious spot thanks to a good hint (and made easier with lots of parking late in the day as visitors to the nearby attraction had left). Newish log is in excellent condition.

Thanks, Crew 153!
Interesting fun multi. TFTC Crew 153.
Tricky sneaky blighter! Had a great day discovering more of an area I have visited before
I knew I had the spot a few months back now with some maintenance from crew it is an actual find tftc
This is the first time I have visited the cache location since I put the cache there 17 years ago. The area has had a lot of growth and the access has changed dramatically. I didn't recognise the hiding spot. I have dropped in a new cache. I hope I will be able to check on it again in another 17 years.
Cache is back on line
If my plans work out I will be replacing the cache tomorrow.
Temporarily offline until I get a chance to replace it.
I had this one solved andnloces the starting location. Sadly at GZ, I found the tree, I found the prickles, but no cache. Think it's gone.

Thanks to Crew 153 for the fun and the adventure.
This geocacher reported that the cache might be missing.
Seeing this super old multi on the map, i simply had to give it a red hot go.
Loved the locations it took me, the first i stayed at a while enjoying where i was.
Unfortunately had no luck at gz, despite getting my scrub turkey on.

The world needs a scrub turkey emoji. A bin chicken one too.

Thanks anyway crew_153..
Hopefully better luck next time.
A nemesis cache. Mainly self inflicted. I’ve spent 3 days blundering about here, only to end up disappointed. Day 1 couldn’t see the trig marker. Day 2 found the trig marker, went to wp2, phone number put GZ offshore. Day 3 went back to wp2, found the other 1300 number (which actually is at wp2), and took the long way round to GZ. I came down a slope like Patrol14, saw the signs and mulch Brain noted, and found a spot 5m from GZ matching the hint like amber sparks. Unlike them, I didn’t make the find. CO confirmed I had correct coords- time will tell if I was just blind again, or if it’s gone.
After a lovely day spent at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary with my daugher and grandson for her birthday, I was looking at the map for a few caches to do before heading home to Brisbane.
This cache was close by and remembered visiting the start location some time ago.
WP1 info was gathered and photo taken at the top of the rock, I made my way to the final coords.
Not sure where I was going but managed to not fall down the slope and after looking around at GZ, found a likely hide. Yay!! found it. With logbook signed, returned as found.
Didn't realise this was another oldie!! Clue noted.

TFTC Crew 153
Found it TFTC
This morning, I topped up my go explore pass, hopped on a bus and headed up to Currumbin to go and find some caches.
I ended up wandering in the direction of Palm Beach and targeted a few hides in particular, though I didn't get quite as far north as I expected, having somewhat overestimated my phone battery's mileage!

The Paradise Series had piqued my interest, so I set about tackling this multi first.
The plaques down the bottom were located and the appropriate numbers extracted before I headed up the top and took in the views (and a few more numbers).
WP2 didn't pose any difficulties and the final coordinates looked pretty reasonable, so off to gz I went!

Finding the best route to access it puzzled me for a bit, but passing a sign warning against the dumping of mulch (one I would've normally been amused by for its odd specificity had the piles of mulch behind it not indicated that it was warranted - which is arguably weirder) brought me to where I needed to be.
A vague trail was sighted which thankfully led me up to gz without encountering any spiderwebs that seem to have beset the surrounding areas.
A likely hiding place was soon located and the container was retrieved, signed and replaced without hassle.

Thanks to Crew 153 for placing and continuing to maintain this cache! Smile
Found it. The hint helped as I was looking about 5m away. Such a lovely elated to holiday in. Tftc
Found while out on a caching day with Peppa. Glad to have some more oldies in my find list.
Blind Io

Chief of the gods of the Discworld. It is said that he isn't originally a Discworld god, that his universe suffered some catastrophe and he escaped and settled down on the Discworld. If that is true, he certainly has adapted well. If one really pays attention while listening to a high priest discussing the current celestial situation, one will realize that the celestial politics sound very much like a soap opera.
I’m down the coast with CaptainVimes caching today. We managed to snag a park at the rock and then again at WP2 to walk in and make a quick find. Thanks for the cache
This one I’ve had partially solved for a long time but I just couldn’t figure out some of the clues. Was in the area caching again and thought I’d give it a go. I noticed the clues have changed a bit making the calculations clearer so was able to find all the WPs without a problem a little stroll later and I have this elusive log book in hand. A find day for a walk.

Found it
Peppa and Catboy67 did all of the hard yards on this one for us. Giraffe and I just came along for the ride
The hills are alive with Peppa and CatBoy67 while PirateLinda and myself stayed lookout.
Down here for Swell Festival with PirateLinda, Giraffe18 and Catboy67… we saw all the installations… with Catboy67 and I guessing the asking prices for each piece… we all liked the $70,000 swirl, but our guesses were nowhere near high enough…

On the way back to the car we collected the required info and were able to visit GZ without much issue…

Pretty obvious we were in the right place, even after Catboy67 slid down part of the hill…

Tftc… an old cache to start the day… clue noted…
Did not find it we spent 1 hour looking for it
I think I have been to WP1 for this multi in the past, with family, as I had a flashback and then realised I already had a user inputted waypoint, but it looked wrong. I think I had limited time and couldn't find the trig number, but today I found where the trig marker was and re-did the rest of the waypoint.

I then had WP2 and slapped myself when I saw the location! I was here on my last drive through Gold Coast for the Dayboro Mega, would have walked right past the WP! So I knew exactly where to go and soon had that sorted.

GZ was also up a familiar road! During the Dayboro mega we were trying to find face masks in Gold Coast before we headed up to Brisbane as they were mandatory. The maps thought there was a chemist up this road but we couldn't find it, seemed like just a hospital Razz

But today there was a cache to find up here instead! Parked nearby and tumbled down the hill through the scrub a bit before making a quick find at GZ

Thanks! Great to have this 2005 multi completed!
Visiting from Western Australia. Enjoyed the climb up Elephant Rock. Spotted a couple of water monitors. Joined by a friend who lives in Queensland who has never climb the rock before. TFTC working on puzzle.
We collected all the information for this one yesterday afternoon just before dark. It pays to read all the description and questions very carefully, as we did have an error or two along the way. With that rectified, we had some numbers, but since it was dark we decided we would leave it until this morning.
Along the way, and collecting the information we really enjoyed the views of this beautiful area.
A lovely walk in a very famous location at the Gold Coast and we were soon at GZ. We had the car park to ourselves, as it was Anzac Day and everything here was closed. 
We found this container to be safe and dry in its hiding spot and have added our name.
Thanks Crew153 
Fabulous to pick up an oldie whilst on our trip south! TFTC
We stopped for a few caches on our way through the Gold Coast today. This was a nice old cache on our list. Signed with a monkier for the 5 of us that were travelling together. TFTC!
Brilliant part of the coast!! Shame word has got out to a few thousand others and ruined my ideal paradise. Must remember to limit my travel to the Goldie during school holidays.

Knowing there would be a few threatened and hungry mozzies in this sort of area, I went in unprotected to give the blood sucking blighters an even chance. Was pleasantly surprised their blood lust must have been sated as the aerial assault was left to one solitary mozzie that just landed and then dispatched.

The girls found this one while I had some problem remaining vertical while sliding in the mud on the embankment in pluggas. Thanks Crew 153 for keeping this oldie active.
It’s alway an eclectic list when you have a party of five travelling together. Everyone has different things on their radars and things they are working towards and collecting. Happy to collect another old one for my list here.
Stop two for the day and we found a perfect par right in the middle of the trifecta of finds.. A multi, virtual, and something to cross off my 152 QLD big things list! A quick find here and signed for all 5 of us! TFTC
An Easter long weekend means a roadtrip! Lockdown 3 ended in Melbourne last month so we had an opportunity to head north on a one-week journey to the Gold Coast. Clearly that one week was not a great estimate - we had to deal with NSW floods, Byron Bay lockdowns, and Queensland lockdowns. The rerouting meant Pacgirl had to fly home from Coolangatta and I kept heading north to the Dayboro Mega and then the Sunshine Coast. This became a caching trip where I targeted lab caches and earthcaches. After 6,500km and more than 3 weeks I finally got back home with approval from the Victorian government. Ultimately this trip didn't go as planned - it ended up being much, much better Smile!

Day 8 and after a few days at the Gold Coast I dropped Pacgirl off at the airport this morning. Now it's time for some serious caching! After visiting the Wildlife Sanctuary to see the rainbow lorrikeets I walked to this multi over some very muddy ground (the rain has been incessant). GZ was well away from any prying muggle eyes.
I'm pleased to find such an old cache (GC6), plus it's one more multi which puts me very close to logging all those "500 multis" challenges I have been signing over the years Big Grin.
Thanks, Crew 153.
Making a super early start this morning, Chamad, NayFee and myself headed to Currumbin to find some target caches before the CITO.
Enjoyed the views here today, collected the required information and made a quick find at gz.
Thanks Crew 153 for the fun multi and cache.
Out with Chamad and Willis007 for a spot of caching to grab our 12 different cache types for the day.

We enjoyed the walk around town completing this multi, it took us to some stunning locations including the sanctuary which I haven’t visited for some time. All the info was easy to find and straightforward.

Thank you for bringing us here.

#1923 - TFTC
Out today to grab a few target caches and collect 12 specific cache types in a day. With plans set during the week and a list made, today was to see if our plans worked out. It was an early start, I picked up Nayfee and Willis007 for today’s entertainment which started at Currumbin and then worked our way to Dayboro.

This cache was fun to do and I look forward to doing some more in this series. With the information easily acquired we went over to collect our reward. A nice cache, thank you for placing this one here and with the log signed and cache replaced as found it was time to continue with our list.
After working from home today, this afternoon, [@jesswrigley]( and I decided to head out to Currumbin. We aimed to join the 4pm lorikeets as per the virtual cache's recommendation, and then we jogged around the beach and inland forest area, before the storms hit later that evening.

We made our way around the area, visiting Waypoint 1 and climbing the lookout just as the storms started to blow in, and the winds were howling along the beach. Some nice views from the top, and once we gathered all the information, we proceeded to Waypoint 2 (of which we were only nearby), and then made the final drive to GZ. We parked up top, and walked down, where after a brief search, the area that matched the hint allowed us to make a reasonably quick find. There appeared to be many, many mosquitos swarming us while we got the contianer and logbook out to shame, ayye! The cache container and logbook were in good shape, and we also remembered to record the *Paradise Series* clue, for the future! Thanks Crew 153 for the cache placement and ongoing maintenance. A fun adventure!
Note that this geocache was logged with the *Team Warren* Davidwazza/jesswrigley stamp.
A nice adventure after a day working from home with Davidwazza! TFTC!
Great hide before I head back home

I had tried for this one over 2 years ago. But did not have the time to get the second waypoint plus as it turned out I was wrong with the 1st one. Anyway got the smiley for this old one. Tftc
After doing some caches around with my brother in law and his canine companion we started working out the clues for Waypoint 1. I did have a little help from the CO with one of the numbers and clarified that I had got the coordinates right but unfortunately have to leave the next part for another day. I'll be back.
Out caching with the Tough Mothers (Bennyboppers and Lisylou). Nice multi. TFTC!
Out with lisylou and mnance101 this weekend finished this one
Nice multi completed today, had started this a couple of years ago and didn't quite complete. Tftc
Yay yay found it
With DeafSanta
We found it with Deafphathom TFTC
Due to changes over the last 15 years a number of the questions had to be changed

Thanks to 1MinniMoo and Fangsoki for the assistance.

The cache has been relocated to an easier to find spot but there is still a lot of Asparagus fern around so be careful.
18/10/20 Find #4249
This was the cache find that almost wasn’t going to happen for me here today.
Fangsoki and I had decided on an easy and relaxed day out and about today, and had chosen to head to Currumbin for the virtual. With that, and an adventure lab bonus completed, we decided to stop for some lunch at a Filipino restaurant before heading back home.
And then we found ourselves chatting with the CO about this cache, and he asked if we could do a Waypoint info check for him.
So with bellies full we headed off and managed to secure ourselves a parking space at the published coords to begin the search for the required info. With photos taken of all info spots, it was time to send them through to the CO.... only to have him send me up the stairs again. Back I headed in the crazy wind, and soon had some more useable info so I headed back down to the car once more.
Next thing you know the CO suggested I head back up and count all the stairs. Now I wasn’t so aware of Crew153’s sadistic nature until today, and with my full belly and that strong wind I had no desire for a third trip. I’m sure he was laughing on the other side of those messages.
However with info at that location sorted we headed to the next waypoint to check that out, which was quite straight forward. So onto the final it was. And here we spent quite some time fruitlessly searching. But we did spot a nice location which was relayed back to the CO. And then finally Fangsoki noticed the cache, and with log signed Crew154 made the request that we move it out of the spiky plants and into the location we had mentioned previously.
Then it was time for the long journey home, where we finally stopped and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon/evening.
Thanks for the cache Crew 153.
We’ve been ‘working’ on this cache for a long time now. Collected the first few numbers at the first WP over 4 years ago and couldn’t get our numbers to work out. So we put it away until we had a bit more experience in this game. Fast forward to last weekend and we thought we’d have another crack at this one. We started from scratch again but couldn’t get the checksum to work for us. We reached out to the CO who kindly set us straight (thank you ). Today we set forth to finish what we’d started so long ago.
Our GPSrs were bouncing lots under here so we spread out and just began searching. There are lots of spikey asparagus vines covering the ground around here but at GZ the way the cache is placed they aren’t really a problem as the cache can be retrieved easily without touchimg the plant.

Such a good feeling to finally sign this log. Collected the clue for the final too.

Thanks for the cache and help Crew 153.
Third attempt and we have found it. You will need to provide an update at location 1.

Thanks for the adventure
Very frustrating cache. If you know the area or even if you use some common sense you can probably find WP1 without needing the math to add up. Not many 1300 numbers around. Cache is in good condition. TFTC
We had tried this cache previously and couldn't work out the answer for the number of posts as it didn't seem to literally add up! We recall a different fence up here quite a while back. We had more time today so worked a bit of logic with the possibilities and came with two sets of coordinates and neither matched the check sum!! We think that this anomaly will frustrate a lot of cachers. One set seemed to far away but the other set were close and a quick drive and bingo, is that a 1300 number we see?

Punched new co-ords into the Garmin and we quickly approached GZ. We just started our search when two trucks from Currumbin Sanctuary pulled up 15 metres away and started pruning some young gum trees with electric chainsaws. These must be grown for the Koalas at the sanctuary. One of the workers walked over to a spot directly below GZ so we took cover behind a tree for 5 minutes until she moved on. We had plenty of time to rule out several spots so we moved to an area that we couldn't see well from the tree. A bit of scratching around and something was spotted. Yes, the prize was ours. Signed and left a couple of trinkets. TFTC Crew 153.
Watawieh from Norfolk Island South Pacific.
This is one of the most difficult caches I have ever found. Gathering the correct clues is not easy as there are multiple options now. Having finally calculated the correct final coords I set off to find the cache. With so few finders there is no geo trail and the asparagus fern has taken over the area. I think I made 4 attempts to find this cache. The first 3 attempts all resulted a DNF ️ But having seen a recent find I made another attempt. While poking around with a stick it made a hollow sound. I had to remove a few months of falling leaf foliage to finally unearth the cache. I was delighted to finally this into a
Didn't answer something right as we are way off with our check count. Will go back another day
Couldn’t solve the puzzle at the first WP
Good challenge and pic helped find the actual cache
Out for lunch in Currumbin with some friends when we decided to find this geocache. Previous photo helped to put in in the right area to find the cache. Thanks!