COOEE Berowra, New South Wales, Australia
By GIN51E on 14-Jan-06. Waypoint GCT0DQ

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No trouble reaching GZ and correct altitude, but no sign of the cache despite seeing triangles everwhere in rocks and trees. Must borrow YurtJnr's eyes for the next attept at this one. The view was great from where I thought the cache should be.
Lid is cracked and letting in moisture, needs a new container I think.
We came in from the Berkeley Close entrance to the GN Walk down a steep bit at first then a nice level walk for about 500m until we dropped off the edge towards GZ. A few faint geocacher's trails led away so we followed one and got to an area giving us about 7 metres off GZ at the correct altitude. Dropped a small level and got a 1m from GZ reading so thought we were in going by the last two finders' comments. Searched here and there and tried to make sense of RAGs4x4's comment about "blending in". GPSr then sent us closer to the cliff, but not over it or even into a dangerous area. Looked for three-angled objects but nothing matched. Then the geoson spotted it and I had to assist to get it out. Larger than expected, the camo is wearing off and the official sticker has fallen off. Lid is also cracked so the log is ever so slightly damp even though it's in a ziplock bag. GPSr said 5m at GZ which is well and truly fine.

According to the logbook we were the first to find this in over a year and only the second in two years. Proves my theory that bush caches are going out of favour in this part of the world, many around here haven't been found for a year. Signed the log and looked for the TB but it's gone. Put it all back and I'd say that this cache rates a 3 for difficulty now so don't take it too lightly should you get here.
Spent some time looking for this one and retraced my steps a few times before I found it - in exactly the co-ords stated. Lovely view from the cache.

No problems to find GZ - according to our GPS's , but we didn't find the evil hide ...
Now that I can read the other logs again I realise it is obviously more difficult than I thought. I do wonder if it is fair to travel so far and then be faced with a difficult find. I did see what had been a triangular rock about 750mm on each side which looks as if it has been broken in half in an attempt to lift it with a log... if this is the site then it may have been muggled. There was something else which I won't detail but would like to discuss with the owner at some stage - so that when I come back next time I'm in Sydney I will have a better chance of finding it.

It certainly is a lovely spot and I will be back! Didn't try cooeeing - it was too quiet and pleasant listening to the birds.
GIN51E your an evil cacher! Now that I've been to GZ I know why others have struggled recently. The cache camo has become quite weathered so to speak and one can walk right over it an not even know! I like your way of thinking, took me about 1/2 an hour to cotton on to where it was and the GPS was spot on!
But coming this far into the bush and not being able to find the cache is that really fair? Hell yeah!!Wink If only for the views. Thanks for bringing us here well done. Took the TB and dropped off a TB.
No luck for me on this one despite a pretty good hunt. GPS had me near a "triangle" which I searched pretty thoroughly without success. There was only one angle I didn't check and I wasn't trying that without a safety harness! Lent in with the camera phone to see if there was something there but couldn't spot anything using that method. Searched the surrounding area as well, and as the GPS thought I was at abouot 136m wasn't going to try below, which would have been a terrain 6!

One for another visit perhaps. Lovely spot and views though, thanks GIN51E.
After seeing the last two logs we were expecting to run into difficulties but our son found it in the first place he looked luckily. Lovely spot & we sat and had our lunch here admiring the good views. We found a much easier route back to the path than the way we got there!
Left TB, thanks,
The Hancock Clan
After climbing up from Sams Creek, alpini and I walked along the fire trail. Upon reaching GZ we searched and searched.
The numbers made sense but what the hell is a Triangle. This made no sense to either of us and after some time and deepening frustration we left without a cache find.Sad
I'm sure I must be blind!
As tronador could not find that one it should have been unsheltererd. However I could not detect it either...
So one DNF for one of us.
After the trials and tribulations of Sams Creek we continued on our little stroll along this section of the Great North walk. From the aforesaid creek the track climbs and climbs. It's a very good track though and well maintained. Reaching the fire trail we headed along and soon came upon a very good lookout over Berowra Creek. Not long after we were at GZ which is also a very good view point of the water below. Found the cache after a brief search. The cache has an injury diagnosed as a depressed fracture of the lid. Still dry inside fortunately and we taped up the inside of the lid to hopefully keep it so for a while. Very nice cache location and one of many fine caches along this part of the track. We picked up the Wave Finder TB. Also traded a sewing kit for an interestingly shaped pencil sharpener. Thanks GIN51E
Did this the hard way by walking in from Crosslands, a nice walk except the 180m climb was rather hot in todays conditions. The GZ itself was lovely with a cool breeze.
TNLN, thanks.
Too many cicadas out today to hear our cooees. Lovely spot -
no one on the water or on the track. Took post it notes -
left novelty sharpner. Thanks
Damn clouds are really starting to burn off now exposing us to the full sun and the heat is rising, going to be a hot walk out.

I wonder how many times I was within mm's of this one and missed it again and again, sneaky.

Dropped a trackable. Nice views.
09:40 Hrs
The day was beginning to heat up as we made our way along the trail toward this cache. There were lovely views of the river below, and the cache was found by Usat31 as we all searched the area around GZ.
After returning the cache we stopped to admire the view from the lookout that is just a little further along the trail.


Thanks GIN51E.
Hellooooooooooooooooo........... anybody there?????? Yep - 7 canoe's on the water below.
Continuing on our walk through this lovely area, we had this cache in hand fairly quickly before we sat to enjoy the view for a while before moving on.
TNLN - Thanks for bringing us here GIN5IE
A pleasant walk in, then it went a little pear shaped. I followed the track and left it at just the right moment. When I arrived at the point where I finally found the cache, the GPS indicated another 9m, so I duly made my way there, then it pointed back to where I had just come from, so I made my way back.
45 frustrating minutes later, I finally located the cache. Having found it I was finally able to sit back and appreciate the beauty of the spot.
After scrambling back down from "What a View" the GPS indicated the Cache was way down there somewhere. I was by this stage, getting a little tired of the climbing so I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled up just short of the cliff edge. What is it about you guys and cliffs? Thankfully this one was not as bad as "Meaning of Berowra" so I was happy. Tried a Cooeee but it was too windy. Thanks for taking us there.

Took: Ball
Left: Hulk

2nd cache of the day with a nice easy stroll
!nce @ gz the find was a bit harder
almost standing on top of the cache
1 last rock check by parradox found the cache
with the hint being a bit of with shapes as this is brocken
TY gin51e
Good spot. Great cache. Thanks Gin51e!


Great view from here and very sneaky hide (loved it). Only found it when I just happened to spot that tell-tale sistema blue clip out of the corner of my eye. Thanks for the fun hunt.
Took nothing left bouncy ball.
Great view and great hide.
Great view - long uphill battle.

[This entry was edited by asho on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 8:06:06 PM.]
went back today and found it straight away Smile
looked for about 20min but no luck
Went for a bushwalk from Berowra to the Berowra Ferry and this is the second of five caches found on the walk. Took TB LN Thanks GIN51E
Having completed other caches in the area, we parked at the usual spot in Berowra and followed the fire trail.Great North Walk to the cache. Yet again, a great view of the river below. Dropped off Cri-Kee TB, TN.
More useful trivia time.
Cooee was on of the first aborigine words adopted by the early settlers.
Nice location and we passed here before doing some other caches in the area
makes for an enjoyable walk.
Left badge.
Took badge.
Found this cache with the help of the clues provided. The rock formations were interesting as was the views.
Took Face Sticks, Left 6 Hangable Clips and a Crocodile clip.
Thanks GIN51E. Regards Philma.