Count of all caches found: |
220 found on 80 caching days with 272 days total (29.4% caching days). |
Average overall: |
2.75 finds per caching day, 0.81 per day, 5.66 per week and 24.6 per month. |
Longest phase with a find: |
4 days from 02. Jan. 2010 to 05. Jan. 2010 |
Longest phase without a find: |
12 days from 12. Apr. 2010 to 23. Apr. 2010 |
Most finds on a single day: |
11 finds on 24. Aug. 2010 |
Best caching weekend: |
10 found on Saturday 06. Feb. 2010 and Sunday 07. Feb. 2010 |
Best calendar week: |
22 found from Monday 01. Feb. 2010 to Sunday 07. Feb. 2010 |
Total cache to cache distance: |
1579 km |
Nearest find: |
0.5 Km, Zahlenspiel (Auckland) (GC1JDYJ) |
Farthest find: |
58 Km, Flashback to the Silence (Auckland) (GC20F84) |
Northernmost find: |
S 36° 21.160, Matakana Presents-- (Auckland) (GC1KC3C) |
Southernmost find: |
S 37° 11.302, Auckland Stash (Auckland) (GC4B) |
Westernmost find: |
E 174° 25.257, the vege Cave (Auckland) (GC295V4) |
Easternmost find: |
E 175° 13.170, Kohukohunui (Auckland) (GC29BVT) |
Cache centroid: |
Lat: S 36° 52.162, Lon: E 174° 40.409 (Show on map) |
Oldest cache found: |
Cache placed on 25. Jun. 2000 (3732 days old): Auckland Stash (Auckland) (GC4B) |
Newest cache found: |
Cache placed on 12. Sep. 2010 (1 days old): Geocaching Skills Day Version 2 (GC2A18A) |
Most cache types within a day: |
3 different cache types on 12. Sep. 2010 |
Logs written: |
Total of 230 logs, total length 50678 chars (Average: 220 chars) |
Shortest log: |
34 chars at Flashback to the Silence (Auckland) (GC20F84): Show log |
Longest log: |
1303 chars at Kohukohunui (Auckland) (GC29BVT): Show log |
Archived caches: |
5 (2.27%) |