Gallery of log for The Toppers Club

Mt Twynam, Kosciuszko National Park, NSW.
Height: 2195 meters

The Good:
RexTrex boldly plants a hoof on distant Mt Kosciuszko and poses for his 'The Toppers Club' picture taken from Australia's rooftop. (RexTrex smiles.)

The Bad:
Moments later, RexTrex is advised by friends that the cache he has just visited (GCF7-Used to be Australia's Highest)is a mere 723m at 14 degrees (True) from this location and this Topper does not count. (RexTrex cries - not a pretty sight.)

The Ugly:
Further, his friends advise him that on a secret web page, accessible only to Aussies and not to Kiwis, there is a rule saying anyone who has the bad taste to place their clodhopper on top of Mt Kosciuszko during a picture shoot is fined by having to achieve one further DNF of The Toppers Club before being allowed to try again to join that select band. (RexTrex breaks down - please hide the geokiddie's eyes!)

The Boast:
(RexTrex whispers) I can't do that. Or can I?
(Slightly louder) I might be able to do that!
(RexTrex swells like a Mr Toad) I CAN DO THAT!
Look for me back here, gasping from lack of air after some incredible climb to a mountain-top cache, boldly claiming a DNF to offset my lack of taste through a misplaced boot, so that once again I will have a chance to join the REAL Toppers Club! (RexTrex exits stage left, whistling.)