Logs for Conan_The_Librarian 

Pic was taken with wide angle for fun 
Yeeeaaah, Potty! 
Signed a rock and added it to the canister 
I think someone has mail 
Found the location, was within 2 meters of it but couldn't find any capsule. Searched within the pinned location for 45mns, even had a holiday maker come out of his caravan and help. I think I know exactly where it was supposed to be but come to the conclusion that in recent light of the extreme, devastating weather in the area that ot has been blown away. 
The hint was too easy 
Found! Was no pen or writing utensil but happy to have nabbed it. Was a bit worried about my 100kg plus frame jumping onto the large hammock, or taking a flight on the rooe swing. There's another cute swing there though