Logs for Firinel 

Hehe running interference for each other while late night shopping was on. Definitely easier with two people. Smile 
Tipsy with ma gal Cat.Rogers01! Success!!! 
Wooooowwwwww. Maybe this was an easy find when it was created... but I just spent an hour, half of it literally crawling through thick jungle- like stuff because there was no mini path. I've never seen so many huge spiders! The footing was unsafe and I ended up leaving the bush and walking through a field to climb through a fence and walk back to my car (I still have about 20 mi s walk to go) along the road because I simply couldn't get back to the main walk path; it was too dense. :/
Think I should have just gone straight to Bunnings afterall! 
My second try. Spent some time searching carefully to no avail. :/ 
Woot! Found it. Smile now to get my butt home and go to work! ;D 
Great to be out walking my dogs and caching at the same time. Smile found this one pretty easily. Thanks! 
Yay! Great find although my compass still said I was 23m away.... TFTC. Smile 
A nice little wander in completely inappropriate shoes and finally found this surprising little cache. Cool. Smile TNLNSL 
Wow... The newbie goes impromptu night geocaching only to learn it's a nano!? None the less, after quite some searching in the dark amongst multiple red back spiders, I finally found this tiny gem. TFTC awesome! 
Hm... decided to do some night geocaching and set out all enthusiastic. Spent half an hour looking again and again in every nook and cranny. Everyone else says it's an easy find. Maybe it's been taken? 
Enthused by my first ever find this morning, I left my car on the side of a busy road and walked through the bush to my next adventure. I then proceeded to spend an hour at this huge metal structure looking for something magnetic, sticking my fingers into hidden spider webs.... with delinquent muggles sometimes throwing glass down on me from above... but found nothing. Sad
Everyone else seemed to find it by using a systematic approach and I think I did the same. Obviously not? 
Easy find, good for a first timer. Very Happy TNLNSL 
Oh no! My phone's nearly put of batteries! :O
But this easy find made my day. Smile TFTC 
After a little bit of searching, and some cursing of the pointer, this well disguised cache was a sight for sore eyes. Smile 
A very confusing one as my compass kept directing me around an around in circles. Should have followed my gut though. Once I decided to do that, I found it quickly. Smile 
My phone ran out of juice soon after I narrowed the area down to about two square metres but I still couldn't fins it after a good half hour looking. 
After a disappointing and unsuccessful search at the previous site, this one proved much easier. Smile TFTC