Logs for Impala63 
This trip was suddenly decided. We saw it was possible and get up and down in a day. That is, the dog must not be with others more than one for a few hours. Then there and try and come to a new giga event. It wasn't quite the way we thought. We wanted and brought with us what was of TB but it did not happen when we thought it was expensive and come in when we had only been there for half an hour. Then there were the caches we had looked at before we came here. We arrived by taxi to the giga event, but it was difficult to find the tram and the U course. Luckily we got the help of a young girl who made us come in the right place. We didn't know that where we would go it was running today. You hadn't said anything about that. It was stupid. We got some things with us but we struggled with and get where we wanted. This will be a common log for the trip.
Thanks to all the co's for the ones we got today.
Thanks also to those we traveled with today.
Thanks to all the co's for the ones we got today.
Thanks also to those we traveled with today.
We started on Friday by moving here. The time had passed on Saturday so we took the maze before we went to bed. We saw that we could get 13 variants on Saturday 12+ lab. Then it was right to the hotel and some sleep. It got up early and it was like taking someone on my way to Giga. It was nice that there were not so many here. Just take care so we could find lab caches in the area here. We left for an hour here so proceeded to collect the other variants and we got it. It resulted in a late night.
On a four day roadtrip together with team NorG; Titi89, Vatvedt, Ulva2004, Impala63, A9taL, Ayorama, teambernås and BenderBones
On a four day roadtrip together with team NorG; Titi89, Vatvedt, Ulva2004, Impala63, A9taL, Ayorama, teambernås and BenderBones
This was a good trip planned but did not make back what we thought we would get caught. We flew from Oslo to Amsterdam and so we should take 5 countries in one day and return from Dusseldorf. Thought they had come further in the spring but they were not so much before us. Possible that it becomes a month but had thought that it might be longer. We should get with the old in the Netherlands and Belgium. They got us. Then there were those we get in Norway. Such as virtual, web camera and finally it was the favorite points and a bit old as we wanted to get with us. Travel plan went down the drain in one day when we spent some time in Amsterdam and it resulted in slightly fewer than we had thought. Just 1 and last day was shorter than 12 hours. We had rented a car in advance so we knew what we were going to run. There was another when we got a good dil that we conceded a bit cheaper as it was going to Germany again. Accommodation we had not booked and it was a good thing since we changed a bit on the trip. We got when different quality to them. From key and data cards. We can recommend the hotel in Florenville although not all could Engesk there was a fine hotel. Some view that we should only sleep there. Those who traveled were A9taL, Toaas, Reskoi, Ulva2004 and I.
This is a Call history for Saturday. We started with a good beakfest at the hotel. There we say hello to other Norwegian cachers. Then we went to giff. We was lucky an got a parking spot not many left. We got the registration and then we walked around and see the People With the big TB. We think they live not far from here. We was hear before the shop opend and the was to many People to get something here. Then we had saved the Money to other Things. After a trip around we got some caches and we left the area and got some more caches type.
This is a Call history for Saturday. We started with a good beakfest at the hotel. There we say hello to other Norwegian cachers. Then we went to giff. We was lucky an got a parking spot not many left. We got the registration and then we walked around and see the People With the big TB. We think they live not far from here. We was hear before the shop opend and the was to many People to get something here. Then we had saved the Money to other Things. After a trip around we got some caches and we left the area and got some more caches type.