Logs for LoboBranco 

## **Update** ##Our team is almost complete. We have a European representative Portugal (LoboBranco), an American representative USA (tori_anne1242), a representative from Oceania Australia (smallwombat) and a representative from Asia (Japan) (molleec). We are also looking for a representative on the missing continent (Africa - South Africa. Is there anyone willing to join this team?Team Name - WORLD WIDE CACHE 5 CONTINENTS TeamEurope (Portugal) LoboBranco (Completed)America (USA) - tori_anne1242 (Completed)Africa (South Africa) - ????Oceania (Australia) smallwombatAsia (Japan) molleecGeocachian greetings 
Hey guys!A new team is being formed. We already have a European representative Portugal, **LoboBranco**, an American representative USA, **tori_anne1242**, and a representative from Oceania Australia, **smallwombat**. We are looking for representatives in the other 2 missing continents (Africa - South Africa and Asia - Japan). Is there anyone willing to join this team?Team - WORLD WIDE CACHE 5 CONTINENTSYours sincerelyGeocachian greetings