Logs for Pebbles&Co 
Well Mr Pebbles agreed to drive me about and I had spotted a this of caches which would be good for me and the geodogs to attempt. We had a problem finding somewhere to park but eventually we managed it. In the end I decided to just take my young dogs Meggie with me and as there are a few trees down on the tracks that turned out to be the right decision. I grabbed my rucksack and stick and we headed of down the track. Now I started at No 19. I searched more than one place before finding the cache as per the hint
Thanks to the Kirret for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 45921
This is 1 of 29
Thanks to the Kirret for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 45921
This is 1 of 29
I have managed to pursuade Mr Pebbles to let me have a weekend away in the motorcaravan. I spotted this series and two more close together and not that far from Alconbury where there is a campsite. We parked near to the church in Upwood and I got out and grabbed waterproofs, my rucksack with my lunch and the two older geodogs rosie and Honey. Meggie is still too young for a walk of this length being only 6 months old. I decided to leave the Upwood Out N Ubout caches as I was planning that series for tomorrow. I trusted the GPS for this one as the hint was really not very helpful. Fortunately the grid was good so I soon spotted the cache
Thanks to the Burton Kidz for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 30823
This is 41 of 59 caches today
Thanks to the Burton Kidz for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 30823
This is 41 of 59 caches today
At last I get an opportunity to have a weekend away and we are back to my favourite part of the country, Cambridgeshire or at least its boarder. I spotted this series and a couple more near to a campsite and decided to come here. As at it Friday I did not get a full day with travelling and so the length of this week suited. I need a puzzle cache for a challenge near to Winchetser and so I had solved a few of the local ones before coming away. We parked up near to the church micro and I got out. I had already had lunch so I grabbed my waterproofs and the older too geodogs, Rosie and Honey. I think I found all the caches without too many problems. I looked carefully for the footpath and once at GZ quickly found the cache. One or two of the stiles where not that dog friendly.
Thanks to the poshrule for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 30741
This is 2 of 43 caches today
Thanks to the poshrule for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 30741
This is 2 of 43 caches today
At last I get an opportunity to have a weekend away and we are back to my favourite part of the country, Cambridgeshire or at least its boarder. I spotted this series and a couple more near to a campsite and decided to come here. As at it Friday I did not get a full day with travelling and so the length of this week suited. I need a puzzle cache for a challenge near to Winchetser and so I had solved a few of the local ones before coming away. We parked up near to the church micro and I got out. I had already had lunch so I grabbed my waterproofs and the older too geodogs, Rosie and Honey. I think I found all the caches without too many problems. I decided to detour of the Broughton Bananarama series for this cache. I can never resist a church micro and I do not expect to be back this close for a while. With the hint the cache was soon located and the first place I looked
Thanks to the poshrule for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 30766
This is 27 of 43 caches today
Thanks to the poshrule for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 30766
This is 27 of 43 caches today
At last I get an opportunity to have a weekend away and we are back to my favourite part of the country, Cambridgeshire or at least its boarder. I spotted this series and a couple more near to a campsite and decided to come here. As at it Friday I did not get a full day with travelling and so the length of this week suited. I need a puzzle cache for a challenge near to Winchetser and so I had solved a few of the local ones before coming away. We parked up near to the church micro and I got out. I had already had lunch so I grabbed my waterproofs and the older too geodogs, Rosie and Honey. I think I found all the caches without too many problems. This was the first cache and I followed the GPS to GZ and made a qucik find.
Thanks to the poshrule for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 30740
This is 1 of 43 caches today
Thanks to the poshrule for placing the cache for our enjoyment
Thanks for the cache
Find number 30740
This is 1 of 43 caches today
We are staying at Ashwell in the camping and caravan certificated site for the bank holiday weekend. I had discovered three shortish series close to Ashwell for todays excursion. I had spotted the series at Bassingbourne and so we headed that way this morning. We stopped for the new little bridges and a few other things before heading to a parking place for the Bassingbourne Blitz. After the Blitz I intended to head to Kneesworth but as always there were a few caches on the way. Mr Pebbles parked by the side of the telephone box and I walked down to the church. I spotted what I needed and soon felt the cache. Unusual adornement.
Thanks for placing this cache for our enjoyment.
Thanks for the cache.
Find Number 29034
This is 24 of 60 caches today
Thanks for placing this cache for our enjoyment.
Thanks for the cache.
Find Number 29034
This is 24 of 60 caches today