Logs for Razzamadangle 

After a relaxing (short) morning walk we uncovered the cache.
We took a broom broom car and left behind a sewing kit.

Thanks again Kiwideb.

An enjoyable walk in a park much visited!
MAN, those flies. We were completely covered by flies...I'm sure we didn't smell!

Took Textas, Pens and Tic Tac Toe.
Left $1 coin, Aquacide pass and Mini card pack.

Thanks for an interesting walk KiwiDeb.
Well Hidden,
An ingenious way of making a small cache difficult to locate. We had seven people searching for quite a while, we checked and rechecked waypoints and eventually located the beastie.

A very enjoyable ride in the park! Found easily with the 8 of us galavanting around the bike tracks. Well done to Sean who risk the snakes.
Took mini-card pack and left a novelty pen

Thanks folks!
Our first group Cache. GPS took us straight to the location and 30 seconds later, bingo.
We didn't make a swap as we didn't have any seeds.
Thanks Quasar