Logs for afonso_loureiro 

This is the world's biggest Portuguese Flag! It was raised with a crane on September 11th 2005. It is 20x12 meters (240 square meters) and can be seen a few kms away.

The proof is on an excerpt taken from the Town Hall official web-page (http://www.cm-lisboa.pt/?id_item=10143&id_categoria=11)

Three pictures to show just how big this flag is!

"O Alto do Parque Eduardo VII recebeu, no dia 11 de Setembro, uma mega bandeira de Portugal, oferecida à cidade pela Ambelis - Agência para a Modernização da Base Económica de Lisboa, numa cerimónia que contou com a presença do presidente da Câmara, António Carmona Rodrigues, do ex presidente, Pedro Santana Lopes, e do presidente da Ambelis, João Pessoa e Costa.

A bandeira ergue-se, desde a cerimónia de oferta à cidade no topo de um enorme mastro, com 35 metros de altura, e tem a dimensão de 20mx12m, numa área de pano de 240 m2 - ou seja, é a maior que existe actualmente, tendo requerido uma grua para a sua colocação. A sua localização no Alto do Parque Eduardo VII permite que seja vista de muitos pontos da cidade e, até, da Margem Sul."
38º minutes.day N
9º hours.seconds W

15:45:54 22/12/2005 

After a quick trip to Massachussets (is it spelled right?) I came back with all the answers...


He he he, I've found it!

Thanks to Lopesco for pointing this cacheout! Nice idea! 
This is a Gargoyle on a 14th century church, in Alvito (Portugal). Its one of the few churches on the Alentejo Province which is completely painted yellow, instead of the usual white.
The gargoyle represents a demon playing panpipes. 

N 38° 42.614 W 009° 10.511
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This is the 25 de Abril Bridge, in Lisbon. It was built in 1966 and it was named after Salazar, the leader of the fascist regime. It's very similar to Golden Gate and it was built by the same company American Bridges.
It crosses the Tagus River and has a lenght of 2.578 km. It's main span of 1.013 km is the second largest in Europe and one of the largest in the world!
The first two photos are the crossing of the bridge at dawn.
The last photo shows the bridge in the evening.

[last edit: 5/24/2003 3:10:44 AM PST]