Logs for beesechurger 

Spiders and bats 
Living like a true troll 
Gotta love nature 
Easy find, left something nice with breezy1719 
Warning submerged objects: @Breezybree1719 is one of them 
Found with breezy1719 easy find 
Aim for the bushes, found with breezy1719 
Trees w/breezy1719 
Found immediately but F***EN DEREK! needs a new log as it was just filled completely, found with breezy1719 
Sexually aroused some metal with breezy1719 
Easy breezy, Found with breezy1719 
We almost fell, gotta love trees w/breezy1719 
"Looking north along the crescent from Hamilton road" found with breezy1719:) 
Bugged me 
Found with family on mother's day 
Annoying at first but then tried using common sense, breezy1719 was stressed as 
Went searching with breezy1719 easy and fun find and put a little red surprise in there for the next person 
Piggieback rides are fun, very fun cache to find. Found with breezy1719 
Carrying breezy1719 on my shoulders is great, muggles everywhere but a fun cache to find 
Messing around and came across it, very sneaky...