Logs for etltnen 

Looking at the map now, this cache seem to be in a different location than where my GPS
wanted me to look (in the corner of the park). It took ages to find sufficient satellite cover
here, must return another day.

Way too busy to do a proper search here, I will return.

Muggles here were of the placid variety, too occupied with their cans of Special Brew
to notice me 'tying my shoelace', TFTC, Toby 
Again a very obvious clue, but no cache found, at least you could pretend a 'call of nature'
in this location, while searching for the cache !

Superbly placed cache, as long as nobody is sitting right by GZ !
Sat down. reached for hint, and quickly signed. Hundreds of muggles
around, but nobody batted an eyelid, TFTC, Toby 
8 hint items to check, #4 paid off, TFTC, Toby